Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Pope has called IDF a terrorist oragnziation

Biden has turned

and the UK Head Defence secretary

and even Piers Morgan

Israel has a bad time coming
After helping in the slaughter these sons of bitches think they can wash the bloods of their hands and undo the crimes against humanity.
Pope has called IDF a terrorist oragnziation

Biden has turned

and the UK Head Defence secretary

and even Piers Morgan

Israel has a bad time coming

I don't see this at all.

These are just a few words and statements for people who think they ought to say something just to manage their own credibility, that's it, just a few words.

Who exactly is there in the world to give Israel any difficulty, can you suggest anyone? They can clearly with some bad pr, they know people will forget, including many Muslims.

The gulf Arabs and the Turks will do business in Gaza 2.0 not wanting to miss out on the economic opportunities.

People have been saying this from the start something will happen, if anything all Israel is showing is how immune they are to any one.

There was a lot of delusion and grandstanding in the previous incarnation of this thread in the old forum, it needs to change.
I don't think the Americans care much for the truce between the Saudis and the Houthis.
Good angle...
The truce between the Saudis and the Houthis was only allowed when it became clear that the Houthis couldn't be beaten by KSA.
hmm...yea....OR US is using the idea breaking a fragile Saudi-Yemen "truce" as an excuse for it backing out of doing what it thought it could and announced it would- deter and attack the Houthis to secure commercial shipping lanes in the red sea.
But the Houthis killing Americans will result in the escalation which no one, with the possible exception of Netanyahu personally, wants.
Are you sure? Some Americans have surely died in the over 100 attacks by Iraqi Shia resistance forces, and US's response wasn't very heavy, so i wouldn't make this assumption at this time- UAE and US will probably send one of their Arabian peninsula proxies -AQAP to attack the Houthis in attempt to deter or /and punish the Houthis.
For the past 2.5 months, several countries, including the Americans, don't want this to become a regional war because it will be catastrophic to all countries.
Biggest "catastrophe" US is afraid of it starting a war it can't win- the scope will be too wide for any considerable wins to be possible.
Are you sure? Some Americans have surely died in the over 100 attacks by Iraqi Shia resistance forces, and US's response wasn't very heavy, so i wouldn't make this assumption at this time- UAE and US will probably send one of their Arabian peninsula proxies -AQAP to attack the Houthis in attempt to deter or /and punish the Houthis.
Bolded part: If true some Americans have died then it would support my understanding that Americans don't want a bloody war against the Houthis. I think everyone knows that that war would not only result in American casualties in the Red Sea but also the Syrian/Iraqi militias targeting the tiny American bases in those countries. So far, there is very careful strategy by both the Americans and the Iranians to not go to the escalatory ladder against each other and both countries know that Israelis want that.
Biggest "catastrophe" US is afraid of it starting a war it can't win- the scope will be too wide for any considerable wins to be possible.
Can't disagree with that. As I said in the previous forum, however I have sliced and diced, a regional war will result in Israel's destruction and America's expulsion from the Middle East.
Of course. People get the government they deserve.
Its not so simple or direct, for example, internally divided societies- US and Nigeria are good examples, because of the internal divisions on these countries and societies, many "people"/citizens do not really get the "government they deserve", because often the govts/leadership take advantage of the internal divisions in society to corner their control of the national govt. Please dont ignore the legit and relevant reasons why people dont rise up and takeover from their govts, its not to easy, sometimes the reward is lots of death, and its ok that some citizens dont want to risk their lives like that (opposing govt).
this is institutional systematic organised dehumanisation of Palestinians
Yes, but i believe that can also be called Apartheid, Apartheid is a method of treatment, and how Israel treats Palestinians seems very similar to what Apartheid is.
they say IDF is a professional army of a democratic world and therefore cant be a terrorist organisation
small Gaza removed the catfish scamming face of the IDF- it is defnitely made of men with regular flesh and regular actually pathetic military bravery and performance.
they are right

they are a state sponsor of terror
Yes, and they did it this time right in front of the world....sfmh.....Biden was really right when he said "we can't go back to the status quo of before Oct. 7"- damn right we can't! new regional order in play.
Its not so simple or direct, for example, internally divided societies- US and Nigeria are good examples, because of the internal divisions on these countries and societies, many "people"/citizens do not really get the "government they deserve", because often the govts/leadership take advantage of the internal divisions in society to corner their control of the national govt. Please dont ignore the legit and relevant reasons why people dont rise up and takeover from their govts, its not to easy, sometimes the reward is lots of death, and its ok that some citizens dont want to risk their lives like that (opposing govt).

It's okay to disagree, as I keep mentioning. I will hold on to my opinion, thank you. Excuses merely divert the blame to others to avoid changing oneself, that is all.
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It must be devastating to the Israeli moral that even in the right wing Forbes channel, the comments are bashing Israel. No wonder the NY Times said shortly after October 7 that Israelis and their supporters are finding 'solace' on Fox News. But I am seeing that even in Fox News there is a slight shift--now there is more targeting of Biden than support for Israel. The Republicans are not going to miss the opportunity to bring down Biden.

Oh, the Indian backers of Israel in the blogspace are also much quieter now!! Why would they or others speak for a losing cause, which is becoming Israel's cause by the day.

Here's the Forbes video and enjoy the comments to the video! The video has 120,000 views in a mere 3 hours! Imagine the impact on the Americans--and impact has to happen in America for the American (and the Western policies, in sequence) to change.


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