Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel Uncovers Hamas Tunnel Complex and Recovers 5 Hostages’ Bodies​

Sarah Arnold | December 24, 2023 7:20 PM

AP Photo/Doaa AlBaz
Israeli troops found the bodies of five hostages on Sunday in a secret tunnel in Gaza.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) uncovered Hamas tunnel complexes by troops from the intelligence and engineering corps.

The tunnels included massive cave-like command rooms, toilets, and workspaces.
The bodies were identified as Warrant Officer Ziv Dado, Sgt. Ron Sherman, Cpl. Nik Beizer, Eden Zacharia, and Elia Toledano. They were brought into Israel and brought back to Israel.
“The bodies were transferred for examination to the Pathology Institute, where the circumstances of their deaths will be confirmed,” IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said in a statement. “We will update the families and then, with the families' approval, inform the public. We share in the families' sorrow and embrace them.

In a statement, the IDF explained the portion that led to the discovery of the bodies.
Not sure what objection you have against Palestinian tunnels in Gaza, it is their land and their defense method.

Gaza is becoming a graveyard for IDF:-

Turkey showing its toughness on soft targets in Kurdista:-

The Turks lost 12 occupation soldiers in Syria yesterday as they are supporting the Zionist genocide of Gaza and want the alCIAda and ISIS proteges to attack Syrian government troops and Axis to Resistance to take the pressure off the Zionists who are being humiliated by a few hundred Palestinian freedom fighters. Erdogan is as big a snake as his Zionist and US masters.

The Land Bridge: Arab Regimes' Complicity in Supporting Israeli Crimes against Palestine​


Middle East:While the Yemeni Armed Forces are closing the Red Sea and Bab-el-Mandeb Strait to the Zionist enemy, besieging and pressuring it in order to supply Gaza with food and medicine, the Arab regimes involved in normalization, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Jordan, rushed to open their territories and establish a land bridge to transport goods from the Persian Gulf to Haifa, compensating the enemy for the closed maritime route.​

This shameful scene reveals that the stance of these regimes has far exceeded the limits of complacency and reached direct participation in supporting and backing the enemy to continue its crimes against the Palestinian people.

The land bridge connecting Dubai and Haifa was revealed weeks ago in a report published by the Hebrew newspaper "Maariv," which explained that an agreement was reached between the Zionist enemy government, through the company "Trucknet," and the logistics services company Puretrans FZCO in the UAE, and DP World, the Dubai ports company, to transport goods from the UAE and Bahrain through a land route passing through Saudi Arabia and Jordan to the ports of Haifa. This is intended to compensate for the closure of the Red Sea route by the Yemeni armed forces against Israeli- bounded ships.

The Hebrew website "Walla" revealed this week that trial transport operations have been completed on this land bridge, and it is ready to transport short-lived goods such as "fresh" food products, according to the website, which indicated that this step may be a prelude to the future establishment of a railway line.

The Hebrew newspaper "Israel Hayom" stated on Sunday, that the land bridge cannot replace cargo ships, but it shortens the arrival time of some goods and "paves the way for a new Middle East in terms of trade relations between Israel and the region within the framework of the Abraham Accords." This clearly indicates that this land bridge represents a manifestation of the alignment of the collaborating regimes with the Zionist entity.

This land bridge represents a new condemnation of the normalized Arab regimes, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE, for their direct participation in the extermination of the Palestinian people. The eagerness to deliver goods to the enemy is part of their assistance to the enemy to continue its crimes and break the suffocating blockade imposed on it by the Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea. This confirms that the Gulf states and the normalized regimes see a great interest in the continuation of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The rush of these regimes to operate the land bridge highlights their shameful position that they have maintained since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza. Their condemnation and denunciation statements were merely superficial facades to mitigate the impact of their real position, which is full alignment with the Israeli enemy and support for its brutal war against the Palestinian people and its attempts to eliminate the resistance in the Gaza Strip. This was previously revealed by resistance officials who stated that Arab countries secretly seek the Zionist entity and the United States to eliminate the Hamas movement.

It is not hidden that the countries involved in operating the land bridge today to transport goods to the Israeli enemy are the same countries that are part of the coalition of aggression against Yemen. This further illustrates the nature of the scene over the past nine years. The contradiction between the blockade imposed by Yemen on the enemy and the rush of these countries to break that blockade is clear evidence that the aggression project was aimed from the beginning at serving the interests of the Zionist entity and precluding any opportunity for an active Yemeni role in the conflict with the Israeli enemy.

This conflict might simmer down a bit for a while but what I can feel is that it will keep going on until the forces of Imam Mehdi and Prophet Jesus (PBUH) returns to Earth to fight the Anti-Christ.

No Muslim country have the guts to take on the Zionists although they have significant manpower and firepower. But Muslim leaders don't want their lifestyle sacrifices and their countries bombed. Because of the love for the life and things of this world.
Israel Raids Hospital, Shoots Doctors, Bulldozes Bodies, Lets Dog Maul Wheelchair-Bound Man
Andrew Anglin • December 23, 2023


The Land Bridge: Arab Regimes' Complicity in Supporting Israeli Crimes against Palestine​

View attachment 2904

Middle East:While the Yemeni Armed Forces are closing the Red Sea and Bab-el-Mandeb Strait to the Zionist enemy, besieging and pressuring it in order to supply Gaza with food and medicine, the Arab regimes involved in normalization, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Jordan, rushed to open their territories and establish a land bridge to transport goods from the Persian Gulf to Haifa, compensating the enemy for the closed maritime route.​

This shameful scene reveals that the stance of these regimes has far exceeded the limits of complacency and reached direct participation in supporting and backing the enemy to continue its crimes against the Palestinian people.

The land bridge connecting Dubai and Haifa was revealed weeks ago in a report published by the Hebrew newspaper "Maariv," which explained that an agreement was reached between the Zionist enemy government, through the company "Trucknet," and the logistics services company Puretrans FZCO in the UAE, and DP World, the Dubai ports company, to transport goods from the UAE and Bahrain through a land route passing through Saudi Arabia and Jordan to the ports of Haifa. This is intended to compensate for the closure of the Red Sea route by the Yemeni armed forces against Israeli- bounded ships.

The Hebrew website "Walla" revealed this week that trial transport operations have been completed on this land bridge, and it is ready to transport short-lived goods such as "fresh" food products, according to the website, which indicated that this step may be a prelude to the future establishment of a railway line.

The Hebrew newspaper "Israel Hayom" stated on Sunday, that the land bridge cannot replace cargo ships, but it shortens the arrival time of some goods and "paves the way for a new Middle East in terms of trade relations between Israel and the region within the framework of the Abraham Accords." This clearly indicates that this land bridge represents a manifestation of the alignment of the collaborating regimes with the Zionist entity.

This land bridge represents a new condemnation of the normalized Arab regimes, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE, for their direct participation in the extermination of the Palestinian people. The eagerness to deliver goods to the enemy is part of their assistance to the enemy to continue its crimes and break the suffocating blockade imposed on it by the Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea. This confirms that the Gulf states and the normalized regimes see a great interest in the continuation of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The rush of these regimes to operate the land bridge highlights their shameful position that they have maintained since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza. Their condemnation and denunciation statements were merely superficial facades to mitigate the impact of their real position, which is full alignment with the Israeli enemy and support for its brutal war against the Palestinian people and its attempts to eliminate the resistance in the Gaza Strip. This was previously revealed by resistance officials who stated that Arab countries secretly seek the Zionist entity and the United States to eliminate the Hamas movement.

It is not hidden that the countries involved in operating the land bridge today to transport goods to the Israeli enemy are the same countries that are part of the coalition of aggression against Yemen. This further illustrates the nature of the scene over the past nine years. The contradiction between the blockade imposed by Yemen on the enemy and the rush of these countries to break that blockade is clear evidence that the aggression project was aimed from the beginning at serving the interests of the Zionist entity and precluding any opportunity for an active Yemeni role in the conflict with the Israeli enemy.

@Guru Dutt @Kingfisher @Rivino @indushek

Cheers, Doc
is a pakistani podcast i saw there were two pakistani talking about actual importence of gaza ...... that for centuries trade of spices , textiles and precious stones from india that were send to europe first landed port of Aden at southern most point at yemen from where arab caravans took it wia costal route wia jeddah ports at gaza from there it was shipped to turkiye and greece and europe

now fast forward to 1885's when there was again turmoil in ottoman empire but somehow egyptians missed the chance otherwise the head of muslims would have been a egyptian king not someone from the original tribe of NAJAT that later became house of SAUD and it was same time in Europe that two major new nations were Born Germany and Italy while France was tring to get back to its glory and england was almost on prime in Victorian era

coming back to middle east ottomans were in early part say just before first world war had made both russian and german block and opposing british block against it so much so that british and french some how came together against germans as russia was under Bolshviek's now and this helped british which helped arabs to unite aginst turks and then after WW1 british and french divided the middleast into differnt spears of influences and new nation states that we see even ttoday after almost 100+ years

but the point is who lost and who gained i guess red commies saved russia and eastern europe from a lot aftermath that could have changed the course of history and it all fell on turkey and ottoman kaliphet and germans though faced the burnt made them reunite and third riech was born from the ashes which again gave birth to new world order port WW2 which we even see today

but problem for middle east is neither they learned anything from what had hapenned in europe nor anything that turkiye had to face in 1920s to what jews and muslims faced till 1947 but kept blaming other than saughting it out as for pakistanis they are still stuck in partition era politics and post 1971 shame and see every forthcoming world event with those two prisms
is a pakistani podcast i saw there were two pakistani talking about actual importence of gaza ...... that for centuries trade of spices , textiles and precious stones from india that were send to europe first landed port of Aden at southern most point at yemen from where arab caravans took it wia costal route wia jeddah ports at gaza from there it was shipped to turkiye and greece and europe

now fast forward to 1885's when there was again turmoil in ottoman empire but somehow egyptians missed the chance otherwise the head of muslims would have been a egyptian king not someone from the original tribe of NAJAT that later became house of SAUD and it was same time in Europe that two major new nations were Born Germany and Italy while France was tring to get back to its glory and england was almost on prime in Victorian era

coming back to middle east ottomans were in early part say just before first world war had made both russian and german block and opposing british block against it so much so that british and french some how came together against germans as russia was under Bolshviek's now and this helped british which helped arabs to unite aginst turks and then after WW1 british and french divided the middleast into differnt spears of influences and new nation states that we see even ttoday after almost 100+ years

but the point is who lost and who gained i guess red commies saved russia and eastern europe from a lot aftermath that could have changed the course of history and it all fell on turkey and ottoman kaliphet and germans though faced the burnt made them reunite and third riech was born from the ashes which again gave birth to new world order port WW2 which we even see today

but problem for middle east is neither they learned anything from what had hapenned in europe nor anything that turkiye had to face in 1920s to what jews and muslims faced till 1947 but kept blaming other than saughting it out as for pakistanis they are still stuck in partition era politics and post 1971 shame and see every forthcoming world event with those two prisms

My point is, as always, follow the commerce.

Mass transport, there is simply no substitute to the seas.

And from the @Kingfisher video yesterday, 80% of world commerce passes through the Indian Ocean.

Combined to that ...

For us, the Malacca Strait is no less strategic in importance than the Himalayas .

Cheers, Doc
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My point is, as always, follow the commerce.

Cheers, Doc
thats what i said Gaza was always important for trade route for arabs in that podcast the person was even saying prophets fathers grave is in gaza who was part of a caravan and had died in gaza but nobody wants to look gaza through an economic point and realise its potential

why no one says anything about pre 1967 logjam when Gaza was under egyptian occupation and west bank & jeruslam were under Jordanian rule and both lost there control to Israel in 1967 war ... why dint muslims agree to what they had got in 1947 ...? had they agreed and developed gaza it could have been more important that Dubai and singapore & Suez canal put together
Zionists are getting bogged down in Gaza with 1,100 dead, 15,000 wounded and 3,000 permanently disabled, while the western taxpayer funded funded economy is crumbling. The reservists will soon have to be demobilized and then the bastards will resort to indiscriminate bombing as Hamas can not be dislodged.

Israel Says Army Will Soon End Ground Operation

In '3rd Phase Of War’ (Because Their Losses Have
been HUGE - 1,000+ Dead and 15,000 wounded?
One Report Has 3,000 Permanently Disabled)

Israel’s Broadcasting Authority on Saturday reported that the Netanyahu government is planning to switch to a new phase of the war, but gave a vague timeline which indicated this change will only happen in the coming weeks, if at all. Infantry troops will be withdrawn, and Israeli forces will continue focusing on heavy aerial bombardment, according to the plan.

"The Israeli army is preparing to move to the third phase of the fighting in Gaza in the coming weeks," the Israeli broadcaster said. This is to involve "ending the ground operation in the Strip, reducing forces, and demobilizing reserve forces."
Same reason why india hasn't relinquished its claim on kashmir. Added the Palestinians lost their land and homes to colonial settlers why should they had just given their lands up.
cause there is no similarities between so called palestine and kashmir

in Kashmir Jinnah had done a STANDSTILL AGREEMENT with King of Kashmir but the had send in afridis deu to which king acceded with India as per acession treaty ... according to which pakistan thinks Junaghar is part of Pakistan and just how Hindu Sodha Rajpoots of Umerkot went with Pakistan

we have leagel validity as per acession treaty between British govt and princley states and both dominians of India and pakistan then who were bound by the treaty to accept that

as for Palestine the wird Palestina is roman word for land of cannan from Jordan river to meditarenian sea .... could you tell me before 1947 any one head of state of so called Palestine or there name in any records as people of palestine ..... infact this wrod was intorcuced or reintorduced after 1967 to agitate against israel when arabs of egypt jordan and syriya & iraq lost to israel in 6 day war and knew it will never be easy to defeate israel by force

Inshort those so called Palestian are infact jordanian refugees who were pushed into lebnon and senai desert by brute force by King Hussain of jordan by mercenarry forces after BLACK SEPTEMBER INSURGENCY led by then brigadies ZIA UL HAQ who later became president of Pakistan
Zionists are getting bogged down in Gaza with 1,100 dead, 15,000 wounded and 3,000 permanently disabled, while the western taxpayer funded funded economy is crumbling. The reservists will soon have to be demobilized and then the bastards will resort to indiscriminate bombing as Hamas can not be dislodged.

Israel Says Army Will Soon End Ground Operation
In '3rd Phase Of War’ (Because Their Losses Have
been HUGE - 1,000+ Dead and 15,000 wounded?
One Report Has 3,000 Permanently Disabled)
Israel’s Broadcasting Authority on Saturday reported that the Netanyahu government is planning to switch to a new phase of the war, but gave a vague timeline which indicated this change will only happen in the coming weeks, if at all. Infantry troops will be withdrawn, and Israeli forces will continue focusing on heavy aerial bombardment, according to the plan.

"The Israeli army is preparing to move to the third phase of the fighting in Gaza in the coming weeks," the Israeli broadcaster said. This is to involve "ending the ground operation in the Strip, reducing forces, and demobilizing reserve forces."
Maybe the third phase is to run, cowards that they are. But we know what Nazis did they stoked up the gas chambers, the Zions will have something similar. Meanwhile Erdogan is splurting more BS.

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