Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel is being bashed on even on MSM CNN!! Look at the comments.

One comment:

"I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don’t travel. I really don’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic. I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn it back. (Isaac Asimov). "

" Of course, history has proved Asimov right. However, now that we’re here, if Israel has a right to exist as a state (and it does IMO), then so does Palestine. Until this is acknowledged by the relevant parties and properly implemented (with justice and freedom and dignity for both sides), this nightmare will be doomed to be repeated on a loop ad infinitum into eternity."

Economic impact of the Houthis action in the Red Sea. I remember in the old PDF an Israeli supporter (Sammuel, I think) was saying that Eilat is not that important and it is the northern Israeli ports which are more important and so Israel is not too impacted.
But this Israeli article dents that argument.

As Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi militants step up assaults on Israel-linked ships, the world’s largest container freight companies have temporarily suspended sending their vessels through the Red Sea, threatening to shut down a key trade route of Israeli imports and exports from the Far East and their passage to Europe.

Instead, container ships bound for Israel from the Far East will now need to take a 40 percent longer route around Africa and the Cape of Good Hope, increasing the shipping time of goods by two to four weeks and raising the costs per ship by up to $1 million.
The additional costs will make goods more expensive for importers and trickle down to higher costs for consumers. That is as ships sailing for Israel since the war erupted already have higher freight costs, as they need to pay an additional war risk premium levied by marine insurers.

For Israel, this is a major concern, as air freight is not an option, since 99% of goods are imported by the sea and trade with Asia has soared.

“The center of gravity in the economy is very clearly moving to the countries of the Far East
, and accordingly, Israel’s trade with those countries has also been increasing and accounts for 25% of Israeli exports and imports,” said Prof. Shaul Chorev, a retired Israeli Navy rear admiral and head of the Research Center for Maritime Policy and Strategy at the University of Haifa. “Because of the attacks, there is almost no activity at the Israeli Red Sea port of Eilat although most of the containers are headed to Israel’s main ports in Ashdod and Haifa.”
“Because of the attacks, there is almost no activity at the Israeli Red Sea port of Eilat although most of the containers are headed to Israel’s main ports in Ashdod and Haifa.”

Now THAT is the sort of effective pressure that yields results.
Any way activist leaders/journalists can get more creative with ways to stop this if the international community won't ? There should be some sort of organized plan in phases to bring relief to the Palestinians starting with getting in aid, then restoring internet and communications to Gaza, etc...

It must be devastating to the Israeli moral that even in the right wing Forbes channel, the comments are bashing Israel. No wonder the NY Times said shortly after October 7 that Israelis and their supporters are finding 'solace' on Fox News. But I am seeing that even in Fox News there is a slight shift--now there is more targeting of Biden than support for Israel. The Republicans are not going to miss the opportunity to bring down Biden.

Oh, the Indian backers of Israel in the blogspace are also much quieter now!! Why would they or others speak for a losing cause, which is becoming Israel's cause by the day.

Here's the Forbes video and enjoy the comments to the video! The video has 120,000 views in a mere 3 hours! Imagine the impact on the Americans--and impact has to happen in America for the American (and the Western policies, in sequence) to change.

They are counting on people forgetting soon enough, but the Palestinians will need to bring up Gaza the way the holocaust is brought up nearly 80 years later; calling a genocide a genocide, and not letting anyone down play it.

Btw, the UN got exposed powerless, and as literally just the security council. No one else’s opinion matters there.
They are counting on people forgetting soon enough, but the Palestinians will need to bring up Gaza the way the holocaust is brought up nearly 80 years later; calling a genocide a genocide, and not letting anyone down play it.

Btw, the UN got exposed powerless, and as literally just the security council. No one else’s opinion matters there.
View attachment 2892

How many people remember Sabra and Shatila?
Perhaps David Cameron should be added to the list of war criminals aiding and abetting genocide. He is an unelected reject spouting pro-Israel views for money:-

US says Houthi drones shot down, as UK brands Iran ‘malign influence’​

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron says escalating attacks by Iran-backed groups cannot be tolerated.

Red Sea

Yemen's Houthis have carried out regular attacks on ships in the Red Sea since the start of the war in Gaza [Reuters]
Published On 24 Dec 202324 Dec 2023

The United States has announced that it shot down four drones launched by Yemen’s Houthis, as the United Kingdom’s top diplomat branded the rebel group’s ally Iran a “malign influence”.
The USS Laboon guided-missile destroyer downed the drones as they were travelling towards the vessel and there were no injuries or damage, US Central Command (CENTCOM) said on Saturday.


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The USS Laboon also responded to distress calls from a Norwegian-flagged oil tanker and an Indian-flagged crude oil tanker that came under attack.
“These attacks represent the 14th and 15th attacks on commercial shipping by Houthi militants since October 17,” CENTCOM said in a post on X.
The Houthis also fired two anti-ship ballistic missiles into international shipping lanes in the Southern Red Sea but no vessels were hit in the attacks, CENTCOM said.
Separately, the US Defense Department said a drone launched from Iran struck a Liberia-flagged, Japanese-owned chemical tanker in the Indian Ocean early on Saturday.
No casualties were reported.
The UK Maritime Trade Operations agency earlier said a drone had exploded near a vessel in the Bab al-Mandeb Strait, off the coast of Yemen.

Reporting from Djibouti in east Africa, Al Jazeera’s Resul Serdar, highlighted that this incident portrays how the war on Gaza is not only a regional war.
Referring to the Pentagon and the UK’s statement on the drone in the Indian Ocean, Serdar said that it is still “not clear whether it attacked the vessel or whether it was conducting surveillance activities.”

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But he noted that the US statement is coming just days after Washington officials said that Iran was deeply involved in the Red sea attacks conducted by the Houthis.
The Houthis, who control large parts of Yemen, have waged an escalating campaign of drone and missile attacks on commercial shipping since the start of the war in Gaza, in what the rebel group has characterised as a show of support for Palestinians facing Israeli bombardment.
The US on Tuesday launched a multinational security force, dubbed Operation Prosperity Guardian, to protect shipping amid escalating attacks in the waterway, one of the world’s busiest trade routes.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron also condemned Iran for supporting the Houthis and other armed groups.
In an interview published in the Sunday Telegraph newspaper, Cameron said Tehran has been a “thoroughly malign influence in the region and in the world”.
“You’ve got the Houthis, you’ve got Hezbollah, you’ve got the Iranian-backed militias in Iraq that have actually been attacking British and American bases, troops. And, of course, Hamas,” the former UK prime minister said.
“So you’ve got all of these proxies, and I think it’s incredibly important that, first of all, Iran receives an incredibly clear message that this escalation will not be tolerated.”
Tehran has acknowledged supporting the Houthis politically but denied arming the group.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri on Saturday dismissed the accusations that Tehran has provided the Houthis with weapons and intelligence, saying the rebel group has its “own tools” and acts “in accordance with its own decisions and capabilities”.
The problem is the Egyptian puppet Sissy regime has been colluding with the Zionist child killers all along and now they are being ordered by the masters to withdraw 10 kms from the Rafah crossing and hand it over to the Zionists. Even though I am not a big fan of Scott Ritter, his latest Youtube video is quite accurate.

83% of Israelis support ethnic cleansing of Gazans: Survey​


  • ByAl Mayadeen English
  • Source: Social Media
  • 24 Dec 2023 22:24

The study surveys a representative sample of Israeli public opinion on their stance regarding the Israeli authorities' efforts to "encourage the voluntary immigration" of the residents of the Gaza Strip.

From the mouth of a young child years ago
I don't know of this news source very well but it tells an interesting story I was not aware of. Spain vetoed the EUs involvement in genocide joes stopping the Youthis plan. No wonder a bunch of EU countries backed off.
Spain vetoed EUs involvement in Biden's sea force

I don't know how EU works--I mean if one Veto can prevent an EU-level action or not? I think in case of NATO, all members have to agree to some major decisions such as adding new countries and that's where Turkey tried to put some obstacles recently. Regardless, this new coalition against hardly has anyone--I think Canada has just three officers?? It is basically the Americans and to much lesser extent the reliable poodle UK.
They are counting on people forgetting soon enough, but the Palestinians will need to bring up Gaza the way the holocaust is brought up nearly 80 years later; calling a genocide a genocide, and not letting anyone down play it.
Btw, the UN got exposed powerless, and as literally just the security council. No one else’s opinion matters there.

You have a good heart but I often perceived you as an idealist. As @VCheng rightly said above: How many people remember Sabra and Shatila massacres? He and I are old enough to remember that. But the world doesn't work like that. Victors write the history and most people, regardless of their location in the world, move on to 'live' their lives--bills to pay, kids to raise, health concerns...
Bad for Israel when even Piers Morgan is changing his tune a bit. Actually, many more will change their tunes if/when the Gazans appear to be giving Israelis a bloody nose. Speaking of which, I hardly see Indian bloggers supporting Israel in the blogspace unlike it was shortly after October 7. It was not an Indian concern to begin with but the Modi followers (and initially the Indian govt) was too supportive of Israel and got exposed in front of the global media. What stupidity!!

Piers Morgan puts his pay packet before his conscience. He can't lie with a straight face and you can see guilt in his face. Poor guy is stuck between his Zion masters and the anger of his viewers.

Israel Uncovers Hamas Tunnel Complex and Recovers 5 Hostages’ Bodies​

Sarah Arnold | December 24, 2023 7:20 PM

AP Photo/Doaa AlBaz
Israeli troops found the bodies of five hostages on Sunday in a secret tunnel in Gaza.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) uncovered Hamas tunnel complexes by troops from the intelligence and engineering corps.

The tunnels included massive cave-like command rooms, toilets, and workspaces.
The bodies were identified as Warrant Officer Ziv Dado, Sgt. Ron Sherman, Cpl. Nik Beizer, Eden Zacharia, and Elia Toledano. They were brought into Israel and brought back to Israel.
“The bodies were transferred for examination to the Pathology Institute, where the circumstances of their deaths will be confirmed,” IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said in a statement. “We will update the families and then, with the families' approval, inform the public. We share in the families' sorrow and embrace them.

In a statement, the IDF explained the portion that led to the discovery of the bodies.
The operations included fierce battles during which many terrorists were killed by IDF soldiers, and hundreds of weapons were located.
As part of the operation and following advanced intelligence, the soldiers, in cooperation with the Multidimensional Unit and the Yahalom Unit, they exposed a strategic tunnel network that served as Hamas’ northern headquarters in Gaza. The underground headquarters included two levels – the first approximately 10 meters deep and the second dozens of meters deep. The tunnel network, with many routes, was used for directing combat and the movement of terrorists. At the depth of the military headquarters, weapons, infrastructure for manufacturing weapons, and emergency hideouts were found. The network was connected to a shaft leading to the residence of the Commander of Hamas’ Northern Brigade, Ahmad Andur. The underground network also passed beneath a school and a hospital.
In a centralized intelligence effort led by Unit 504 of the Intelligence Directorate, the soldiers located and recovered the bodies of five hostages abducted on October 7th and brought them to be buried in Israel: Warrant Officer Ziv Dado, Sergeant Ron Sherman, Corporal Nik Beizer, Eden Zacharia, and Elia Toledano. May their memory be a blessing.
The findings were presented to the families by IDF representatives. The IDF expresses its condolences to the bereaved families and will continue to accompany them. The IDF, in cooperation with other security organizations, is continuing to act through a variety of intelligence and operational means to return the hostages.
Upon completion of this mission, the forces dismantled the subterranean headquarters. The demolition of the headquarters in Jabalya is part of the effort to deal with Hamas’ tunnel infrastructure and to strike at its senior commanders and its strategic capabilities. This effort is continuing at all times and is now being carried out in Khan Yunis and the southern Gaza Strip.

Turkey showing its toughness on soft targets in Kurdista:-


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