Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

cause there is no similarities between so called palestine and kashmir

in Kashmir Jinnah had done a STANDSTILL AGREEMENT with King of Kashmir but the had send in afridis deu to which king acceded with India as per acession treaty ... according to which pakistan thinks Junaghar is part of Pakistan and just how Hindu Sodha Rajpoots of Umerkot went with Pakistan

we have leagel validity as per acession treaty between British govt and princley states and both dominians of India and pakistan then who were bound by the treaty to accept that

as for Palestine the wird Palestina is roman word for land of cannan from Jordan river to meditarenian sea .... could you tell me before 1947 any one head of state of so called Palestine or there name in any records as people of palestine ..... infact this wrod was intorcuced or reintorduced after 1967 to agitate against israel when arabs of egypt jordan and syriya & iraq lost to israel in 6 day war and knew it will never be easy to defeate israel by force

Inshort those so called Palestian are infact jordanian refugees who were pushed into lebnon and senai desert by brute force by King Hussain of jordan by mercenarry forces after BLACK SEPTEMBER INSURGENCY led by then brigadies ZIA UL HAQ who later became president of Pakistan
Palestine was part of the ottoman empire. The palestinian people living there were driven out after the creation of the apartheid state of Israel. These are facts. Rest of your drivel is waste of time responding to.
Palestine was part of the ottoman empire. The palestinian people living there were driven out after the creation of the apartheid state of Israel. These are facts. Rest of your drivel is waste of time responding to.
no no palestinian was ever driven out infact there were Jews and arabs were living there in ottoman era and they had sold there lands to rich jews who wanted to settle back in promised land but then again arabs in tribal chiefs got greedy after taking money and there was some episode in a hotel to derail the treaty and arabs tried to ask for moeny for there sold lands again to which jews denied and did not give new money and the lands they had baught for which arabs attacked in 1948 but this time jews were ready hence a simple matter of greed and trecherry by some tribe leaders was made into a soicio religious never ending drama but it still was normal till 1967 when jordan had control over west bank and jeruslam and egypt controled gaza strip and both had over 57% lond of current israel but then 1967 war hapenned and they arabs lost both west bank jersulam and gaza and even senai desert to israel

even ottomans had won this land in war so did israel so if you want this land librate it by war or shut up
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Palestine was part of the ottoman empire. The palestinian people living there were driven out after the creation of the apartheid state of Israel. These are facts. Rest of your drivel is waste of time responding to.

Palestinian both arab and jews were part of ottoman empire. But Ottoman empire was a colonialist imperium, and to depict Israel as apartheid government is tottaly incorect as they treat arab and jews equally; of course arab here meant arab Israel not non citizen arabs.
no no palestinian was ever driven out infact there were arabs living there in ottoman era and they had sold there lands to rich jews who wanted to settle back in promised land but then again arabs in tribal chiefs got greedy after taking money and there was some episode in a hotel to derail the treaty and arabs tried to ask for moeny for there sold lands again to which jews denied and did not give new money and the lands they had baught for which arabs attacked in 1948 but this time jews were ready hence a simple matter of greed and trecherry by some tribe leaders was made into a soicio religious never ending drama but it still was normal till 1967 when jordan had control over west bank and jeruslam and egypt controled gaza strip and both had over 57% lond of current israel but then 1967 war hapenned and they arabs lost both west bank jersulam and gaza and even senai desert to israel

even ottomans had won this land in war so did israel so if you want this land librate it by war or shut up
Stop posting BS, you are either trolling a liar or a clueless idiot.

From a UN source

"The Jewish population in Palestine increased from 56,000 in 1918 to about 88,000 in 1922, when the total population was officially estimated at 750,000."

Around 1920 90% of the population in Palestine was arab, so where did that population disappear when the apartheid state was created?

700k palestinian people were documented to be driven out.

Now go do your homework boy and come back.

Palestinian both arab and jews were part of ottoman empire. But Ottoman empire was a colonialist imperium, and to depict Israel as apartheid government is tottaly incorect as they treat arab and jews equally; of course arab here meant arab Israel not non citizen arabs.
Its fully correct to label israel apartheid the country which made the term south africa fully backs this meaning against israel as they suffered it with the white people there. The arab Israelis can not use the racist right of return law like the Jews can so stop your lies.

More importantly they practise apartheid with the Palestinians who they occupy.
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Stop posting BS, you are either trolling a liar or a clueless idiot.

From a UN source

"The Jewish population in Palestine increased from 56,000 in 1918 to about 88,000 in 1922, when the total population was officially estimated at 750,000."

Around 1920 90% of the population in Palestine was arab, so where did that population disappear when the apartheid state was created?

700k palestinian people were documented to be driven out.

Now go do your homework boy and come back.

Its fully correct to label israel apartheid the country which made the term south africa fully backs this meaning against israel as they suffered it with the white people there. The arab Israelis can not use the racist right of return law like the Jews can so stop your lies.
question one who drove those so called palestenians out and when

question two how come population in 1922 of almost 90K rose sp fast to 750K in mid 1960s

thridly why did palestenians rejected the peace treaties even in 1990 1993 and 1997 and when finally 2005 when israel vacated gaza and gave so called palestenians a fully developed gaza with high rise buildings and a proper seavage treatment system and multiple green houses why dint so called palestenians made it a economic success but burnt down all the green houses and used same schools and hospitals left behind by israelis as missile launch sites
question one who drove those so called palestenians out and when

question two how come population in 1922 of almost 90K rose sp fast to 750K in mid 1960s

thridly why did palestenians rejected the peace treaties even in 1990 1993 and 1997 and when finally 2005 when israel vacated gaza and gave so called palestenians a fully developed gaza with high rise buildings and a proper seavage treatment system and multiple green houses why dint so called palestenians made it a economic success but burnt down all the green houses and used same schools and hospitals left behind by israelis as missile launch sites
go do your homework boy you have proven to be a disingenuous troll.
Videos released by Mujahideen Brigades showing seized firearm and nearness to invaders
Actually, the Hamas and other Palestinian freedom fighters are so ingenious and resourceful that they are making improvised IEDS and mortar shells out of unexploded US supplied bombs. The child killing Zionist bastards are now scared to look for tunnels as all have been booby trapped.

Israeli occupation army says 2 soldiers killed in Gaza in the past few hours. The real losses are compounding and no wonder the Zionist child killers are going nuts.​

'Israel' to activate psych-program for soldiers returning from Gaza​

  • ByAl Mayadeen English
  • Source: Al Mayadeen
  • Today 07:53

The occupation entity will establish a team of doctors and nurses capable of dealing with patients with suicidal tendencies.
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no no palestinian was ever driven out infact there were Jews and arabs were living there in ottoman era and they had sold there lands to rich jews who wanted to settle back in promised land but then again arabs in tribal chiefs got greedy after taking money and there was some episode in a hotel to derail the treaty and arabs tried to ask for moeny for there sold lands again to which jews denied and did not give new money and the lands they had baught for which arabs attacked in 1948 but this time jews were ready hence a simple matter of greed and trecherry by some tribe leaders was made into a soicio religious never ending drama but it still was normal till 1967 when jordan had control over west bank and jeruslam and egypt controled gaza strip and both had over 57% lond of current israel but then 1967 war hapenned and they arabs lost both west bank jersulam and gaza and even senai desert to israel

even ottomans had won this land in war so did israel so if you want this land librate it by war or shut up
Your history knowledge is very weak Guru dutt. Perhaps watch some videos from these Indian YouTubers. They may not be absolutely correct but they do give you a brief idea of what happened there in Palestine

The bottom line is, Palestine (and not Israel) was part of Ottoman Empire, which itself was a province of Egypt. Once the British disintegrated Ottoman Empire, The Egypt became independent and the British carved out the Muslim area of present day Palestine and Israel from Egypt as they simply could do it. They had secret agreement with both Arabs and Jews that if they help them they will give them Palestine/Israel. But once the war ended they couldn’t keep both parties happy so they asked United Nations to provide a solution.

The fact is, the Muslim Arabs were majority in this region for about 1300 years and they never took Jews seriously as they constituted 3-4% of the population but with the secret plan of British, the population of Jews increased to significant number which I can’t recall now from top of my head but let’s say 10-15%. The United Nations proposed the idea of giving about 57% nation to Israel and the remaining 43% for new Palestine state but the Arabs rejected it by underestimating the power of Israel.

The rest is history about multiple wars taken place with the Israel always supported by the British

The numbers mentioned in these video by Indian YouTubers seems slightly higher in favour of Jews but they still couldn’t find a reason to justify what happened in the 1920s and onwards. I hope I shared the right videos but you can check these YouTube channels for similar videos about the topic
Your history knowledge is very weak Guru dutt. Perhaps watch some videos from these Indian YouTubers. They may not be absolutely correct but they do give you a brief idea of what happened there in Palestine

The bottom line is, Palestine (and not Israel) was part of Ottoman Empire, which itself was a province of Egypt. Once the British disintegrated Ottoman Empire, The Egypt became independent and the British carved out the Muslim area of present day Palestine and Israel from Egypt as they simply could do it. They had secret agreement with both Arabs and Jews that if they help them they will give them Palestine/Israel. But once they war ended they couldn’t keep both parties happy so they asked United Nations to provide a solution.

The fact is, the Muslim Arabs were majority in this region for about 1300 years and they never took Jews seriously as they constituted 3-4% of the population but with the secret plan of British, the population of Jews increased to significant number which I can’t recall now from top of my head but let’s say 10-15%. The United Nations proposed the idea of giving about 57% nation to Israel and the remaining 43% for new Palestine state but the Arabs rejected it by underestimating the power of Israel.

The rest is history about multiple wars taken place with the Israel always supported by the British

The numbers mentioned in these video by Indian YouTubers seems slightly higher in favour of Jews but they still couldn’t find a reason to justify what happened in the 1920s and onwards. I hope I shared the right videos but you can check these YouTube channels for similar videos about the topic
these two jockers are the last to look for history but OK if you say so ... cheers mate
Your history knowledge is very weak Guru dutt. Perhaps watch some videos from these Indian YouTubers. They may not be absolutely correct but they do give you a brief idea of what happened there in Palestine

The bottom line is, Palestine (and not Israel) was part of Ottoman Empire, which itself was a province of Egypt. Once the British disintegrated Ottoman Empire, The Egypt became independent and the British carved out the Muslim area of present day Palestine and Israel from Egypt as they simply could do it. They had secret agreement with both Arabs and Jews that if they help them they will give them Palestine/Israel. But once they war ended they couldn’t keep both parties happy so they asked United Nations to provide a solution.

The fact is, the Muslim Arabs were majority in this region for about 1300 years and they never took Jews seriously as they constituted 3-4% of the population but with the secret plan of British, the population of Jews increased to significant number which I can’t recall now from top of my head but let’s say 10-15%. The United Nations proposed the idea of giving about 57% nation to Israel and the remaining 43% for new Palestine state but the Arabs rejected it by underestimating the power of Israel.

The rest is history about multiple wars taken place with the Israel always supported by the British

The numbers mentioned in these video by Indian YouTubers seems slightly higher in favour of Jews but they still couldn’t find a reason to justify what happened in the 1920s and onwards. I hope I shared the right videos but you can check these YouTube channels for similar videos about the topic
A Zionist revisionist view of history is being pushed in India. Yesterday, their police thugs even tore up Palestinian flags out of the hands of demonstrators. The BJP thinks that by kissing Zionist arse they will somehow be loved by their western masters. It is the same in EU where a revisionist view of WW2 is taught with little focus on Soviet/Russian contribution in defeating Nazis at a cost of 28-30 million lives. It is hilarious how easily brianwashed these people are.
Both links not opening for me @Hyde

Just wanted to see which Indians you are putting forward to bolster your point.

Cheers, Doc

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