Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

with all deu respect to you and those all killed in israel palestine conflict ,... please care to tell me why never even under yasser Arrafat niether PLO nor Hezbollah nor Hamas now wants any saught of peace settelement ... why ... cause they have a simple anty jew policy and its more of a religious problem than ethnic or political cause they had more than a dozen differnt deals oferred to time since 1947 for a respectable solution but all were rejected ... ask this question again

The false history you are quoting just shows your ignorance and inability to understand simple facts and history.
I am posting this video but surely it won't make a difference for you because you have already chosen to be ignorant and seem to be loving it.

They didn't disappear, but jews population increase dramatically that cause the dramatic change in term of percentage.

The 700K palestinian driven out is due to war in 1948 when Arab league attacked Israel, so the war triggered by Arab league that driven them out.
It increased dramatically because jewish settlers from across the world converged on Palestine through the call of the Zionist movement. The war was triggered because the arabs didnt agree to their land theft.

Well, in that case you are distorting the meaning of "apartheid", the way you are distorting and glorify the meaning of "genocide".

Human rights watch, UN agencies, multiple scholars, south africa, many countries around the world including prominent israelis themselves have called it apartheid. Now who is a sane person going to believe all these organisations and reputable people or an apartheid sympathiser.


This is not even tip of the iceberg the apartheid and racist policies are documented extensively.

Fyi Israel the most democratic or in fact the only democratic country in the middle
Who needs a democracy like that which is a racist apartheid ethno centric state built on foundations of a racist land thefting ideology. Nothing to be proud about the Iranian regime is much better.

Yes, Israel does discriminate the Gaza/West Bank citizen from Israel citizen, but it is their own right as a sovereign country and they do it for the sake of their country's security. Israel still treat their arab citizen equally with jewish citizen; not perfect but cant be said apartheid (in the true meaning).
Its apartheid, can an Israeli arab bring a relative who was born in Palestine to Palestine? Ofcourse not. Can they marry a Palestinian arab and bring in to the territories or israel ofcourse not. This is apartheid, based on racial reasons, graphic above hammers it home.
Once upon a time the majority of indians were pro palestine..... I suppose when you are used to being relativist and self interested you can charge no problem.
Your knowledge out this conflict is limited. Go and educate yourself.
I know you well enough to know you are attempting to troll. One more back handed post mentioning Islam will result in me taking action.
A 2 state solution is the only way. Israel returning the land they have taken illegally and an independent party drawing up the agreement.
You allow your hatred for Islam to fog your way of thinking.
Netanyahu is the one openly admitting - that they wanted Hamas to continue their actions because he would never allow a 2 state solution and Hamas would fall into his plan.
i never get it how come you mention every time "israel took land illegally" when actually it won that land in 1967 6 day war when it defeted all the arab nations including egypt, syria , jordan , lebnon iraq single ahndedly if thats illegal then ottomans had ocupied this area before them and romans before and so on or for that matter all muslim rule in indian sub continent is also illeagel and how it was ilegall then when muslims find it legal to have pakistan on basis of religion why cant jews have israel on basis of religion as it was also made by the same imperial power ... want to librate palestine why cant all muslim nations surrounding israel attack and librate it once and for all when they have all the money and oil and technology and man power and even nuclear power ...?
and as for two state solution think again that do palestinian elite wants it in the first place cause if that was so they would have agreed when given to them by amreican why did they resort to firring rockets at israel rather than coming on table and talk and do nagociatiions ... meaning you want to bomb israel and want israel to give what you want then and do you think israel will agree ... its like going back to square one on purpose to keep the pot boiling and throing kids and women in the meat grinder and looks like its a delibrate ploy by palestinian side to gain world sympathy but no ammount of such sympathy will make israel give upits right

and please do not equate asking valid question to trolling i am noyt mocking anyone nor am i sidding with anyone i too disgree to deaths of non combatants but those who make women and children human shields should not be glorified either ... thanks and i rest my case
Once upon a time the majority of indians were pro palestine..... I suppose when you are used to being relativist and self interested you can charge no problem.
What's changed is another extremist ideology similar to Zionism has taken hold in India. They have a Butcher as prime minister same as the apartheid Israeli state. The reason they stayed pro Palestine for a while is also because of GCC sensitivities. But now the GCC is opening its arms wide for the apartheid state.
The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Saturday 16th December that 5,000 Israeli soldiers have been injured since October 7, the newspaper revealed that 2,000 of the injured soldiers have been officially recognised as disabled by the Israeli Ministry of Defense so far. It added that the Rehabilitation Department at the Ministry of Defense receives 60 wounded individuals daily, with most injuries being severe. Personally the numbers are probably larger, tbh, Gotta read between the lines when it comes to “War”
What's changed is another extremist ideology similar to Zionism has taken hold in India. They have a Butcher as prime minister same as the apartheid Israeli state. The reason they stayed pro Palestine for a while is also because of GCC sensitivities. But now the GCC is opening its arms wide for the apartheid state.
Not just that, the pre conditions or predisposition to change just like that were always present, or to say this in another way you either have principles or you do not!
The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Saturday 16th December that 5,000 Israeli soldiers have been injured since October 7, the newspaper revealed that 2,000 of the injured soldiers have been officially recognised as disabled by the Israeli Ministry of Defense so far. It added that the Rehabilitation Department at the Ministry of Defense receives 60 wounded individuals daily, with most injuries being severe. Personally the numbers are probably larger, tbh, Gotta read between the lines when it comes to “War”
It's very plausible you can tell from the reports of women getting snipered in churches, unarmed naked israeli being mistaken for Palestinian being shot on the spot, the numerous executions, pregnant women being shot and killed, bulldozing civilians alive that the terror state is resorting to revenge killings against the civilian population. This was seen in the Yugoslavian conflict extensively by the Serbs.
It's very plausible you can tell from the reports of women getting snipered in churches, unarmed naked israeli being mistaken for Palestinian being shot on the spot, the numerous executions, pregnant women being shot and killed, bulldozing civilians alive that the terror state is resorting to revenge killings against the civilian population. This was seen in the Yugoslavian conflict extensively by the Serbs.

Hamas mujahideen prepared for years with extreme discipline, and what’s crazy they did it under the nose of Netanyahu and his dump army.
The IDF as of yesterday has admitted 153 casualties in their Gaza operation. Is there a credible way of estimating what the actual number is, since they are obviously lying. Is there a historic precedent or study about by how much the IDF under reports its losses in conflicts?

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Saturday 16th December that 5,000 Israeli soldiers have been injured since October 7, the newspaper revealed that 2,000 of the injured soldiers have been officially recognised as disabled by the Israeli Ministry of Defense so far. It added that the Rehabilitation Department at the Ministry of Defense receives 60 wounded individuals daily, with most injuries being severe. Personally the numbers are probably larger, tbh, Gotta read between the lines when it comes to “War”

Only IDF and/or Israeli high officials know true numbers. But one thing to note is that, like Muslims, Jews too try to bury their dead within 1-2 days and going by the funeral news, it wouldn't surprise me that the actual deaths during the Gaza war is approx. 155-160 as of yesterday afternoon. It is also important to note that the on-the-battlefield medical treatment is preventing many more deaths but those people are virtually dead now or very soon.
The number of casualties in IDF during the ground operation are high--at least 1700 by one report--and probably much more with 500+ 'seriously wounded'. For Israel, those numbers are very high.

PS. I have no interests in the historic debate about this conflict. The time for that is long gone. This will be decided through violence and hurting Israeli economy and moral. This conflict has become truly an 'existential' struggle for both involved nations; perhaps Netanyahu's ouster will help some but long term the trajectory remains the same: Violence and eventual concessions by one of the parties.
i never get it how come you mention every time "israel took land illegally" when actually it won that land in 1967 6 day war when it defeted all the arab nations including egypt, syria , jordan , lebnon iraq single ahndedly if thats illegal then ottomans had ocupied this area before them and romans before and so on or for that matter all muslim rule in indian sub continent is also illeagel and how it was ilegall then when muslims find it legal to have pakistan on basis of religion why cant jews have israel on basis of religion as it was also made by the same imperial power ... want to librate palestine why cant all muslim nations surrounding israel attack and librate it once and for all when they have all the money and oil and technology and man power and even nuclear power ...?
and as for two state solution think again that do palestinian elite wants it in the first place cause if that was so they would have agreed when given to them by amreican why did they resort to firring rockets at israel rather than coming on table and talk and do nagociatiions ... meaning you want to bomb israel and want israel to give what you want then and do you think israel will agree ... its like going back to square one on purpose to keep the pot boiling and throing kids and women in the meat grinder and looks like its a delibrate ploy by palestinian side to gain world sympathy but no ammount of such sympathy will make israel give upits right

and please do not equate asking valid question to trolling i am noyt mocking anyone nor am i sidding with anyone i too disgree to deaths of non combatants but those who make women and children human shields should not be glorified either ... thanks and i rest my case
Keep talking with superficial knowledge and acting like a fool . Educate yourself before you want to act like an intellectual.
Your valid questions have valid Answers on YouTube ,go watch an unbiased person.
Browsing Israeli news papers like JPost, YNET, TOIsrael and Haaretz, it is not easy to find the impact on the Israeli economy because all bad news is diligently downplayed or suppressed. But here is NY Times top news--this article will be globally noticed and Israelis wouldn't like that. This is behind a paywall so posting here.

srael’s Economy Expected to Shrink 2% as War Sidelines Workers​

A large segment of the Israeli work force has been called up to fight or become jobless as a result of the conflict with Hamas.

The Israeli economy is expected to shrink by 2 percent this quarter, according to a leading research center, with hundreds of thousands of workers displaced by the war with Hamas or called up as reservists.

About 20 percent of the Israeli work force was missing from the labor market in October, up from 3 percent before the fighting began, according to a report from the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies, a nonpartisan think tank in Israel.

The spike in unemployment reflects the fact that about 900,000 people were called up to fight, stayed home to take care of children because schools had closed, evacuated from towns near the borders with Lebanon and Gaza or couldn’t work because of physical damage to their industries.

Since October, some students have been able to return to school, and some displaced Israelis have been able to work remotely. Still, the economic implications for such a large disruption could be significant, especially with no end to the war in sight.

Projections for growth next year are lower than previously estimated but the ranges vary, with some analysts saying that the economy could grow by only .5 percent. The Bank of Israel has given probably the most optimistic projection of 2 percent, citing Israel’s quicker-than-expected recovery from previous wars and from the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The wide range of projections that we are seeing comes from some of the different assumptions about how long and how intense the fighting will be,” said Karnit Flug, the vice president of research at the Israel Democracy Institute and a former governor of the Bank of Israel.

As of Sunday, 191,666 people in Israel had filed for unemployment benefits since the war began on Oct. 7, with the vast majority saying they experienced a forced unpaid leave, according to the Taub Center.

Some 360,000 reservists were authorized for duty in October, the largest mobilization since the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, also known as the Yom Kippur War, when 400,000 reservists were tapped to fight off a surprise attack from Egypt and Syria. The actual number of reservists called up for duty this time was between 200,000 and 300,000, according to an estimate from the Taub Center, of whom 139,000 were pulled out of the labor market.

As a result, many Israelis had to drop their lives suddenly to go to war, leaving many employers in the lurch. And while the Israeli government has delivered some financial assistance to many affected individuals and companies, additional grants that were promised have been slow to arrive. Some reservists are self-employed and say that their own businesses are collapsing while they wait.

The labor shortages have been particularly acute in the tourism, construction and agriculture sectors.

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