Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

uneducated and ignorant indians infested topic with their non sense, i will have to abstain until they are backed of, not interested in their whats app history lessons. i read those shits more then for one life time, it serves non other purpose instead justifying jew criminal project called israel and dehumanizing palesitinians depriving those their rights in their own land.
i would like to ask short sighted person who deleted my previous post not to do same with this one,.
Both links not opening for me @Hyde

Just wanted to see which Indians you are putting forward to bolster your point.

Cheers, Doc
The video actually doesn’t matter as they basically summarise a long history in 10-15 minutes. They both have fair share to critics from BJP supporters as they try to speak with logic which is a no go area for many.

The bottom line is, imagine if Afghans start immigrating to Delhi and after 20 years they have a population of about 20% Afghans in Delhi. Then one Afghan leader from Delhi declares Independence from India citing reason that it was once conquered by Ahmad Shah Abdali and we are simply taking it back.

The Indian government laughs on the issue and do not take them seriously but surprisingly the Chinese government alongside her allies decide to recognise the new Afghan government in Delhi. The Indian government decides to launch an operation against this group and to their shock they lose the battle against the Afghans.

The matter comes to standstill and nothing happens for 70 years. Now some countries like USA decided to move on and recognise Delhi as part of Afghan territory.

Replace this with Palestine and this is the simple most definition. The only nation known as Israel was the “Kingdom of Israel” about 3000+ years ago. It was founded by Muslim Prophet Hazrat Suleiman A.S or the Jewish King “The King Solomon”. When the Roman Empire handed over Jerusalem to Muslim Caliph, it was only taken back by Christian kings for brief period in history, otherwise it was largely inhabited by Muslim population for over 1300 years.

PS: I am not against Israel as they have proven their worth in the battle. But the two nation theory is the only solution to this problem and no matter what we do, The Palestinians will always feel cheated.
@Hyde i gave a loy of research into this israel issue but in the end came out that its some saught of one step forward and three step backward approach ... cause the only thing muslim side wants is complete anhilation of jew state nothing less than that and thats what neither UK-USA-Europe nor israel itself will ever let happen so much so even some very very owerfull muslim nations that control all other muslim nations by proxy cause if israel was to vanish next they will vanish

so its better to let people of hamas to know who wants to deal either by death or want people to live but if stalemate continues innocent civillians will suffer and only those supporting hamas and hams and hezbollah types will be at loss ... or else keep fighting
The bottom line is, imagine if Afghans start immigrating to Delhi and after 20 years they have a population of about 20% Afghans in Delhi. Then one Afghan leader from Delhi declares Independence from India citing reason that it was once conquered by Ahmad Shah Abdali and we are simply taking it back.
i thought you were a very serious guy but you too have a flare for comedy thats good dear ;)

well there are less than 1% afghans in aya nagar area of lajpat nagar and most of them who came back then had got VISA for many differnt western nation years back some of them moved to afghanistan and pakistan now less than 25% of total population remains i can say that i am regular there to area as i love there afghan cuisine specially nan and chicken dishes
so after attacking israel with 7000 rockets and killing 1500 civilians on yom kippur and then putting entire population of gazza into a meat grinder all these jockers have to show is a light machine gun at too older variant ;) :p
For 70 years the people of Palestine have been oppressed - kids randomly slaughtered - land stolen - an apartheid state created. Wholesale genocide and hospitals smashed. The whole world bar the UK and USA accepts these are war crimes? Yet you allow your feathered annoyance of Muslims to rule your head? By putting smilies up shows where you are coming from - I suggest you park them where the sun doesn’t shine.
This didn’t start on the horrendous act on 7/10 - educate yourself.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the innocent children murdered and slaughtered in Gaza….
uneducated and ignorant indians infested topic with their non sense, i will have to abstain until they are backed of, not interested in their whats app history lessons. i read those shits more then for one life time, it serves non other purpose instead justifying jew criminal project called israel and dehumanizing palesitinians depriving those their rights in their own land.
i would like to ask short sighted person who deleted my previous post not to do same with this one,.
Please report any posts you feel are not worthy. You have known me from the previous forum - I will keep it clean and delete. Press the report button and let me handle it please - I won’t let you down.
Sometimes it’s good for them to expose themselves so we know the mindset and counter them articulately.
i thought you were a very serious guy but you too have a flare for comedy thats good dear ;)

well there are less than 1% afghans in aya nagar area of lajpat nagar and most of them who came back then had got VISA for many differnt western nation years back some of them moved to afghanistan and pakistan now less than 25% of total population remains i can say that i am regular there to area as i love there afghan cuisine specially nan and chicken dishes
Well the same is true for Palestine. I normally don’t share Wikipedia links but going to share a table from there. It reflects similar numbers to more authentic sources.


The population of Jews in 1890 was 43,000 vs 432,000 Muslim. Compare it with 1800 when it was only 7000..

After the ottoman disintegrated in 1922. The population ballooned from 84,000 to 630,000 in just 25 years.

If the population can rise from 84k to 630k, it can also rise in Delhi, watch your neighbours closely

Bye for now
Stop posting BS, you are either trolling a liar or a clueless idiot.

From a UN source

"The Jewish population in Palestine increased from 56,000 in 1918 to about 88,000 in 1922, when the total population was officially estimated at 750,000."

Around 1920 90% of the population in Palestine was arab, so where did that population disappear when the apartheid state was created?

700k palestinian people were documented to be driven out.

Now go do your homework boy and come back.

They didn't disappear, but jews population increase dramatically that cause the dramatic change in term of percentage.

The 700K palestinian driven out is due to war in 1948 when Arab league attacked Israel, so the war triggered by Arab league that driven them out.

Its fully correct to label israel apartheid the country which made the term south africa fully backs this meaning against israel as they suffered it with the white people there. The arab Israelis can not use the racist right of return law like the Jews can so stop your lies.

More importantly they practise apartheid with the Palestinians who they occupy.

Well, in that case you are distorting the meaning of "apartheid", the way you are distorting and glorify the meaning of "genocide".

Yes, Israel does discriminate the Gaza/West Bank citizen from Israel citizen, but it is their own right as a sovereign country and they do it for the sake of their country's security. Israel still treat their arab citizen equally with jewish citizen; not perfect but cant be said apartheid (in the true meaning).

Fyi Israel the most democratic or in fact the only democratic country in the middle east.


Those casualty figures are the smallest numbers reported by Al-Qassam brigades. The casualty figures - suffered by the child killing, mass murdering IsraHELLi troops at the hands of Al-Quds Brigades of PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) and other resistance factions - are not included in these figures. So the casualty rate is, at minimum, twice of what was reported by the Al-Qassam Brigades.
The IDF as of yesterday has admitted 153 casualties in their Gaza operation. Is there a credible way of estimating what the actual number is, since they are obviously lying. Is there a historic precedent or study about by how much the IDF under reports its losses in conflicts?
Yes, Israel does discriminate the Gaza/West Bank citizen from Israel citizen, but it is their own right as a sovereign country and they do it for the sake of their country's security. Israel still treat their arab citizen equally with jewish citizen; not perfect but cant be said apartheid (in the true meaning).

In other words we are an ethno supremacist state...but please be understanding about it and look the other way!!!
with all deu respect to you and those all killed in israel palestine conflict ,... please care to tell me why never even under yasser Arrafat niether PLO nor Hezbollah nor Hamas now wants any saught of peace settelement ... why ... cause they have a simple anty jew policy and its more of a religious problem than ethnic or political cause they had more than a dozen differnt deals oferred to time since 1947 for a respectable solution but all were rejected ... ask this question again

Your knowledge out this conflict is limited. Go and educate yourself.
I know you well enough to know you are attempting to troll. One more back handed post mentioning Islam will result in me taking action.
A 2 state solution is the only way. Israel returning the land they have taken illegally and an independent party drawing up the agreement.
You allow your hatred for Islam to fog your way of thinking.
Netanyahu is the one openly admitting - that they wanted Hamas to continue their actions because he would never allow a 2 state solution and Hamas would fall into his plan.

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