Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Let's not give too much credit, I would not consider him a master of anything, he is an unimaginative repetitive troll..... who happens to have mod powers he can misuse.

Problem is that this Sandhu guy used that Mod's word play to twist my words and called me 'dishonest'.
When I say 'No Moral Equivalency', as I had said from my very first post in the old PDF after October 7, I was then and I remain clear: One can't draw parallels between an imprisoned people fighting for its very survival against a rich, militarily powerful country backed by a Superpower and its allies. The weaker side should use whatever it can to fight for its survival. The question of 'morality' doesn't arise here. There are no moral equivalence here.

I, like Scott Ritter and many others, simply refuse to fall into their trap that history of this particular conflict began on October 7. They try to trap us by asking like 'who started this on October 7?'. They know the answer well but still try to trap us. Dishonest, repugnant people!
Let's not be apologetic about our stances here. Speak what's on our mind.
Massive anti-government protests in Israel continue

Protestors start fires and clash with police

After the three hostages were killed by IDF as they were trying to surrender, with no shirts on and speaking in Hebrew, the families of the remaining hostages have very low hopes of another 'Raid on Entebbe' and so are rightly protesting.
The Gazans have extremely skillfully played the hostages situation!! Little by little releasing the civilians, starting with the two old ladies without even asking for a return swap. Then some great media footage around the releases. And now holding on to mostly the IDF soldiers...
Latest news is that even Palestine armed resistance has now spread in West bank also and attacks are going on against Zionists from there also it looks like first time Palestine factions have come closer and resistance is on right path. It is much wiser on Israel side to arrange ceasefire as northern Ghaza is already no more than rubble yet resistance fighter come from any corner attack the IDF forces and disappear in few moments. If massive attack is done by Hizbullah and Syria along with strikes from Houtis/ Iraqi factions the game shall be out of hand from USA and Israel.
Latest news is that even Palestine armed resistance has now spread in West bank also and attacks are going on against Zionists from there also it looks like first time Palestine factions have come closer and resistance is on right path. It is much wiser on Israel side to arrange ceasefire as northern Ghaza is already no more than rubble yet resistance fighter come from any corner attack the IDF forces and disappear in few moments. If massive attack is done by Hizbullah and Syria along with strikes from Houtis/ Iraqi factions the game shall be out of hand from USA and Israel.
Where are they getting weapons from, are they light arms from Fatah stocks?
Latest news is that even Palestine armed resistance has now spread in West bank also and attacks are going on against Zionists from there also it looks like first time Palestine factions have come closer and resistance is on right path. It is much wiser on Israel side to arrange ceasefire as northern Ghaza is already no more than rubble yet resistance fighter come from any corner attack the IDF forces and disappear in few moments. If massive attack is done by Hizbullah and Syria along with strikes from Houtis/ Iraqi factions the game shall be out of hand from USA and Israel.

the protests and the ICJ and all the attacks by various groups and factions is taking its toll

because the equation is very simple

for Hamas to win the only thing they need to do is survive

and if they can do that and most likely now they will Israel has lost this war

Hamas is not surviving they are kicking IDF Bu$$s
There is no moral equivalence between the Gazans and the Israelis: Gazans, if they don't violently resist, are history along with Palestine!

My comment below implies to countries as well as individuals.

Only a strong, self-confident entity can support others in need.

Strength, of course, comes in many forms. Even a poor man can be steadfastly strong morally where a rich man cowers obsequiously. Look at South Africa, Yemen and the South American countries taking a stand despite open threats of 'consequences' by Israeli supporters.
Look at South Africa, Yemen and the South American countries taking a stand despite open threats of 'consequences' by Israeli supporters.

As I said above, countries like South Africa, Colombia, Indonesia, and Ireland--four different countries, in four continents, with different faiths, and ethnicities-- don't have much to gain being on the wrong side of the currently existing most powerful military and economic alliance in the world by siding with the Palestinians.
But they still do because they know right and wrong.
There is still much humanity left in human beings. But a cynic, troll here called those countries' support as some geopolitical 'calculus'. Do we calculate when we give $1 to the Salvation Army folks outside Walmart during Christmas season or distribute meat to the poor during the Muslim Eid ul Adha (the 'Bakra Eid' in Pakistan) and many such instances of human charity? No, we don't calculate.
South Africa is doing this because not only they know what the Apartheid is but also they know that once they too were occupied and the good people of the world supported them with nothing to gain from supporting South African black population while rich powerful countries, including Israel, were supporting South Africa's Apartheid.
Let's not lose hope in humanity by looking at everything through 'geopolitics' because humanity does exist in all faiths, regions, and ethnicities. Otherwise, there is the total darkness once we lose the hope.
Where are they getting weapons from, are they light arms from Fatah stocks?
Reportedly Iran, China and Russia. It is my humble opinion that apart from small scale supplies they have got sufficient technical know how and effective gorilla warfare strategy first time in the history of Palestine resistance. From effective use of tunnels to simple drones or RPGs use against Merkava. The fighters exactly know how and when to hit sophisticated Merkava for destruction. In same way they are effectively using Manpads against Israeli Helicopters. They have prepared and got sufficient training which I doubt they have simply got from Iran. The arms are still being smuggled in from different land or sea routes as reported by Media.
Any comments about Pakistan Media coverage of Palestine war as evident the majority of Pakistan media houses are foreign funded or incapable to cover such a burning issue. As per my knowledge no media personality from Pakistan has gone for direct coverage unlike India, there media is quite active in Supporting Israel as their mercenaries are also reportedly supporting Israel offensive.

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