Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hamas is a terror organization. 10/7 was mass terrorism.

Now suffer the consequences
Indeed it was.

Don’t try to sugar coat the previous 70 years of what Israel has done to the Palestinian souls.
Subsequently since 7th Oct - Israel killing 30,000 innocent - stopping water and electricity - collective punishment - bombing hospitals - refugee camps - carpet bombing and ethnic cleansing Gaza - what would you call that? Mass terrorism- and something Hitler would have been proud of.
Surprised at people like you that are blinded and see things in a 1 dimensional world. A case of all animals are equal BUT some are more equal than others…….
You’ve let emotions cloud your judgement.

10/7 was mass terrorism, you and this whole forum knows it. Now Hamas and Gaza suffer the consequences. No different than Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan.
No sane member on this forum supports what Hamas did, Hamas also has blood on their hands, but look at the NUMBERS! when will the blood letting be sated? The numbers are already reaching 23,000+ as per PRCS. Thousands are entombed and buried under rubble.

Israel has breached its obligations as an occupying power a number of customary International Humanitarian Laws. Namely:



The IAF and IDF have repeatedly targeted hospitals, PRCS/MSF/UNRWA schools, hospitals, shelters which have PROTECTED status in international law:

Israel's repeated tactics to deny access to UN flagged convoy's is a breach of its obligations under international humanitarian laws

Journalists are PROTECTED under International Humanitarian Law

No sane member on this forum supports what Hamas did, Hamas also has blood on their hands, but look at the NUMBERS! when will the blood letting be sated? The numbers are already reaching 23,000+ as per PRCS. Thousands are entombed and buried under rubble.

Israel has breached its obligations as an occupying power a number of customary International Humanitarian Laws. Namely:

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The IAF and IDF have repeatedly targeted hospitals, PRCS/MSF/UNRWA schools, hospitals, shelters which have PROTECTED status in international law:
View attachment 11056

Israel's repeated tactics to deny access to UN flagged convoy's is a breach of its obligations under international humanitarian laws
View attachment 11059

Journalists are PROTECTED under International Humanitarian Law

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There was a post where he glorified nuking Japan and firebombing 60 places in Japan, or something.

I think he has to defend his views.

But he is ashamed to have them in the open.
once again: There is NO moral equivalence!!!
He said there is no Moral Factor in Geopolitics.You are needlessly over-extending this term towards Non-Geopolitic issues.
This shows me your Intellectual Dishonesty
These maniac genocidal supporters will never acknowledge the suffering and crimes done to the Palestinians for the past 75 years. The false illusion they portray will eventually be destroyed as more and more people are waking up to the genocidal nature of this beast. They will be held accountable and those who let it happen will forever be shamed.

This genocide on Gaza has exposed these rats to the point they can’t even distort the truth. Soon like rats, they will flee in the holes they came out of.
Hamas is a terror organization
No one cares what US or UK thinks of Hamas. It's a government , legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and recognized as such by 90% of the world.
and committed a mass terror attack on 10/7 murdering over 1,200 people, the vast majority being civilians.
Bull crap. It was a tactical strike on the IDF southern command division. Over 60% of casualties were soldiers and security officers. There is nothing 'terror' about it. It was in response to the Israeli blockade of 20 years on Gaza. And the Jewish terrorist storming of the Al-Aqsa mosque and desecration of it. I fully support Hamas's tactical strike on 10/7. And so does the majority of the world. It's legitimate and is a legal counterstrike to the blockade, which is a act of war, whether you like it or not.
No sane member on this forum supports what Hamas did, Hamas also has blood on their hands, but look at the NUMBERS! when will the blood letting be sated? The numbers are already reaching 23,000+ as per PRCS. Thousands are entombed and buried under rubble.

Israel has breached its obligations as an occupying power a number of customary International Humanitarian Laws. Namely:

View attachment 11050

View attachment 11052
View attachment 11053

The IAF and IDF have repeatedly targeted hospitals, PRCS/MSF/UNRWA schools, hospitals, shelters which have PROTECTED status in international law:
View attachment 11056

Israel's repeated tactics to deny access to UN flagged convoy's is a breach of its obligations under international humanitarian laws
View attachment 11059

Journalists are PROTECTED under International Humanitarian Law
View attachment 11060
Beautifully put sir. Post of the day - something that cant be hidden - facts
These maniac genocidal supporters will never acknowledge the suffering and crimes done to the Palestinians for the past 75 years. The false illusion they portray will eventually be destroyed as more and more people are waking up to the genocidal nature of this beast. They will be held accountable and those who let it happen will forever be shamed.

This genocide on Gaza has exposed these rats to the point they can’t even distort the truth. Soon like rats, they will flee in the holes they came out of.
I'm not gonna allow him to delegitmize a legitimate military counterstrike or a legitimate government and ruling party of the Palestinian people. Give them a inch, they will take a mile.

Hamas was fully in its right to strike the IDF southern command division. In response to the attempts to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque and mass-Jewish terrorism in the West Bank. And most importantly , the 20 year long blockade of Gaza. Which is an act of war in itself. Anyone going against Hamas that is not bound by legal or forum reasons, is secretly a hater of Hamas or is a liar that doesn't seek interest of Palestinian people.

Especially those that commit unprecedented atrocities and terrorism. Which Hamas will never come close to. Hamas is the most moral army in the world and it's a legitimate Palestinian army and will always be. And we love it as Palestinian people and wish our army the best.
No one cares what US or UK thinks of Hamas. It's a government , legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and recognized as such by 90% of the world.

Bull crap. It was a tactical strike on the IDF southern command division. Over 60% of casualties were soldiers and security officers. There is nothing 'terror' about it. It was in response to the Israeli blockade of 20 years on Gaza. And the Jewish terrorist storming of the Al-Aqsa mosque and desecration of it. I fully support Hamas's tactical strike on 10/7. And so does the majority of the world. It's legitimate and is a legal counterstrike to the blockade, which is a act of war, whether you like it or not.
Great point, where was the UK all these years when 2.1 Million Palestinian people were imprisoned in an open air prison measuring less then 400sq KM, where there every movement, action, access to basics like food, water, utilities and even medical care were controlled by another country.

This is nothing but slavery with a different flavor and meanwhile the UK and others who's hearts bled for Ukraine were sleeping a long sleep. Why was this? But even before we point fingers at the UK, US et.Al questions should be asked what was the wider Muslim world doing all this time?

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