Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I hear, among the weapons shipments made by America to IDF after October 7, there were thousands of 'porcelain vests'. Whatever they are!

Bolded part. That's the bottom line which the fake neutral, the fake Rodney Kings 'why can't we all get along' don't understand. There is no moral equivalency here--if the Palestinians don't resist via violence, they are eternally doomed to either live as refugees or be Israeli boot-lickers.

And if one studies the history of for how long and how violently the hugely outnumbered, outgunned the Native Americans fought the European colonizers, then one may start to understand what the Palestinians are doing.
I think that must have been a translation error, what they may have meant were ceramic plates. There are mainly 2 types of soft armor and three types of plates.

The two types of soft armor are:

Spectra Shield

Spectra shield is more expensive but offers greater protection, however due to the lamination process is heavier than Kevlar and less long wearing.

The three types of ballistic plates are:

  1. Cheapest
  2. Thinnest
  3. Most Durable
  4. Risk of spall (fragmentation of bullet striking the user)

  1. Lighter in weight
  2. Reduced Spall Risk (Fragmentation)
  3. Reduced ricochet Risk

Polyethylene Inserts:
  1. Lightest weight
  2. Moderate durability
  3. Usually Multi-Hit rated
  4. Expensive

Hamas is a terror organization. 10/7 was mass terrorism.

Now suffer the consequences
Yes, we know a genocide of the Palestinians is what you want.

Consequences? Israel has not yet met theirs. They surely will one day for all their crimes they have committed for the past 75 years.
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F22 delete a post about the USA glorifying bombing Japan to pieces.


It's only people that died.
Good I am glad it has become an echo chamber, where was the protest when Facebook/Meta, Insta, Twatter banned people's posts or deleted accounts simply for standing with Palestinians.

Frankly using the "terrorist" tag is an old method cowards use when they have lost the argument and wish to silence down opposing voices by hoping to cower them with words like "criminal", "terrorist", "militant", "hardliner", "firebrand" etc. etc.

Where were these vocal champions of free speech when simply sharing a Palestinian flag meant you were forcibly silenced through account bans/shadow bans, expelled from employment/education, isolated from your social circles?

And you dare come here and try to judge others using your warped moral compass? I don't think so. I have read your posts on the old PDF and here, posters like you who only push one narrative have not once, not once expressed sincere compassion towards the victims of the conflict from the Palestinian side.

How many of your posts are still on this thread? And you still say this is an echo chamber? Are you for real?

So please spare us your condemnation, no one is forcing you to stay here.

You’ve let emotions cloud your judgement.

10/7 was mass terrorism, you and this whole forum knows it. Now Hamas and Gaza suffer the consequences. No different than Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan.
The issue being Hamas has built a vast underground infrastructure under Gaza and has intentionally embedded itself in the civilian population. Israel is left with no choice.

Okay F... here is something you can opine on...
Being that majority of Gazans are already victims of nakba and their previous generations were already ethnically cleansed from the lands of Palestine...
Fenced in less than 150 square miles and dropped over 65k tons of munitions.
Where exactly do you want your designated deserving death lie down to be dropped a 2000 pound dumb bomb on?

See this is the direct consequence of establishing an apartheid, an abomination on the unscrupulous masses minding their own business... doing their own bit in their own corner of the world.

When the then and the subsequent super powers unloaded their unwanted.

Let's hear you out...
It's the children and civilians who have lost limbs and have no painkillers, antibiotics etc that I really really feel for. What is Pakistan doing is the main question, forget about everyone else. The people of Pakistan demand Pakistan army take action.
And we can rightfully demand our Army to take action, because Army runs on the taxes from the common citizen and is responsible to do anything within means as the wishes of the population. They will be answerable to Allah SWT on the day of judgement about that. Because Jihad is farz in situations like this.

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