Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Did you mean to admit to collective punishment? Why does Gaza at large need to suffer.

Yes, most of the world refuses to handle it.

The issue being Hamas has built a vast underground infrastructure under Gaza and has intentionally embedded itself in the civilian population. Israel is left with no choice.
Evil and good are concepts inapplicable in geopolitics Sir. She has a job to do and she is doing it, whether we agree with it or not.
If that is true then that means the Nazis (and others like it) were not evil but simply playing their geopolitics.

I understand you are trying to sound neutral but sometimes you just can’t deny reality.

It is not simply 2 sides fighting when one people are fighting an existential crises. What Israel is doing is evil and genocidal. It’s ok to admit that, this way they are held accountable and a new beginning can emerge. We can’t whitewash their crimes and play their games of always having a boogeyman to commit atrocities. We simply can’t ignore their actions for the past 75 years and expect a change when no one is holding them accountable.
This thread has turned into a Pro Palestinian/ Pro Hamas terror echo chamber, with little dissident viewpoints. To be clear, Hamas is a designated international terror organization.
9 countries + the EU have designated Hamas as a terrorist organisation. the rest of the world has not

kindly do not conflate pro Palestinian with pro Hamas, or support for legitimate resistance with terrorism

all viewpoints are welcome here as long as they are respectful, but in a genocide it is difficult to justify taking a 'middle ground' and outright offensive to support it. you cannot deny the Jewish genocide (holocaust) in much of the 'free world'
80% of the world don't care about what 20% think.

Hamas is born out of the displacement of Palestinians by a colonial settlers from all over the world. Palestinians have the right to make sure the settlers do not have a comfortable existence on stolen land.

Hamas is a terror organization. 10/7 was mass terrorism.

Now suffer the consequences
Of course. And where are your estimates of the resources provided to Hamas, the other party involved in this conflict? To be fair, let us look at, you know, both sides of the issue.
The military resource comparisons are irrelevant here- what matters is that Palestinians have a legal international right to fight ISrael as an occupier, so that means the use of their military weapons against ISrael is legal and ok, Israel on the other hand, as an occupier, does not have a right to defend itself from attack by palestinians, per international law, talk less of attacking Palestinians indiscriminately, so please dont change the topic or focus and answer the direct question or argument made to you.
Exactly. No one can stop me from looking at the complex situation from all aspects with a level head. Please try it some time.
but "looking at the complex situation" when someone makes a direct point or argument towards you = changing the topic. Please argue against the point raised, not the person who raised it.
The issue being Hamas has built a vast underground infrastructure under Gaza and has intentionally embedded itself in the civilian population. Israel is left with no choice.

Hamas is a ideology born out of the dehumanisation of the Palestinian people

it cannot be defeated after this Hamas 2.0 will emerge

do you not think the relatives of the 15,000 dead children will not take revenge for their loves one at some point later in the future in some other place

do you really think by killing 30,000 people you have won?

you only radicalised more Palestinians and cycle will continue

and Palestinians are very resilient people the ore you hurt them the harder they fight back

you can win against them and you will never silence them
This thread has turned into a Pro Palestinian/ echo chamber
Good I am glad it has become an echo chamber, where was the protest when Facebook/Meta, Insta, Twatter banned people's posts or deleted accounts simply for standing with Palestinians.

Frankly using the "terrorist" tag is an old method cowards use when they have lost the argument and wish to silence down opposing voices by hoping to cower them with words like "criminal", "terrorist", "militant", "hardliner", "firebrand" etc. etc.

Where were these vocal champions of free speech when simply sharing a Palestinian flag meant you were forcibly silenced through account bans/shadow bans, expelled from employment/education, isolated from your social circles?

And you dare come here and try to judge others using your warped moral compass? I don't think so. I have read your posts on the old PDF and here, posters like you who only push one narrative have not once, not once expressed sincere compassion towards the victims of the conflict from the Palestinian side.

How many of your posts are still on this thread? And you still say this is an echo chamber? Are you for real?

So please spare us your condemnation, no one is forcing you to stay here.

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