Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

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Egptian men might as well wear women's clothes, they have a genocide happening to their neighbour for which they are responsible, and they go about their daily lives as if nothing is happening. How sick can a society get?
Nigeria my country is still a dedicated US lackey.unfortunate.
I'm not gonna allow him to delegitmize a legitimate military counterstrike or a legitimate government and ruling party of the Palestinian people. Give them a inch, they will take a mile.

Hamas was fully in its right to strike the IDF southern command division. In response to the attempts to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque and mass-Jewish terrorism in the West Bank. And most importantly , the 20 year long blockade of Gaza. Which is an act of war in itself. Anyone going against Hamas that is not bound by legal or forum reasons, is secretly a hater of Hamas or is a liar that doesn't seek interest of Palestinian people.

Especially those that commit unprecedented atrocities and terrorism. Which Hamas will never come close to. Hamas is the most moral army in the world and it's a legitimate Palestinian army and will always be. And we love it as Palestinian people and wish our army the best.
Perfectly said!

They can feel the water reach their necks and they are struggling to latch on to anything they can use to try to justify the genocide they are committing. They know their days are numbered and have a crab like mentality. This is why they want to draw US and others into war. They want to take the world down with them.
10/7 was mass terrorism, you and this whole forum knows it. Now Hamas and Gaza suffer the consequences.
Hamas attack on Israel in response to decades of illegal occupation: c. 50-60% of those killed were soldiers or military targets, at least some of the remaining c. 40% civilians killed were killed by Israel itself via its 'Hannibal Directive' and incompetence

Israeli response: at most 10% of those killed are combatants, more than 9000 children killed

according to this guy, who never showed an ounce of sympathy for the 9000+ children killed in Gaza, only the first is "mass terrorism" and the second is perfectly justified without limits
Great point, where was the UK all these years when 2.1 Million Palestinian people were imprisoned in an open air prison measuring less then 400sq KM, where there every movement, action, access to basics like food, water, utilities and even medical care were controlled by another country.

This is nothing but slavery with a different flavor and meanwhile the UK and others who's hearts bled for Ukraine were sleeping a long sleep. Why was this? But even before we point fingers at the UK, US et.Al questions should be asked what was the wider Muslim world doing all this time?
Yeah the point is we know these 'terrorist' designations essentially amount to no more than dehumanization of the enemy and to stave off any legal repercussions which will target a civilian population or be used to provide casus beli in territorial disputes. This is why historically many actual terrorist organizations are supported by these two nations and others around the world when it's convenient. Such as support of some separatist terrorist organizations and so forth. Many powers in the world deploy this. And when it's convenient they remove the designation like they did with the Houthi's. Then consider bringing it back.

Hamas is unfairly targeted because Jewish influence in the US media and government is quite disproportionate and Israel has a long term interest and policy in occupied Palestinian territory. So the designation by these few countries means nothing to the general public and rest of the world. And we have to move past these designations and not allow them to be a point of discussion or debate anymore. It is used by pro-Israel critics to silence any discussion and/or debate for Palestinian independence. And we aren't gonna get rid of Hamas or anymore to potentially open up discussions or 'negotiations'.

The PLO did this. Fully surrended their arms. Complied with the US and international community. And in the end we see the result in the West Bank. Israel takes advantage of Palestinian good will to expand its territory. And that has to change. Everyone needs to unapologetically support Hamas and the Palestinian right to self-defense. So we can actually move towards serious proposals and action for Palestinian independence.
Yeah the point is we know these 'terrorist' designations essentially amount to no more than dehumanization of the enemy and to stave off any legal repercussions which will target a civilian population or be used to provide casus beli in territorial disputes. This is why historically many actual terrorist organizations are supported by these two nations and others around the world when it's convenient. Such as support of some separatist terrorist organizations and so forth. Many powers in the world deploy this. And when it's convenient they remove the designation like they did with the Houthi's. Then consider bringing it back.

Hamas is unfairly targeted because Jewish influence in the US media and government is quite disproportionate and Israel has a long term interest and policy in occupied Palestinian territory. So the designation by these few countries means nothing to the general public and rest of the world. And we have to move past these designations and not allow them to be a point of discussion or debate anymore.
Agree with your post. I often laugh how quickly those in the west are able to label someone or an entire people "terrorists".
He said there is no Moral Factor in Geopolitics.You are needlessly over-extending this term towards Non-Geopolitic issues.
This shows me your Intellectual Dishonesty

The guy you are referring to is a master of word-play, obfuscation, and trolling. He's the dishonest guy, a shill of the Neo Cons, who brought the geopolitical angle into the discussion of the survival struggle of a people .

Starting with my very first post in the old PDF since October 7, I have been saying there is no 'moral equivalence' between what the Gazans are doing vs what the Israelis are doing. The Gazans have to violently act to try to survive. Israelis would be just content to keep gobbling up more and more of the West Bank territory. One side would be vanquished unless it resists. The other will be Greater Israel if it succeeds.
The resistance must happen and happen violently. We can't say that Palestinians can't resist--but we CAN say that Israel shouldn't expand its territory into the Occupied Palestine.

Ah yes, gods chosen people.

His beginning to sound like comical ali, comical benny should be his name.

Did you mean to admit to collective punishment? Why does Gaza at large need to suffer.

Yes, most of the world refuses to handle it.

Its pointless reasoning with zionist backers. They are blind to reality and their racist nature comes to the fore. For them the world only started on October 7th, they ignore the fact thousands have died in the west bank over the years including children by the apartheid forces, there is no Hamas there.

Israel is an apartheid regime and 10/7 was the result of Israeli barbarism happening since it's illegal birth
There is much about what happened on October 7th still not known or properly understand. The apartheid state lied so much about what happened that its hard to believe anything they say now. I dont doubt some atrocities were committed, it wasnt just Hamas that attacked but a number of factions as well. We definitely should condemn the killings of innocents, what is becoming clearer is the Hannibal directive kicked in and more than likely the terror state killed more of its own civilians than Hamas did.

Come stop me.

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