Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It is not a question of being thekedar but standing up for the right thing.

Are all the millions of young people around the world, most of them non-Muslim, who are supporting Palestine doing it as thekedar of something?

As I have written before, only a strong, self-confident person can help others. An insecure weakling who needs crutches to stand himself is in no position to help anyone and will always find an excuse.
We are in no position to help Palestinian and by the way what kind of help do you want from Pakistan?
We are in no position to help Palestinian and by the way what kind of help do you want from Pakistan?
Well this is not entirely accurate. Pakistan has helped despite all the Pooh Pooh nonsense in this thread and others.

Pakistani surgeons are operating in Gaza Right Now. 4000 doctors, nurses and paramedics from Pakistan have volunteered to join the Medical Mission to Gaza.

Pakistan has sent 4 tranches of aid to Gaza via NDMA / Pak Airforce Air lift. Beyond this military intervention is not going to happen.
Who is "we"?! Speak for yourself! As Muslims we don't differentiate between Arab and non-Arabs. Any Muslim that is being harmed then it is incumbent on all to help. We live in an age of nation states and if the PGCC nations don't want to help for whatever reason that doesn't mean other Muslim states should "not care". Munafiq comes to mind.
Pakistan is not in the position to help anyone our economy is crumbling, pressure from India, Afghanistan, now you, our political and social system is corrupt Pakistan is going down day by day
Pakistan is not in the position to help anyone our economy is crumbling, pressure from India, Afghanistan, now you, our political and social system is corrupt Pakistan is going down day by day

That doesn't mean Pakistan can't send some bullets at the very least! You have a stronger military than Iran, you have no sanctions like Iran does, but are doing nothing for Palestinians. The math aint mathing! Either way, you're in no position to question why Iran is helping when nobody else is incapable.
We are in no position to help Palestinian and by the way what kind of help do you want from Pakistan?

We are so weak that we can't do much even at the best of times, let alone right now with our internal mess.

We can help with humanitarian aid and not much more at this point.
That doesn't mean Pakistan can't send some bullets at the very least! You have a stronger military than Iran, you have no sanctions like Iran does, but are doing nothing for Palestinians. The math aint mathing! Either way, you're in no position to question why Iran is helping when nobody else is incapable.
You're doing nothing but killing innocent Palestinians through your terrorist proxy Hamas
We are so weak that we can't do much even at the best of times, let alone right now with our internal mess.

We can help with humanitarian aid and not much more at this point.

No, you're stronger than Iran, have no multi-theatre proxy war like Iran does and have really only one worthy enemy, India, who is not that retarded to start a war any time soon. These are excuses I'm afraid, my dear brother!
You're doing nothing but killing innocent Palestinians indirectly through your terrorist proxy Hamas

Then you have to say Hamas is a terrorist organization and Israel has the right of self defense as it is doing.

Yet you said because GCC is not doing anything, we are not tekkedar of Islam. This one is wrong argument.
You're doing nothing but killing innocent Palestinians through your terrorist proxy Hamas

For the last time, what evidence do you have of Hamas killing Palestinians? Only zionists call Hamas terrorist. Why are they terrorist? Because they fight your beloved Israel?

@Khansaheeb @Meengla one of many specimens of what I was speaking about earlier.
Any evidence of Hamas killing Palestinians? This should be interesting...
I'm not saying that Hamas killing Palestinians but after the attacks on Israel they leaves innocent Palestinians in front of evil Israeli forces to die

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