Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Statement by the Secretary-General - on UNRWA​

New York | 28 January 2024

The United Nations is taking swift action following the extremely serious allegations against several UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff members. An investigation by the UN’s Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) was immediately activated.

Of the 12 people implicated, nine were immediately identified and terminated by the Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini; one is confirmed dead, and the identity of the two others is being clarified.

Any UN employee involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution. The Secretariat is ready to cooperate with a competent authority able to prosecute the individuals in line with the Secretariat’s normal procedures for such cooperation.
UNRWA had also previously announced a full, independent review of the organization on 17 January.

Meanwhile, 2 million civilians in Gaza depend on critical aid from UNRWA for daily survival but UNRWA’s current funding will not allow it to meet all requirements to support them in February. While I understand their concerns – I was myself horrified by these accusations - I strongly appeal to the governments that have suspended their contributions to, at least, guarantee the continuity of UNRWA’s operations.

The abhorrent alleged acts of these staff members must have consequences. But the tens of thousands of men and women who work for UNRWA, many in some of the most dangerous situations for humanitarian workers, should not be penalized. The dire needs of the desperate populations they serve must be met.

Once again, you said Israel was defending herself. Just because Egypt mobilized their army doesn’t mean you have the right to attack them. They were heightened tensions between both sides and they had the right to mobilize in case of an attack which Israel did. Attacking a country is not defending when you are the one starting the war. Blocking the straits or mobilizing their army in case of a pending attack does not constitute war or a right to attack a country. If Egypt attacked, you would be in your right to attack back. They then would be the aggressors. It was not Egypt who struck, it was you.

If it is enough to attack someone just by feeling threatened than Egypt or another country can claim the same thing. They can attack anyone without no repercussions and claim “defense”. This is not how it works.

You violated UN resolution many times by keep attacking Israel since 1948 without guilty feeling, but when Israel violated once (which is debatable) by doing pre-emptive strike for much better reason - which is self defense based on attack preparation by Arab nations - you blame them.

Doesn't it make you a true hypocrite?

You can close your side of the border with Gaza. The issue is you lay siege to Gaza. This is a big difference that means you actually prevent them from sovereignty over their own borders, air, sea, etc. You are effectively denying them their sovereignty and destroying their economy. You even took great pride in counter the calories the people in Gaza consume.

If Egypt who blocked the strait which is their territory water was attacked by Israel for that, what should Palestinians be able to do when you infringe on their territorial rights? They should be able to do much worse and have much more right to attack someone who is also an occupier.

That is not true at all.
Israel still allow human and goods traffic through border of course by tight checking considering potential threat and they are entitled to do so, while Egypt doesnt allow that AT ALL.

I my self even can't go through Indonesian border with Singapore or Malaysia our good neighbors without visa and proper checking, why you demand such a high privilege to let Gaza people pass Israel border - the border of your enemy - without proper checking?

Sovereignty of a country doesn't mean they can pass border freely without approval and checking by their neighboring countries.

You can't blame Israel for your economic disaster while you prefer war to economic development and still expecting the destruction of Israel. What you need to do is forgetting war and desire for your neighbor destruction then start to focus on economic development, never divert fund aid allocated for economic development to building tunnels, rockets etc, request cooperation with many countries including cooperation with Israel. Otherwise you will keep poor till decades ahead.
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You violated UN resolution many times by keep attacking Israel since 1948 without guilty feeling, but when Israel violated once (which is debatable) by doing pre-emptive strike for much better reason - which is self defense based on attack preparation by Arab nations - you blame them.

Doesn't it make you a true hypocrite?

That is not true at all.
Israel still allow human and goods traffic through border of course by tight checking considering potential threat and they are entitled to do so, while Egypt doesnt allow that AT ALL.

I my self even can't go through Indonesian border with Singapore or Malaysia our good neighbors without visa and proper checking, why you demand such a high privilege to let Gaza people pass Israel border - the border of your enemy - without proper checking?

Sovereignty of a country doesn't mean they can pass border freely without approval and checking by their neighboring countries.

You can't blame Israel for your economic disaster while you prefer war to economic development and still expecting the destruction of Israel. What you need to do is forgetting war and desire for your neighbor destruction then start to focus on economic development, never divert fund aid allocated for economic development to building tunnels, rockets etc, request cooperation with many countries including cooperation with Israel. Otherwise you will keep poor till decades ahead.

An excellent job... anton!
Day in day out... you make a case religiously that just isn't there!

You prove the egregious futility of Israel... an abomination maintained by coercion, belligerence and military prowess of its backers...

You prove, why or how it maintains itself... you prove how devoid of humanity this contraption is... how bad of theft this is... how much misery it has caused .... and lives have been wasted for its cause.

You think perhaps it was meant to be easy... people are bought off... coerced or converted.

So the response becomes futile or absurd... slow maybe but you'll learn!
This bird's been caged!

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