Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Let us all donate to UNRWA. 5 million of us where each person donates $200 USD makes it $1 billion USD.

If 1 million of us donates $1,000 each, that makes it $1 billion USD.

Let us put our money where our mouth is.

Here is the UNRWA page. Please donate to them and lead a campaign in your area and raise awareness of the dire situation in Gaza.

The IOF and their child killing leaders could not defeat the resistance and free their prisoners after they killed and wounded close to 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza; so they engineered a fake charge, claiming 11 employees who work for the UN agency participated in the October 7, 2023 operations.

The Western governments who were then part of this conspiracy responded quickly and cut off all funding to the UN agency.

This is a gimmick that is designed to inflict a maximum pain of the Palestinians and force the hands of the resistance to release those hostages without ending the siege and the genocide and without releasing the over 8,000 Palestinian hostages in the occupation's detention centers.

Don't also miss your prayers for our beleaguered brethren in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and other places.
Here is the UNRWA page. Please donate to them and lead a campaign in your area and raise awareness of the dire situation in Gaza.

The IOF and their child killing leaders could not defeat the resistance and free their prisoners after they killed and wounded close to 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza; so they engineered a fake charge, claiming 11 employees who work for the UN agency participated in the October 7, 2023 operations.

The Western governments who were then part of this conspiracy responded quickly and cut off all funding to the UN agency.

This is a gimmick that is designed to inflict a maximum pain of the Palestinians and force the hands of the resistance to release those hostages without ending the siege and the genocide and without releasing the over 8,000 Palestinian hostages in the occupation's detention centers.

Don't also miss your prayers for our beleaguered brethren in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and other places.
I am one step ahead , sent money 2 weeks ago to UNRWA! I took Falcon29's advice. If any one knows of another aid agency on the ground in Gaza let us know, it's always good not to put all your eggs in one basket.

I am one step ahead , sent money 2 weeks ago to UNRWA! I took Falcon29's advice. If any one knows of another aid agency on the ground in Gaza let us know, it's always good not to put all your eggs in one basket.

I think the Palestinian Red Crescent is another agency. 👇 👇

I think the Palestinian Red Crescent is another agency. 👇 👇

I sent money to them by credit card but the transaction didn't go through, so I sent them an email and in their reply they never greeted me as a Muslim which got me concerned. They are base based in West bank which means the financial transactions must be controlled by israel.

Arab League holds session to discuss ICJ ruling on Israeli genocide in Gaza

Edited by Ed Newman
2024-01-28 18:58:07


Arab League ambassadors gather for an emergency meeting in Cairo, Egypt. (Photo by AFP)
Cairo, January 28 (RHC)-- The Arab League has begun an extraordinary session to reach a “unified Arab stance” in the aftermath of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)’s interim ruling on the brutal Israeli aggression against Gaza.
According to the Palestinian WAFA agency, the Palestinian delegation to the meeting is led by the Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Arab League, Muhannad Al-Aklok, along with several senior advisors.
The meeting, called by Palestine in coordination with Egypt and Jordan, will formulate a unified Arab stance in response to the recent measures issued by the ICJ against the Israeli regime. “The meeting aims to take comprehensive measures to prevent prohibited acts under the Genocide Convention, ensure the immediate provision of urgent humanitarian needs for the Gaza Strip, and hold Israel accountable for incitement to genocide in Gaza,” it said in a statement.
In its interim ruling, the ICJ ordered Israel to take all measures within its power to prevent genocide in Gaza, saying the regime must ensure its forces do not commit genocide and also ensure the preservation of evidence of alleged genocide. It also urged the regime to report back in one month.
The court obliged Israel to take more measures to protect Palestinians but did not order it to end military operations in the Strip.
South Africa filed the lawsuit against Israel at the end of December, noting that Israel’s actions are “genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group.”
The application also said Israeli attacks breach the UN’s Genocide Convention, and urged the court to “order Israel to cease killing and causing serious mental and bodily harm to Palestinian people in Gaza.”
Two days after the ruling was announced by the top UN court based in The Hague, the genocidal war perpetuated by Israel on Gaza continues and Palestinians continue to be killed in cold blood and through deliberate starvation.
More deaths and destruction in the Gaza Strip as Israel bombs nearly two dozen locations 114 days into its onslaught on the territory. The regime has killed 165 Palestinians and injured 290 others in one day.
The long-awaited ruling by the ICJ against Israel underlines the growing isolation of the regime while also highlighting the limitations of the authority of UN organs.
The death toll from the nearly four-month genocide now stands at 26,422, most of them children and women. Meanwhile, the Gaza media office says the regime has killed 120 reporters in the coastal strip since the aggression began.
Israel’s indiscriminate bombings have also destroyed much of the Gaza Strip and its infrastructure, including hospitals. Doctors Without Borders says Gaza no longer has a functioning healthcare system.
Israel launched hostilities in Gaza following a historic operation by the Gaza-based Hamas resistance group against the occupying entity in retaliation for its intensified atrocities against the Palestinian people.
You violated UN resolution many times by keep attacking Israel since 1948 without guilty feeling, but when Israel violated once (which is debatable) by doing pre-emptive strike for much better reason - which is self defense based on attack preparation by Arab nations - you blame them.

Doesn't it make you a true hypocrite?

That is not true at all.
Israel still allow human and goods traffic through border of course by tight checking considering potential threat and they are entitled to do so, while Egypt doesnt allow that AT ALL.

I my self even can't go through Indonesian border with Singapore or Malaysia our good neighbors without visa and proper checking, why you demand such a high privilege to let Gaza people pass Israel border - the border of your enemy - without proper checking?

Sovereignty of a country doesn't mean they can pass border freely without approval and checking by their neighboring countries.

You can't blame Israel for your economic disaster while you prefer war to economic development and still expecting the destruction of Israel. What you need to do is forgetting war and desire for your neighbor destruction then start to focus on economic development, never divert fund aid allocated for economic development to building tunnels, rockets etc, request cooperation with many countries including cooperation with Israel. Otherwise you will keep poor till decades ahead.
A whole lot of typing just to say nothing. You didn’t refute any of my statements nor did you answer your hypocrisy. Reread my reply that you are replying to.

One again, you cannot attack a country and claim defense. There were tensions between both countries. If Egypt attacked you, they would be the aggressor. You attacked Egypt so you are the aggressor. You cannot attack a country and then play defense. Your whole argument that I replied to you was that Egypt attacked you in 1967. That claim was false and then when you were called out on it you diverted again.

I am not saying passing through Israeli border, I’m talking about Gazas own borders such as their territorial waters. You do NOT just control your borders with Gaza. You control the sovereign territory borders of Gaza. You deny them sovereignty over their own borders NOT just your borders. You have no right to dictate what comes in and out of Gaza. Gaza is not even allowed its own airport. You even control their airspace.

Once again, if Egypt closing the straits on their own territorial water was war. That means you controlling the sovereignty of Gazas own borders gives them 100x more rights to attack. Since you infringe on Gaza territorial rights. Not to mention you are an occupying power which also gives them the right to resist their occupiers in any way possible.
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Valiant defense by Palestinian resistance:-

An excellent job... anton!
Day in day out... you make a case religiously that just isn't there!

You prove the egregious futility of Israel... an abomination maintained by coercion, belligerence and military prowess of its backers...

You prove, why or how it maintains itself... you prove how devoid of humanity this contraption is... how bad of theft this is... how much misery it has caused .... and lives have been wasted for its cause.

You think perhaps it was meant to be easy... people are bought off... coerced or converted.

So the response becomes futile or absurd... slow maybe but you'll learn!
This bird's been caged!
All he does is divert and can never answer questions or refute anything. He just likes to have his own little monologue. He makes claims that are easily debunked then loves to switch topics or divert the topic. I almost feel bad for him having to do damage control for his Zionist masters (I really don’t, I love to see him squirm). It must get tiring being humiliated daily here and I’m sure also on other platforms.
Any two state solution should be based on 50 50 allocation of former mandate of Palestine. It cannot be based on 1967 border.
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