Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

All he does is divert and can never answer questions or refute anything. He just likes to have his own little monologue. He makes claims that are easily debunked then loves to switch topics or divert the topic. I almost feel bad for him having to do damage control for his Zionist masters (I really don’t, I love to see him squirm). It must get tiring being humiliated daily here and I’m sure also on other platforms.
He goes through the talking points... these were the goto back in the day... tried, tested and true... today it exposes them.
That boat sailed long ago.
So, he'll catch on...
The futility of it...
Only belligerence remaining... hallmark of zion and they'll try to shove it down like they had... the whole idea always was ...
Our might will convince them otherwise... they only listen to strength.

Yes, and I already explained why preemptive strike is a kind of defensive war.
You know, THIS was missing when the squatters started coming to Palestine... A preemptive strike!

You make excellent cases... excuses.
anton the case is kaput... the belligerent is here on its and backers martial prowess and not on the backs of their swift arguments. Your slippery tongue just has to balance both...

Yes keep at it...
Their intention is not for a Palestinian state no matter the borders of any year. These Zionist invaders want one thing and that’s all of Palestine without the Palestinians. Only way they will accept any deals is by the resistance being strong enough to force them to the negotiating table.

That's absolutely true. Once we start from that understanding then it is clear that violent resistance was, is, will be the only way to bring peace in that region.
Anyone here trying to make it complicated by bringing the history of this conflict or shedding crocodile's tears is either deliberately or ignorantly distracting us from understanding the fundamental nature of this conflict and the Zionists' plans going as far back as late 19th century.
Only belligerence remaining... hallmark of zion and they'll try to shove it down like they had

It is not the Zionists or their Indian apologist PDF members here who upset me the most. It is those, including some very senior guys here, who draw false equivalence between the warring parties, those who shed crocodile's tears over the death of the Palestinians, those who have nothing to contribute but one liners like 'I hope there is peace'--they upset me the most because I perceive them as hypocrites. At least the Zionists here manage to write a few sentences that show their true feelings, however I may disagree with them.
Yes, and I already explained why preemptive strike is a kind of defensive war.
Your denial doesn't negate my explanation.
That is not a “kind of defensive war”. Keep talking in circles. Your explanation means nothing when you are wrong.

Sounds like a cry of loosing argument.
Yes for you.

But it doesn't make Israel break anything by blockade Gaza, since Hamas started war with Israel since the beginning of their presence in Gaza

No. Because of their starting attack on Israel.

But you are not innocent one. You like to attack Israel and keep violating UN resolution then once Israel retaliate by violating UN resolution and taking over your territory you shouldn't be complaining about that.
You have been oppressing, occupying, stealing land, and killing Palestinians for over 75 years. We have every right to resist this fascist Zionist state. Thanks for admitting Israel is “taking over our territory”. Your Israel “taking over our land ” is such a mild way to put it like it was just handed the land, Israel is stealing land is the correct way to word it.

You can see how reluctant ICJ to issue verdict whether Israel has done genocide or not.

It is relative. For you and your rule, Israel existence and war against Palestine is unjustice, for Israel and the supporters who doesnt play with your rule it is you with your claim & intention which are unjust. But UN and majority of world are on Israel side when it comes to Israel existence.
They are on trial for plausible genocide. That means that Israel’s actions is reasonable and probable of it committing genocide. Your denial means nothing.
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He goes through the talking points... these were the goto back in the day... tried, tested and true... today it exposes them.
That boat sailed long ago.
So, he'll catch on...
The futility of it...
Only belligerence remaining... hallmark of zion and they'll try to shove it down like they had... the whole idea always was ...
Our might will convince them otherwise... they only listen to strength.

I 100% agree, there is no reasoning with these people. They are exposed more and more, they will alienate themselves from everyone because they are a pariah state. They are leading themselves to their own doom.
That's absolutely true. Once we start from that understanding then it is clear that violent resistance was, is, will be the only way to bring peace in that region.
Anyone here trying to make it complicated by bringing the history of this conflict or shedding crocodile's tears is either deliberately or ignorantly distracting us from understanding the fundamental nature of this conflict and the Zionists' plans going as far back as late 19th century.
I totally agree, these Zionists have hijacked the holocaust and anything they can to rob and kill a people off their land. Their entire “state” was build off the blood of Palestinians and sits atop over 500 villages they ethnically cleansed. All this and they expect us to reason with them. Force will be met with force and oppression met with resistance. They are exposing themselves for the evil soulless terrorist state we have always known they were in front of the entire world.

Only thing saving them for now is the hypocrisy of the west. This will not save them forever so the sooner they realize it the better it is for them.

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