Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Disgusting Indians:-

Hungry Indians queue for Israel jobs as war on Gaza rages

AFP Published January 28, 2024 Updated a day ago
INDIAN workers wait to submit registration forms as they seek employment in Israel during a recruitment drive at the Industrial Training Institute in Lucknow earlier this week.—AFP

INDIAN workers wait to submit registration forms as they seek employment in Israel during a recruitment drive at the Industrial Training Institute in Lucknow earlier this week.—AFP

LUCKNOW: Indians queuing in long lines for jobs in Israel as the war on the Gaza Strip grinds on say the risks to their safety are preferable to hunger at home.
Recruiters are aiming to fill a labour shortage in Israel exacerbated by nearly four months of fighting against Palestinian militants in Gaza.
While India is the world’s fifth-largest economy and one of the fastest growing, it has struggled to produce enough full-time and well-paying jobs for millions of people.

For the hundreds of Indians in line, almost all men, the chance of a skilled construction job in Israel — and wages up to 18 times higher — outweighs their fears.
Many workers say risks to their safety are preferable to hunger at home
“If it is written in our fate to die, we’ll die there — at least our kids will get something,” said motorbike mechanic Jabbar Singh, among the packed crowd at a training centre and recruitment site in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh state. “It’s better than hunger here.”
India’s urban unemployment rate — the percentage of people wanting work who cannot find a job — dipped to 5.1 per cent in July 2022-June 2023, from 6.6pc between the same months a year earlier.
Over the same period, nearly 22pc of India’s workforce was classified as “casual labour”, with average monthly wages a paltry 7,899 Indian rupees ($95), according to government figures.
Indian tile designer Deepak Kumar said it was a matter of “work for four days, eat for two days”.
Mr Kumar said he followed the news and knew the risks, but wanted to find work for the sake of his children. “I will smile and take a bullet — but will take 150,000 rupees ($1,800)”, he said.
‘10,000 families will be fed’
Indians working in Israel is a well-trodden path. The Indian embassy in Tel Aviv says there are about 18,000 Indian citizens in Israel, “primarily caregivers” looking after the elderly, as well as others employed as diamond traders and IT professionals. Some are students.
But recruiters have launched a fresh drive for job seekers.
Raj Kumar Yadav, head of Lucknow’s Industrial Training Institute, said they were facilitating recruiters from Israel looking for 10,000 skilled construction workers who could earn as much as $1,685 a month.
“They will give them the visa and take the people with them on a chartered plane,” he said, adding that “10,000 families will be fed well and will grow.”
The programme is supported by the authorities in both nations, he said.
India’s foreign ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal told reporters last week there were long-existing employment agreements between the countries.
“We already have a large number of people, especially in the caregiving sector in Israel,” Mr Jaiswal said, adding that the agreement helped to ensure “regulated migration”.
Meanwhile, many foreign workers fled Israel after the Oct 7 attack, stripping the farm sector of a key source of labour. Israel has also withdrawn 130,000 work permits from Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Indian workers provide one way to fill the gap.
Father of two Keshav Das said he felt he had no choice. “There is no work here, so I will have to work somewhere,” Mr Das said. “I know I am going in the red zone. But I have to feed my family, so I will have to go out. Otherwise, my kids will die hungry.”
Published in Dawn, January 28th, 2024
Any two state solution should be based on 50 50 allocation of former mandate of Palestine. It cannot be base on 1967 border.
Their intention is not for a Palestinian state no matter the borders of any year. These Zionist invaders want one thing and that’s all of Palestine without the Palestinians. Only way they will accept any deals is by the resistance being strong enough to force them to the negotiating table.
Israel has been nothing but a cancer to the Middle East. So many wars and countries destroyed just for the sake of this Zionist entity. Everyone who is against this fascist state becomes a target. Israel is the one that is pushing for war against Iran and anyone who speaks out against their colonizer state. It does not want to fights its own wars but instead wants the West to die for their greater Israel ambition. Zionism and the occupier state of Israel are a threat not only to the Middle East but to humanity with their genocidal fascist ideologies.
Even worse;

Israel has demonstrated to be worse than Hamas. At least Hamas doesn´t kill civilians slowly by hunger and without medicines.

Israel is doing methodically doing that. They started carpet bombing gaza (killing thousand of civilians) and after that, they are DEALING WITH HUMANITARIAN AID, deliberating banning the entrance of food and medicines to the Gaza Strip. United Nations have been during MONTHS warning about not providing with basic needs to civilians. After that, Israel started accusing UNRWA about being involved in 7 October´s attacks.

At least Hamas killed civilians fast. But Israel are doing it slowly and masterfully planned. They are killing the whole Gaza Strip´s population.
Time for interpol to send out an International arrest warrant for Netanyahu for genocide and crimes against humanity and setup a Red Notice:-

What is a Red Notice?​

A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action. It is based on an arrest warrant or court order issued by the judicial authorities in the requesting country. Member countries apply their own laws in deciding whether to arrest a person.

It contains two main types of information:

  • Information to identify the wanted person, such as their name, date of birth, nationality, hair and eye colour, photographs and fingerprints if available.
  • Information related to the crime they are wanted for, which can typically be murder, rape, child abuse or armed robbery.
Red Notices are published by INTERPOL at the request of a member country, and must comply with INTERPOL’s Constitution and Rules.

A Red Notice is an international alert for a wanted person, but it is not an arrest warrant


The case brought by South Africa was weak, but the judgment may encourage Israel’s allies to push for a change of tactics

A whole lot of typing just to say nothing. You didn’t refute any of my statements nor did you answer your hypocrisy. Reread my reply that you are replying to.

One again, you cannot attack a country and claim defense. There were tensions between both countries. If Egypt attacked you, they would be the aggressor. You attacked Egypt so you are the aggressor. You cannot attack a country and then play defense. Your whole argument that I replied to you was that Egypt attacked you in 1967. That claim was false and then when you were called out on it you diverted again.

I did. Your denial doesn't negate my answer.

I refer not only 1967 war but whole war from 48.
I already recognized that 67 attack was preemptive attack, with the justification.
So dont say again that I don't recognize it as preemptive attack.

I am not saying passing through Israeli border, I’m talking about Gazas own borders such as their territorial waters. You do NOT just control your borders with Gaza. You control the sovereign territory borders of Gaza. You deny them sovereignty over their own borders NOT just your borders. You have no right to dictate what comes in and out of Gaza. Gaza is not even allowed its own airport. You even control their airspace.

Israel imposed a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip in January 2009. This blockade was established in the context of the Israeli-Hamas conflict and following the military operation "Cast Lead" that Israel carried out in Gaza from December 2008 to January 2009.

Oslo Accord since 1993 was between Israel and PA - not with Hamas, Hamas emerge in 2007, soon after that - Israel had to be engaged with Hamas in several intense conflicts since their presence in Gaza, notably in 2008-2009, 2012, 2014, and more recently in 2021 and Oct 2023.

Israel, along with several other countries including the United States and members of the European Union, classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Once again, if Egypt closing the straits on their own territorial water was war. That means you controlling the sovereignty of Gazas own borders gives them 100x more rights to attack. Since you infringe on Gaza territorial rights. Not to mention you are an occupying power which also gives them the right to resist their occupiers in any way possible.

There is no infringement since Hamas started war with Israel since the beginning of their presence in Gaza. On the contrary the hostility of Hamas give Israel justification to take control measurement for the sake of their security.
Any two state solution should be based on 50 50 allocation of former mandate of Palestine. It cannot be based on 1967 border.

It is too late to talk about 50% : 50% now, the demographic progress doesn't allow that anymore even if Israel is willing. Furthermore arab Palestine has gain more than 50% if including trans jordan.
I did. Your denial doesn't negate my answer.

I refer not only 1967 war but whole war from 48.
I already recognized that 67 attack was preemptive attack, with the justification.
So dont say again that I don't recognize it as preemptive attack.

Israel imposed a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip in January 2009. This blockade was established in the context of the Israeli-Hamas conflict and following the military operation "Cast Lead" that Israel carried out in Gaza from December 2008 to January 2009.

Oslo Accord since 1993 was between Israel and PA - not with Hamas, Hamas emerge in 2007, soon after that - Israel had to be engaged with Hamas in several intense conflicts since their presence in Gaza, notably in 2008-2009, 2012, 2014, and more recently in 2021 and Oct 2023.

Israel, along with several other countries including the United States and members of the European Union, classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization.
No, you were the one who first claimed that 1967 was a defensive war and then proceeded to make excuses to justify an attack which makes you the aggressor. You made that claim, why did you backtrack now? That’s what you best when you get caught which is make excuses when you get caught in a lie. Deflecting is one of your other trademarks.

You are child’s play, you are one of the worst propagandist for Israel. They should really replace you and pay someone else who will be worth my time. They are slacking very bad these days, I guess Yemen did put a big dent in their pockets. I don’t see many people like you around anymore. Maybe they can start a go fund me. Too bad…..

Hamas won the elections in Gaza whether you like it or not. Hamas is a terrorist organization to you but you are a terrorist organization to us. Any militia who resists their occupier will never be a terrorist especially a people that have been fighting occupation for 75 years.

There is no infringement since Hamas started war with Israel since the beginning of their presence in Gaza. On the contrary the hostility of Hamas give Israel justification to take control measurement for the sake of their security.

Hamas infringed because of their presence? Stop making stuff up because you have no right to dictate who a people elect or doesn’t elect. You the occupying power have no say in any matter concerning the Palestinian people.

You, whether you like it or not is an occupier which means any resistance movement have the right to resist with ANY MEANS POSSIBLE. Furthermore, your siege on Gaza and infringing on the territorial sovereignty of Palestinians is an act of war. You have and will always be the occupier and you will be treated like one. You cannot be an oppressor and an occupier yet play a victim.
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The case brought by South Africa was weak, but the judgment may encourage Israel’s allies to push for a change of tactics

It was weak? Well you are still on trial for genocide even with all that Western influence and backing.

It is too late to talk about 50% : 50% now, the demographic progress doesn't allow that anymore even if Israel is willing. Furthermore arab Palestine has gain more than 50% if including trans jordan.
We already know your true ambitions. Don’t bite more than you can chew. Empires rise and fall, don’t think injustices will go unpunished.

The case brought by South Africa was weak, but the judgment may encourage Israel’s allies to push for a change of tactics

I did. Your denial doesn't negate my answer.

I refer not only 1967 war but whole war from 48.
I already recognized that 67 attack was preemptive attack, with the justification.
So dont say again that I don't recognize it as preemptive attack.

Israel imposed a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip in January 2009. This blockade was established in the context of the Israeli-Hamas conflict and following the military operation "Cast Lead" that Israel carried out in Gaza from December 2008 to January 2009.

Oslo Accord since 1993 was between Israel and PA - not with Hamas, Hamas emerge in 2007, soon after that - Israel had to be engaged with Hamas in several intense conflicts since their presence in Gaza, notably in 2008-2009, 2012, 2014, and more recently in 2021 and Oct 2023.

Israel, along with several other countries including the United States and members of the European Union, classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization.

There is no infringement since Hamas started war with Israel since the beginning of their presence in Gaza. On the contrary the hostility of Hamas give Israel justification to take control measurement for the sake of their security.

It is too late to talk about 50% : 50% now, the demographic progress doesn't allow that anymore even if Israel is willing. Furthermore arab Palestine has gain more than 50% if including trans jordan.
I stopped after reading your first sentence.
Last Thursday IDF shot a man holding up a white flag - the day after people collecting bread and water were shot. Israel is carpet
Bombing Gaza.. 30,000 Palestinians have lost their lives. A friend of mine - his wife is Palestinian - her grandparents killed in their home - yet you say the South African case is weak?
What proof do you want and need or is your hatred blinding common sense?
No, you were the one who first claimed that 1967 was a defensive war and then proceeded to make excuses to justify an attack which makes you the aggressor. You made that claim, why did you backtrack now? That’s what you best when you get caught which is make excuses when you get caught in a lie. Deflecting is one of your other trademarks.

Yes, and I already explained why preemptive strike is a kind of defensive war.
Your denial doesn't negate my explanation.

You are child’s play, you are one of the worst propagandist for Israel. They should really replace you and pay someone else who will be worth my time. They are slacking very bad these days, I guess Yemen did put a big dent in their pockets. I don’t see many people like you around anymore. Maybe they can start a go fund me. Too bad…..

Sounds like a cry of loosing argument.

Hamas won the elections in Gaza whether you like it or not. Hamas is a terrorist organization to you but you are a terrorist organization to us. Any militia who resists their occupier will never be a terrorist especially a people that have been fighting occupation for 75 years.

But it doesn't make Israel break anything by blockade Gaza, since Hamas started war with Israel since the beginning of their presence in Gaza

Hamas infringed because of their presence? Stop making stuff up because you have no right to dictate who a people elect or doesn’t elect. You the occupying power have no say in any matter concerning the Palestinian people.

No. Because of their starting attack on Israel.

You, whether you like it or not is an occupier which means any resistance movement have the right to resist with ANY MEANS POSSIBLE. Furthermore, your siege on Gaza and infringing on the territorial sovereignty of Palestinians is an act of war. You have and will always be the occupier and you will be treated like one. You cannot be an oppressor and an occupier yet play a victim.

But you are not innocent one. You like to attack Israel and keep violating UN resolution then once Israel retaliate by violating UN resolution and taking over your territory you shouldn't be complaining about that.

It was weak? Well you are still on trial for genocide even with all that Western influence and backing.

You can see how reluctant ICJ to issue verdict whether Israel has done genocide or not.

We already know your true ambitions. Don’t bite more than you can chew. Empires rise and fall, don’t think injustices will go unpunished.

It is relative. For you and your rule, Israel existence and war against Palestine is unjustice, for Israel and the supporters who doesnt play with your rule it is you with your claim & intention which are unjust. But UN and majority of world are on Israel side when it comes to Israel existence.
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Any two state solution should be based on 50 50 allocation of former mandate of Palestine. It cannot be based on 1967 border.

It should be based on Oslo accord and the continuation actually.

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