Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Sheikh Uthman: Hamas frauds let Palestinians bear brunt of Israeli bombs while they hide in safety of tunnels

Not surprising after the Hamas frauds sat on their thumbs in 2022 while their brothers in Gaza (PIJ) were being attacked by Israel:

No wonder they don't have even one Muslim Arab nation as an ally, nobody likes these Israeli-created and supported frauds.

How Israel helped prop up Hamas for decades

“We need to tell the truth,” Israeli major general Gershon Hacohen, an associate of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said in a 2019 TV interview. “Netanyahu’s strategy is to prevent the option of two states, so he is turning Hamas into his closest partner. Openly Hamas is an enemy. Covertly, it’s an ally.”

Hamas is a secret ally of Israel and does its bidding. The Israelis couldn't have hoped for a bigger gift than Hamas gave them on October 7th - to allow Israel to finally and irreversibly destroy the idea or possibility of a "Palestine" from ever existing. For that alone, Hamas was worth every Shekel for Israel.
Hezbollah deterrence equation

Popular Israeli Telegram channel: compares photos of a funeral for a Hezbollah fighter taking place 1km from the border with a photo of a funeral for a Israeli terrorist which took place in the dark for 5 minutes for fear of Hezbollah attack
Sheikh Uthman: Hamas frauds let Palestinians bear brunt of Israeli bombs while they hide in safety of tunnels

Not surprising after the Hamas frauds sat on their thumbs in 2022 while their brothers in Gaza (PIJ) were being attacked by Israel:

No wonder they don't have even one Muslim Arab nation as an ally, nobody likes these Israeli-created and supported frauds.

How Israel helped prop up Hamas for decades

“We need to tell the truth,” Israeli major general Gershon Hacohen, an associate of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said in a 2019 TV interview. “Netanyahu’s strategy is to prevent the option of two states, so he is turning Hamas into his closest partner. Openly Hamas is an enemy. Covertly, it’s an ally.”

Hamas is a secret ally of Israel and does its bidding. The Israelis couldn't have hoped for a bigger gift than Hamas gave them on October 7th - to allow Israel to finally and irreversibly destroy the idea or possibility of a "Palestine" from ever existing. For that alone, Hamas was worth every Shekel for Israel.
Agree Israel kept Hamas fully in control of Gaza because they didn’t wish any sort of unity for Palestinians to achieve a Palestinian state but you saying Hamas did Israel’s bidding and highlighting it seems to be attempting to cause discourse. I don’t agree with Hamas on pretty much most things they should have come up with a solution to bring Palestinian unity they like the PA are clinging to the little power.
Also I’m assuming you highlighted it because of the other person remarks on certain groups or country,iI only agree on one is a fraud and the other one has attempted not to fully be involved because it would cause destruction and huge death toll in their country.

This guy is a Wahabi/Khawariji. No different than the Twelver Shia regime in Iran. Both aren't religious but use religion to advance nationalist interests/agenda of their nations. No one has caused damage to Muslims more than Wahabis, Khawarijis, Twelver Shias, and Sufis. They're traitors and frauds only good at slandering Muslims and persecuting them may Allah curse them.
wish should not be slandering each other im all for respecting other religious beliefs, so let’s leave it at that get passed that we don’t need to throw dirt on one another we should all be better.
Agree Israel kept Hamas fully in control of Gaza because they didn’t wish any sort of unity for Palestinians to achieve a Palestinian state but you saying Hamas did Israel’s bidding and highlighting it seems to be attempting to cause discourse. I don’t agree with Hamas on pretty much most things they should have come up with a solution to bring Palestinian unity they like the PA are clinging to the little power.
Also I’m assuming you highlighted it because of the other person remarks on certain groups or country,iI only agree on one is a fraud and the other one has attempted not to fully be involved because it would cause destruction and huge death toll in their country.

Nonsense. No group or a country in the Arab and Muslim world damaged Israel's settler colonial project more than Hamas. Labeling them with fake charges won't really erase their mark in history and their resiliency to resist the onslaught against the Palestinian people and their defense of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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