Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hitting the Israeli 'bottomline' can be the bottomline!! And so it is strange that Intel would agree to be part of a $25 billion chip making project in, of all places, southern Israel, which is close to Gaza and Sinai. Even if Israel is giving Intel good incentives, it is a very risky investment. Intel should take its money somewhere else.

"I have never seen so few new startups in Israel, and in my life, I have never encountered such difficulty in raising Seed funding," warned Gigi Levy-Weiss, co-founder and General Partner of the NFX venture capital fund. “2024 may end up looking good on graphs, but there will probably only be around 400 new startups in Israel, which is akin to the number from 2003."
For the last time stop pulling sectarian card.
If you continue to post sectarian rhetoric you will continue to be called out on it.

Question 1: how many anti-Iran posts have you made in this thread in the past 24 hours? 10? 20? 50?

Question 2: have you ever harboured extremist sectarian beliefs against Iran/Shia Muslims? This one is a rhetorical question, we all know the answer and have the proof to boot :) So this is why I will continue to be extra cautious in monitoring your activity.
Hitting the Israeli 'bottomline' can be the bottomline!! And so it is strange that Intel would agree to be part of a $25 billion chip making project in, of all places, southern Israel, which is close to Gaza and Sinai. Even if Israel is giving Intel good incentives, it is a very risky investment. Intel should take its money somewhere else.
This massive factory (and others like it) are great targets for the Resistance in Gaza and Lebanon.

In other news, Israel is threatening to assassinate Seyed Nasrallah:

Israel might deem the likely fall-out of such an extrajudicial assassination (war with Hezbollah) as a price worth paying to eliminate such an important leader of the Axis of Resistance, but they never learn that the Resistance can easily replace these leaders, often with more charismatic and powerful leaders.
You know this is funny i actually never thought about this ever ok turkey is a nato member hypothetically turkey intervenes in this war(hypothetically because it’s never going to happen another leader who talks more than acts) as a nato member can America intervene on Israel’s behalf or is America obligated to stay out of it. This is a real question for someone who thinks they can actually answer it.
if a country directly or indirectly attacks Israel and US can identify and confirm those attacks, being a NATO member will only mean that country will get attacked in a "specialized" way- it wont matter that the country/Turkey is a NATO member- if a country violates Israel past a certain threshold, US govt or military is likely to react negatively. No wonder Turkey hasn't crossed that line yet...just barking louder.
This massive factory (and others like it) are great targets for the Resistance in Gaza and Lebanon.
Sometimes I wonder if Israel is going to script its destruction through its hubris, so much 'infrastructure' will left available to the Palestinians as most/all Israelis flee the region.
In other news, Israel is threatening to assassinate Seyed Nasrallah:
Nasrallah has been sheltered for almost two decades. Israeli stupidity--trying to repeat the Munich assassination--knows no bound. Even threatened to recently kill Hamas leadership in Turkey to which Turkey gave a strong warning. Killing leadership of Palestinians might give some short sense of 'victory' to Israelis but it would make ANY Israelis accessible anywhere in the world to foreign govts' agents and/or Muslim/Arab citizens a fair game.
if a country directly or indirectly attacks Israel and US can identify and confirm those attacks, being a NATO member will only mean that country will get attacked in a "specialized" way- it wont matter that the country/Turkey is a NATO member- if a country violates Israel past a certain threshold, US govt or military is likely to react negatively. No wonder Turkey hasn't crossed that line yet...just barking louder.

Because Turkey is basically a poor country with poor natural resources and is very much tied with the West for trade/commerce. Same is the situation for Pakistan. But at least the Pakistani leadership has not 'barked' loudly without acting unlike Erdogan.
In short:

Iran steals the victories of heroes, undermines the Palestinian cause, seeks through its actions to divide Arabs and Muslims, and trades in the Palestinian cause and fighting Israel..

The best evidence of her scandal today

Stop spamming the thread with your garbage or else you'll be thread banned.
Brother let me please explain.
I love your info and keeping us up to date with the atrocities being committed in Palestine. Without the insight and regular posts from you - all I would have is the biased west media which is frankly fictional.
You seem to at times forget the enemy of the everyday Palestinian people is not Iran but Israel. Those responsible for the massacre taking place is Israel NOT Iran.
Like I said yesterday it’s not in yours or anyone’s interest to start a sectarian rivalry or show a disunited front.
No sane person cannot be sad in their hearts to see what’s happening. Please step back and understand your constant agitation of Iran is counterproductive.
Focus on the real enemy.
This is a top story on NY Times right now. Hard to believe Israel has it in it to start a full-blown war against Hezbollah right now.

All i'll say at this time is this- More Lebanese people will "forgive" Hezbollah if Hezbolalh enters a kinetic war with Israel after Israel starts bombing Lebanon, because of Israel's crimes in Gaza. The level of war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza will make it much easier for Lebanese people to forgive and support Hezbollah for fighting Israel back now- by any means, for any purposes- Israel obviously must be battled and degraded to a point that it denazifies itself (i mean this about the Israeli govt especially). Israel will learn this time that certain crimes aren't sustainable for or tolerable by the world.

Sometimes I wonder if Israel is going to script its destruction through its hubris, so much 'infrastructure' will left available to the Palestinians as most/all Israelis flee the region.
Wise and appropriate thinking here- Israel sets missions for itself that it cant achieve..then tries to achieve them...then gets exhausted...and then needs US support.... to cover its behind once it has to admit it can't win.
Because Turkey is basically a poor country with poor natural resources and is very much tied with the West for trade/commerce. Same is the situation for Pakistan. But at least the Pakistani leadership has not 'barked' loudly without acting unlike Erdogan.
True, but TUrkey's main poverty is in its self esteem.....when Turkey thinks or hears or is near a Western country like US, Turkey does not believe it is worth anything without these western countries, but i'm unsure if Egypt has lower self esteem than TUrkey, but yes, Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan govts behave like tey have low self esteem IMO.
All i'll say at this time is this- More Lebanese people will "forgive" Hezbollah if Hezbolalh enters a kinetic war with Israel after Israel starts bombing Lebanon, because of Israel's crimes in Gaza. The level of war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza will make it much easier for Lebanese people to forgive and support Hezbollah for fighting Israel back now-

I don't know much about Lebanon politics. From the little bit I have understood, tends to support your prediction. I think the majority population in Lebanon is Muslim and from the 2006 war, even many/most Christians there supported the war against Israel: The "We are all Hezbollah Today!" slogan.

But even if some Lebanese wouldn't support yet another bloody war against Israel, what can they do against Hezbollah when bombs are falling all over Lebanon?? A civil war against the most powerful military entity in Lebanon?

PS. I think the Litmus Test for the Israeli escalation against Hezbollah would be the bombing of the Beirut Airport; so far that has not happened despite almost three months of the Hezbollah attacks on Israel.
This is coming from an Israeli source. I don't know whether true or not. If true then the GCC Arabs are taking a huuuuge risk as is Jordan.
BTW, of all the Arab countries I have been observing in last few weeks, UAE and Jordan seem like total stooges.

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Affinity Partners, headed by Trump's son-in-law, to invest $150 million for a 15% stake in Shlomo group's car and credit business unit (September 2023)

Looks like Kushner's fund is going to make bank....

Israel logistics startup forges overland trade route to bypass Houthi Red Sea crisis

Trucknet seeks to facilitate the operation of an alternative land bridge for the transfer of goods from the ports of Dubai through Saudi Arabia and Jordan, to Israel’s Haifa port

Anyone want to bet Shlomo's motor credit and Jared Kushner's Affinity Partners (Saudi wealth fund) not getting in on the action?
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To be fair, NGOs are pretty much the only ones trying to spread the message about Gaza's genocide.
True, Western countries are probably a better example of those who wield the sword of human rights against oppressed nations with double standards.

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