Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israeli professor Raz Segal of Holocaust & Genocide studies - " (Gaza) A textbook case of Genocide"

This is a respectable Israeli Jewish expert on Genocide saying this. WIll those with their heads in the sand still say this is not a genocide?

The other very disturbing development is a recent Israeli poll showing the majority of Israelis want a genocide against the palestinians in Gaza.
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As you know it is a dirt
The Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its statement reflect malice, meanness, and villainy. It reflects a parasitic policy that feeds on the sacrifices of liberation movements and their people. The Hamas movement did well when it responded to it and embarrassed them.

While the genocide ticks away , each day it is costing thousands of lives of Palestinian civilians while the cold blooded security council discard world opinion and UN **** foot about just watching and put spin after spin on the Zionist mass murders taking place.

Iran is fraught with challenges, and it is imperative for Iran to exercise caution and plan accordingly. The potential use of nuclear weapons by Israeli Nazi regime extremists is something Iran considers seriously. As you know the Countries without nuclear capabilities must proceed with care, while those possessing such capabilities nned to ensure that they have adequate stockpile for Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Iran has a few nukes and is not in a position to ensure MAD equilibrium and this is factored in its planning and response. Iran's main obligation is to its people and regionally to the oppressed Shia faith.

Iran has been strategically aligning itself with Russia and China which have been emphasizing the importance of avoiding hasty actions. Notably, powerful Muslim countries like Pakistan and the wealthiest Muslim nation, Saudi Arabia, appear inactive and are unIslamically ignoring the catastrophe befelling the suffering Palestinians. It will up to the people of those nations to hold the rulers to account either by the ballot box or the gun.

Iranian people have no obligation to help the Palestinians especially when considering historical instances lack of support for Iran during the Iraq-Iran war and any help they provide is because of their Islamic values dear to their hearts.

Significant signs of preparation for an impending attack on Palestinians were evident, yet the regional countries and the world chose to disregard them, either perceiving it as a limited excursion or hoping the issue would resolve itself. This delusional thinking persists, as the Jews seemingly adopt a Nazi playbook, expanding their war efforts by capitalizing on perceived weaknesses in neighboring states. With an increase in war munitions manufacturing and the achievement of their goals, there is a concern that these actions may embolden Isarel to expand and make further attacks, with adversaries being deceived through false overtures of peace.

Alarmingly, Arab states should had been alerted when significant munitions buildup occurred, supported by blank checks from US Zionists and supply lines from the US war industry. The ongoing genocide in Palestine, claiming thousands of civilian lives daily, is met with indifferent responses from Nazi Isareli security forces, discarding world opinion and UN resolutions. Instead, a cycle of spin after spin surrounds the mass murders, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.

In light of the grave crimes by israel, it is imperative that the international community takes immediate and decisive action to address the escalating geopolitical tensions and humanitarian atrocities unfolding in the region. Rather than reign in the Isarelis the Neocon Nazis are pushing for more mass murder and every country will need to ask the question when will they be next. The good people of the world must act now to stop this mad genocidal Western mass murder machine from a contaigion inflicting the world,.
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Days after the owner of an Israeli real estate company announced a plan to build chalets on the destroyed beaches of Gaza, his brother, an Israeli soldier, was killed by the resistance in the Gaza Strip yesterday.
The Israeli terror deaths seem quite extensive, given how much a weak position the resistance are in they are doing a mammoth of a job.
Could be, these satanic genocidal lunatics don’t really care much about their own as they shot and killed 3 of their own speaking Hebrew waving white flags
They thought the three were surrendering Palestinians but these Nazi Jews have no regards for civilians or humanity and it backfired.
Israel just admitted to 501 IDF KIA, which means the actual number is probably closer to double or more. With thousands of severe injuries, that number is lik3ly going to skyrocket in the following days to come.

To be fair, NGOs are pretty much the only ones trying to spread the message about Gaza's genocide.
Well as I have said in previous post if you actually factor in the initial occurrence on the 7th many people who were killed 18 and above and would have been considered
As you know it is a dirt

While the genocide ticks away , each day it is costing thousands of lives of Palestinian civilians while the cold blooded security council discard world opinion and UN **** foot about just watching and put spin after spin on the Zionist mass murders taking place.

Iran is fraught with challenges, and it is imperative for Iran to exercise caution and plan accordingly. The potential use of nuclear weapons by Israeli Nazi regime extremists is something Iran considers seriously. As you know the Countries without nuclear capabilities must proceed with care, while those possessing such capabilities nned to ensure that they have adequate stockpile for Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Iran has a few nukes and is not in a position to ensure MAD equilibrium and this is factored in its planning and response. Iran's main obligation is to its people and regionally to the oppressed Shia faith.

Iran has been strategically aligning itself with Russia and China which have been emphasizing the importance of avoiding hasty actions. Notably, powerful Muslim countries like Pakistan and the wealthiest Muslim nation, Saudi Arabia, appear inactive and are unIslamically ignoring the catastrophe befelling the suffering Palestinians. It will up to the people of those nations to hold the rulers to account either by the ballot box or the gun.

Iranian people have no obligation to help the Palestinians especially when considering historical instances lack of support for Iran during the Iraq-Iran war and any help they provide is because of their Islamic values dear to their hearts.

Significant signs of preparation for an impending attack on Palestinians were evident, yet the regional countries and the world chose to disregard them, either perceiving it as a limited excursion or hoping the issue would resolve itself. This delusional thinking persists, as the Jews seemingly adopt a Nazi playbook, expanding their war efforts by capitalizing on perceived weaknesses in neighboring states. With an increase in war munitions manufacturing and the achievement of their goals, there is a concern that these actions may embolden Isarel to expand and make further attacks, with adversaries being deceived through false overtures of peace.

Alarmingly, Arab states should have been alerted when significant munitions buildup occurred, supported by blank checks from US Zionists and supply lines from the US war industry. The ongoing genocide in Palestine, claiming thousands of civilian lives daily, is met with indifferent responses from Nazi Isareli security forces, discarding world opinion and UN resolutions. Instead, a cycle of spin after spin surrounds the mass murders, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.

In light of the grave crimes by israel, it is imperative that the international community takes immediate and decisive action to address the escalating geopolitical tensions and humanitarian atrocities unfolding in the region. Rather than reign in the Isarelis the Neocon Nazis are pushing for more mass murder and every country will need to ask the question when will they be next. The good people of the world must act now to stop this mad genocidal Western mass murder machine from a contaigion inflicting the world,.
Here’s another statement looking to divide instead of unite. One Arab nations over the past many decades supplied military and financial support to PLO and likeminded groups…….for their own goals it used to Saudi Arabia to Iraq bankrolling their activities but not because they had some sense of brotherly love. Now you have Iranian leadership backing these groups financially and with the ability to build weapons etc……again for their own personal reasons as I said none of these leaders of these countries will ever come to the Palestinian defense unless it causes them any real misfortune, Arab countries mass exodus of Palestinians into their countries by the hundreds of thousands if not millions yeah sorry would be suicidal for Jordan because it would tip the scale fully into Palestinian control, Egypt is not going to create cities for Palestinians in Sinai. Honestly let’s be real end of the day all of these “leaders” are worthless and laughable as I said fake kings and presidents for life yes I include Hamas leadership and PA leadership none of them wish to give up power one group because it’s financially beneficial to them the other believes they are the chosen ones whose every decision they make is infallible.
It was zionist - not zionism that did the terror.

The same can't be said for Hamas' ideology, as the terror is not only what they are doing, but their ideology is already contain nature of terrorism (mission to exterminate Israel).
Hamas defending their people and fighting an occupation is not considered terrorism under international law.
Regarding section not in bold- But this is also why i have said it before that until we see Israel actually "bomb Lebanon back to the stone ages", we dont know that Israel can actually do it- Israel already has its hands, sorry, tanks, full of Yassin-105s in Gaza, it is probable that it doesnt have the military strength, resources etc. to simultaneously bomb the hell out of Lebanon AND trying to wrestle for control of Gaza (and taking serious losses while trying to do so). Israel is very likely scared of opening up a new front on the north, if not, why didnt it ignore US's advice to not open up the northern front with Hezbollah?

I don't think Israel alone has that much weaponry left to destroy Lebanon like it did in 2006; that time, it was a one front war but now Israel has depleted a large, if not the major, part of its arsenal in Gaza in last almost 3 months. Obviously, American help has sustained Israel so far but even American help is already being depleted.

When you start going through the Israeli news sites, you start to get a picture of Israel's depleting ammo reserves and you come to informed conclusions over several weeks of ingesting and analyzing news/opinions. And this is my understanding that Israelis have greatly depleted their war capabilities already.

Having said that, they, along with American/NATO help, are still capable of destroying a chunk of Lebanon through aerial bombing. If only Lebanon/Syria had the anti-aircraft counter-measures which even a middling power like Pakistan has then things would be different...
seem slike US us unhappy with the Iran-China partnership and wants to punish Iran for it:-

The US could stop these assaults tomorrow. So far, the Biden administration has appeared unwilling even to entertain the thought of addressing Hamas's patron, Iran. Here are a few possible ways:

  • Incapacitate the port from which Iran exports its oil to China and other customers.
  • Incapacitate Iran's four major oil refineries, as Senator Lindsay Graham has suggested. Alternatively, incapacitate just one and mention that others might follow.
  • Send each of Iran's theocratic leaders and those in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a photo of his house. It worked magnificently after the US eliminated IRGC Commander Qasem Soleimani in 2020, as a warning against retaliation. Iran stopped its aggression effectively that minute.
  • Enforce or reimpose sanctions on Iran, as well as restrictions on international banking. Also impose secondary sanctions: Whoever is doing business with Iran may not do business with the US.
  • Warn the mullahs that for each of the hostage seized -- not just the Americans, all hostages -- an Iranian target has been selected; for each hostage that is harmed, one site will be taken out.
  • Target the IRGC training center and key IRGC bases, as advocated by US General Jack Keane."
I don't think Israel alone has that much weaponry left to destroy Lebanon like it did in 2006; that time, it was a one front war but now Israel has depleted a large, if not the major, part of its arsenal in Gaza in last almost 3 months. Obviously, American help has sustained Israel so far but even American help is already being depleted.

When you start going through the Israeli news sites, you start to get a picture of Israel's depleting ammo reserves and you come to informed conclusions over several weeks of ingesting and analyzing news/opinions. And this is my understanding that Israelis have greatly depleted their war capabilities already.

Having said that, they, along with American/NATO help, are still capable of destroying a chunk of Lebanon through aerial bombing. If only Lebanon/Syria had the anti-aircraft counter-measures which even a middling power like Pakistan has then things would be different...

China is watching US weapons inventory and is no doubt waiting to attack Taiwan at an opportune moment.

"Osama Hamdan, a leader in Hamas: The Israeli aggression spelled the end for Netanyahu and the pillars of his military and political government, and the occupation leaders will not see their prisoners held by the resistance alive until after a comprehensive cessation of the aggression."


No more beating the bushes. End the aggression, withdraw your forces, and exchange prisoners all-for-all.
"Abandoning Israel"? It is precisely granting the decades old Netanyahu wish to attack Iran. Currently, Israel is the only country which wants to expand the war and that probably has a lot to do with Netanyahu's personal political calculations.

So far, Americans are not biting on Netanyahu's bait: It has been over 4 decades of very uneasy tussle between Iran and America but both sides have not let it go too far in the confrontation because of the consequences for both sides.
It will be predominantly be an US/Israel-v-Iran/China war with devastating consequences for Iran and Israel.

"Abu Ubaida: We have destroyed 825 Israeli vehicles since the start of the aggression on Gaza"
825 vehicles destroyed by Al-Qassam Brigades alone.

We need the numbers of the vehicles destroyed by Al-Quds Brigades of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

اللهم إنا نستودعك فلسطين وأهلها، سمائها وأرضها، رجالها ونسائها، اطفالها وشبابها اللهم انصرهم وثبت أقدامهم........ آمين يارب العالمين

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