Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

All i'll say at this time is this- More Lebanese people will "forgive" Hezbollah if Hezbolalh enters a kinetic war with Israel after Israel starts bombing Lebanon, because of Israel's crimes in Gaza. The level of war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza will make it much easier for Lebanese people to forgive and support Hezbollah for fighting Israel back now- by any means, for any purposes- Israel obviously must be battled and degraded to a point that it denazifies itself (i mean this about the Israeli govt especially). Israel will learn this time that certain crimes aren't sustainable for or tolerable by the world.

Wise and appropriate thinking here- Israel sets missions for itself that it cant achieve..then tries to achieve them...then gets exhausted...and then needs US support.... to cover its behind once it has to admit it can't win.

True, but TUrkey's main poverty is in its self esteem.....when Turkey thinks or hears or is near a Western country like US, Turkey does not believe it is worth anything without these western countries, but i'm unsure if Egypt has lower self esteem than TUrkey, but yes, Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan govts behave like tey have low self esteem IMO.


Hizbullah needs to consider Lebanese society including Lebanese Christians.

Hizbullah cannot ignore them and they are not a fan of entering the war except for the sake of Lebanon
Hizbullah gets votes of these people.

The same way, Palestine wants to die for Palestine only, Christian Lebanese want to die for Lebanon only.
⚡️The most prominent words of the speech of the spokesman for the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida:

- After eighty-three days of battle, aggression, and fighting, we confirm that mujahideen are still in the field confronting the aggression throughout the days and hours. The total number of vehicles targeted by mujahideen since the start of the ground aggression has reached more than 825 military vehicles, including a troop carrier, tank, bulldozer, truck, and vehicle.

The state of weakness, exhaustion and confusion of the enemy forces has become a clear and indisputable fact, and it calls on everyone in our people and our nation to realize their revenge on this arrogant enemy whose soldiers have no choice but to confront the owners of the land, the truth and the will.

- Our priority is to stop the aggression against our people and end the criminal Nazi war of extermination that the enemy has been waging for 12 weeks against our innocent civilian people after his failure on October 7, and his failure was reinforced in the ground war.

- What makes the aggression fail and stops it humiliated and defeated is the steadfastness of our people and our mujahideen in the field, and their defeat of its goals. Accordingly, there are no exchange deals or other proposals that we can accept before the aggression against our people is completely stopped.

Well!! I rarely watch such long videos without fast forwarding because time is so little available but Professor Wolff had me captivated!! Touches upon not only the Gaza conflict but also the historic aspects. Important to note Europe's paralysis. Important to note China making itself known / accepted in the Islamic world by recently denying Israel some chips deal. Important to note his semi-prediction that eventually America is going to cut a deal with China as yet another 'Great Power' bargain at the expense of both Europe and Israel. Plus Dr. Wolff is also sort of predicting the change in the American domestic politics...

Watch if you have the time!!

Guys I am daydreaming (I know it will.never happen) about a hypothetical situation

"What if Pakistan drops 10 nukes on Israel, and then tell the world that if Israel used it's nukes on anyone or if anyone used nukes against Pakistan, then Pakistan will use the rest of 180 warheads all over the World..."

Apart from the economic sanctions and being the villain of the world for sometime, what could possibly happen to Pakistan?? Would they risk attacking Pakistan knowing that the other nuclear bombs will be used??
Guys I am daydreaming (I know it will.never happen) about a hypothetical situation

"What if Pakistan drops 10 nukes on Israel, and then tell the world that if Israel used it's nukes on anyone or if anyone used nukes against Pakistan, then Pakistan will use the rest of 180 warheads all over the World..."

Apart from the economic sanctions and being the villain of the world for sometime, what could possibly happen to Pakistan?? Would they risk attacking Pakistan knowing that the other nuclear bombs will be used??
I know hypothetical of course your name leaves little to the imagination but I hope we really don’t go down this rabbit hole ok 10 nukes hypothetically 1 to 3 actually get passed all the defenses and radars that would have observed those launches let’s say Tel Aviv Haifa or asheklon have been struck 100s of thousands of dead. One you would have to include that many Muslims will be dead nuclear fallout may take years and years for many parts to become livable they don’t strike Jerusalem fair odds no one is visiting those holy sites Muslim Christian or Jewish. Nuclear weapons at worse for the weak and at best to be left to make the other country never to use it. 180 or 500 most would be taken out if we are talking worldwide, few that get out would guarantee Pakistan wiped from the map. I brought this up a long time ago watch Wargames movie it’s actually pretty good movie and describes the scenario of who would win or lose in nuclear war if you haven’t watched it honestly think you really should the ending might surprise you.
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Guys I am daydreaming (I know it will.never happen) about a hypothetical situation

"What if Pakistan drops 10 nukes on Israel, and then tell the world that if Israel used it's nukes on anyone or if anyone used nukes against Pakistan, then Pakistan will use the rest of 180 warheads all over the World..."

Apart from the economic sanctions and being the villain of the world for sometime, what could possibly happen to Pakistan?? Would they risk attacking Pakistan knowing that the other nuclear bombs will be used??
thats a good way of getting nuked.
seem slike US us unhappy with the Iran-China partnership and wants to punish Iran for it:-

The US could stop these assaults tomorrow. So far, the Biden administration has appeared unwilling even to entertain the thought of addressing Hamas's patron, Iran. Here are a few possible ways:

  • Incapacitate the port from which Iran exports its oil to China and other customers.
  • Incapacitate Iran's four major oil refineries, as Senator Lindsay Graham has suggested. Alternatively, incapacitate just one and mention that others might follow.
  • Send each of Iran's theocratic leaders and those in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a photo of his house. It worked magnificently after the US eliminated IRGC Commander Qasem Soleimani in 2020, as a warning against retaliation. Iran stopped its aggression effectively that minute.
  • Enforce or reimpose sanctions on Iran, as well as restrictions on international banking. Also impose secondary sanctions: Whoever is doing business with Iran may not do business with the US.
  • Warn the mullahs that for each of the hostage seized -- not just the Americans, all hostages -- an Iranian target has been selected; for each hostage that is harmed, one site will be taken out.
  • Target the IRGC training center and key IRGC bases, as advocated by US General Jack Keane."
Gatestone is a far right, neocon warmongering, Islamophobic outlet.

It presents itself as a research institute/think tank, but what in reality it is nothing more than an ultraconservative propaganda outlet.

OK @F-22Raptor, after Russia started beating you guys (MIC) in Ukraine, you moved to this topic. Now, I gotta tell you each US missile that shot down that Houthi drone and missile costed roughly $11 million USD, whereas it is costing the Houthis those missiles and drones roughly $2000. So from cost - benefit analysis, who is winning here?

Second, this cat and mouse game between US ships and Houthi drones and missiles is giving a lot of practice to the Houthis. If this game continuous, they will figure out ins and outs of the US missile defense system and will then find a loophole.

This is exactly what Houthis did to US-made Patriot air defense system in Saudi Arabia. They kept launching at it from different heights and angles to the point where they figured out its weaknesses and then capitalized on it.

After realizing the US-made air defense systems were not fully capable of defending critical facilities in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi govt did not have a choice but to sign a peace treaty with the Houthis. It was a smart move on the part of the Saudi govt to the point where they finally signed the peace treaty this month.

Now, we're keeping an eye on how far this cat and mouse will go on between US and Ansarullah (Houthis). But keep in mind the Houthi missiles and drones have so far driven out over 40,000 settlers from Eilat in Israel (Occupied Palestine) and the whole seaport in that town is abandoned now.

So from a missile perspective, the Ansarullah (Houthis) missile and drone strikes are having an impact.

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