I am a dog killer...

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Are you guys not allowed to fence your property and lawn? What happens if you have dogs and they run on to the road. Or little kids?

What is the other side of the story, I wonder?

200 views today. Half of this small town now probably know about this now.

I am getting anonymous calls and texts threatening me.

Just now a local walked up to my house and talked with me. He doesn't believe one bit of me harming my neighbor's dog.

Said he will beat my neighbor's ass. Told him absolutely not. We shook hands.
What is the other side of the story, I wonder?
He will tell you I killed his dog and provide you with hours of video and audio spying on me going back at least five months.

I am a piece of shit, like sucking dick, and anything else he can come up with.

Watch the video. I keep my hearing aids off so I won't have to hear any of his threats or slander. But I can lip read.

Have to go to court again tomorrow morning.

Not looking forward to going to work. Just found out there was a big yelling argument between the local cops and a co-worker
Store manager, probably one of the few sane people around here who knows something of what is going on just changed my shift.

He saw my neighbor's sign calling me a dog killer. He knows I am not.

I asked the police chief last week a few times to get my neighbor to take the sign down, police chief called it freedom of speech.

It is defamation. And now going to be a big controversy in our small town of 2,500.
He will tell you I killed his dog and provide you with hours of video and audio spying on me going back at least five months.

I am a piece of shit, like sucking dick, and anything else he can come up with.

Watch the video. I keep my hearing aids off so I won't have to hear any of his threats or slander. But I can lip read.

Have to go to court again tomorrow morning.

Not looking forward to going to work. Just found out there was a big yelling argument between the local cops and a co-worker

I hope you are able to sort out your troubles.
I hope you are able to sort out your troubles.

Just got off the phone with my property manager. She told me, no matter what my neighbor does, keep my mouth shut. The good folks here want me to remain peaceful.

What started out being just between my neighbor (an ex-cop) and I five months ago is developing into a common folks against the abuse of authority.

Heard it is now being discussed on Facebook. (I don't want to know)
Just received a text from an old timer in town:

It's common in these parts. There's a lot more going on under wraps than many folks are aware of.

Give a person/entity enough rope & theyll hang themselves.

Overconfidence precedes carelessness.

The longer folks believe they can get away waway with something, they continue & in a greater overconfident way to where that evolves into their new normal, drifting further from the mission they are to uphold & take oath to.

I've seen this a few times before & it won't last.

Be well. Yes, just remain calm & allow "NO ONE" to intimidate you.
Another text....

Bullying, harassment & bigotry don't set well with me. There's a lot of that in this small box town.

Just got off the phone with my property manager. She told me, no matter what my neighbor does, keep my mouth shut. The good folks here want me to remain peaceful.

What started out being just between my neighbor (an ex-cop) and I five months ago is developing into a common folks against the abuse of authority.

Heard it is now being discussed on Facebook. (I don't want to know)

Rope a dope

Hoping that he might just get crazy enough to piss others off and you might win some allies might be a strategy

I have had this experience before where I knew I was talking to an absolute moron, who made every attempt to provoke me over a period of time, I played possum and eventually he got into some other serious problems which humbled him

Though I appreciate this is happening in your home, your personal space
Sorry that you are suffering because of your beliefs/faith and a nutcase living next to you. If I have understood is correctly, you are a white Muslim or trying to practice/ become a Muslim? Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Although it can be unnerving, Islam puts a lot of rights for the neighbors. So much so that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) thought neighbors might get a right in one's inheritance as well! Whatever his behavior may be, I suggest you install cameras of your own with mic (must change standard IP passwords and choose difficult passwords) however be patient and nice towards him if you want to deal with this the Islamic way.

Avoid him when he's trying to pick a fight and continue to be a genuine person behind his back. That's my two cents!
This morning, finally got my chance to ask for a protective order against my neighbor Robert Ferguson.

Told the judge how Robert Ferguson chased me when I was going to work Saturday morning. How Robert Ferguson came up to my property with a gun upholstered, patting it, telling me he is going to shoot me. Threatening to kill my cats. Then I showed the judge this video:

The judge thought Robert was really funny.

Nowata County, Oklahoma judge Gibson ruled I am wasting the court's time and assessed me $204.50, due tomorrow morning. I am broke.

Asked if I can present more evidence, Judge Gibson told me he can assign me a court reporter and told the court reporter to add more fees. Told the judge I do not want a court reporter.

Total kangaroo court.

I am prepared to go on a hunger strike when put in jail.
This morning, finally got my chance to ask for a protective order against my neighbor Robert Ferguson.

Told the judge how Robert Ferguson chased me when I was going to work Saturday morning. How Robert Ferguson came up to my property with a gun upholstered, patting it, telling me he is going to shoot me. Threatening to kill my cats. Then I showed the judge this video:

The judge thought Robert was really funny.

Nowata County, Oklahoma judge Gibson ruled I am wasting the court's time and assessed me $204.50, due tomorrow morning. I am broke.

Asked if I can present more evidence, Judge Gibson told me he can assign me a court reporter and told the court reporter to add more fees. Told the judge I do not want a court reporter.

Total kangaroo court.

I am prepared to go on a hunger strike when put in jail.
In the end its just a crazy neighbor, courts probably have more pressing matters to attend to.

I'd just try and talk it out with him, explain you didn't kill his dogs and that you're a good tax paying law abiding murrican.. etc
In the end its just a crazy neighbor, courts probably have more pressing matters to attend to.

I'd just try and talk it out with him, explain you didn't kill his dogs and that you're a good tax paying law abiding murrican.. etc
You are assuming these people can be reasoned with. They cannot.
You are assuming these people can be reasoned with. They cannot.
Why does he have it out for you so ?

random batshit crazy guy with a case of psychosis ? is he on some pills or etc ?

surely there was something that triggered him so

is he racist ? in that you wear a skullcap and trad beard or any of those very identifying things
Sorry that you are suffering because of your beliefs/faith and a nutcase living next to you. If I have understood is correctly, you are a white Muslim or trying to practice/ become a Muslim? Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Although it can be unnerving, Islam puts a lot of rights for the neighbors. So much so that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) thought neighbors might get a right in one's inheritance as well! Whatever his behavior may be, I suggest you install cameras of your own with mic (must change standard IP passwords and choose difficult passwords) however be patient and nice towards him if you want to deal with this the Islamic way.

Avoid him when he's trying to pick a fight and continue to be a genuine person behind his back. That's my two cents!
While reading the Quran in the courtroom, especially the introduction, I learned I am a muslim, not yet a Muslim.

You need to understand, I have been prejudged. No evidence on my behalf will be tolerated in Judge Gibson's kangaroo court.
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