India's Glide bomb Gaurav ready for production

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Wrong again.

Takbir is Chinese LS6 bomb, produced in Pakistan.
REK is Turkish Wing assisted guidance kit developed by Turkey.
Pakistan did not develop any of these indigenously.

As far as PAF having PGMs before IAF is concerned.
IAF was dropping PGMs on Pakistani soldiers even back in 1999 kargil war.
We developed them locally but keep underestimating us.
PAF dropped those Chinese-made bombs, but missed their targets and were found unexploded in the jungle whereas during Balakot air strike, the IAF used the penetrator version of the Spice 2000. The craters shown from that raid were huge and typical of a high-yield explosive, around 400–500 kg, not the type of damage you’d get from a penetrator bomb. A penetrator would’ve dug 3–4 meters deep and created a massive mudpile due to its high momentum and low yield. The main target of the IAF’s raid was the Trainee Accommodation (Mujahid hostel) located at Latitude North 34 deg, 27 min, 53 sec, and Longitude East, 73 deg, 19 min, 04 sec; at the north edge of the camp. 3 Spice 2000 bombs landed precisely within 3 m CEP at 0330H on 26 February on the roof of this building.

The DG ISPR, Major General Asif Ghafoor has blatantly fooled the world and the independent media group — by conducting their visit to the JeM camp under a bundle of, pardon me for using the word a thousandth time — lies!!!

Chinese? LOL.... Anyway, looks pretty damn accurate to me. Mind you these were initial prototypes. what was dropped on your asses was the real deal, and yes by our very own JFs :ROFLMAO:

And besides, there is big daddy type long range version of this series also in service, just incase you know ;)

Wrong again.

Takbir is Chinese LS6 bomb, produced in Pakistan.
REK is Turkish Wing assisted guidance kit developed by Turkey.
Pakistan did not develop any of these indigenously.

As far as PAF having PGMs before IAF is concerned.
IAF was dropping PGMs on Pakistani soldiers even back in 1999 kargil war.
Sir if you kindly provide me sources that Takbir is Chinese LS6 and REK is Turkish based so this would help me and also please provide me a source which PGM you used in kargil war

I'm not one of the Pakistani guy that insist his views without any base and proofs, I'm here to learn

You're one of the few Indian members here which always talks technical and with facts and figures and avoid egoistic trolling and baseless rants against Pakistan/China

Thanks in advance ☺️
Never as dragon lacks the guts to do anything substantial against India.... at the most they're capable of smaller incursions here and there and act like a lion....
but,but,but chinese chapati-ed 20+ of your Tigers meow meow....take thousands km of land.
No...Moody jeee said so....when arer your ARJUNKS tut-tuting into Beijing?😓 Bramouse....kgT mighty acne...
Wrong again.

Takbir is Chinese LS6 bomb, produced in Pakistan.
REK is Turkish Wing assisted guidance kit developed by Turkey.
Pakistan did not develop any of these indigenously.

As far as PAF having PGMs before IAF is concerned.
IAF was dropping PGMs on Pakistani soldiers even back in 1999 kargil war.

Pakistan introduced PGMs in the early 80s.

To the point though, extended range kits are no big deal, many nations including Turkey and Pakistan have made them, it's just when India does something the fan boys here treat it as a world first, and feel the need to come back again and again to tell Pakistanis on this forum. Make of that what you will....
For Pakistani military to do any research or military advancement, the inspiration comes from India. Whenever India does something new, so does Pakistani military.
That's why I get excited due to such news from India 😂

India is a bad country to be modeling after. India is lucky that its neighbors are moronic Pakistan, apathetic China and Bangladesh. If it was located anywhere else, its lethargic bureaucracy and political drama would have rendered it irrelevant.
India is a bad country to be modeling after. India is lucky that its neighbors are moronic Pakistan, apathetic China and Bangladesh. If it was located anywhere else, its lethargic bureaucracy and political drama would have rendered it irrelevant.
Like Pakistan is today? Irrelevance and lethargic are correct adjectives for our neighbors on the EAST and WEST.
Like Pakistan is today? Irrelevance and lethargic are correct adjectives for our neighbors on the EAST and WEST.

A GDP per capita lower than even Bangladesh, which gained independence in 1971, and intellectual output lower than Turkey, South Korea, Malaysia and other small countries in Asia says otherwise. As I said, Pakistan’s corrupt & moronic governance culture hides India’s utterly underwhelming performance.

In fact, India has cleverly chosen to compete against serial underachiever like Pakistan, rather than its geographic & demographic peer China, to hide its pathetic condition.

The nearly 5 decade development of the LCA Tejas is a perfect illustration of this.
A GDP per capita lower than even Bangladesh, which gained independence in 1971, and intellectual output lower than Turkey, South Korea, Malaysia and other small countries in Asia says otherwise. As I said, Pakistan’s corrupt & moronic governance culture hides India’s utterly underwhelming performance.

In fact, India has cleverly chosen to compete against serial underachiever like Pakistan, rather than its geographic & demographic peer China, to hide its pathetic condition.

The nearly 5 decade development of the LCA Tejas is a perfect illustration of this.
In fact, India has moved much beyond the indo pak rivalry of the 90s. All that Pakistan can do is send a few cannon fodder terrorists to indian Kashmir to die.

We're now preparing to take our country to new heights. You can hold on to the per capita argument while India races forward leaving Pakistan behind. Bangladesh is soon going to go to dogs with a jamaat e islami govt. Mark my words.
A GDP per capita lower than even Bangladesh, which gained independence in 1971, and intellectual output lower than Turkey, South Korea, Malaysia and other small countries in Asia says otherwise. As I said, Pakistan’s corrupt & moronic governance culture hides India’s utterly underwhelming performance.

In fact, India has cleverly chosen to compete against serial underachiever like Pakistan, rather than its geographic & demographic peer China, to hide its pathetic condition.

The nearly 5 decade development of the LCA Tejas is a perfect illustration of this.
You’re in no position to be talking about GDP per capita when Pakistan can barely keep the lights on without begging the IMF for a bailout every other year.

Comparing India to Bangladesh? Seriously? Bangladesh’s economy might have shown some temporary uptick in GDP per capita during COVID, but that’s where the story ends. It’s a textile-dependent economy, and you know what that means—low-wage labor. Bangladesh churns out cheap chaddis, while India builds satellites, pharmaceuticals, and IT systems that power Fortune 500 companies worldwide. India's GDP is nearly 10 times that of Bangladesh. We’ve got ISRO launching interplanetary missions while Bangladesh is still figuring out how to handle basic infrastructure and flooding.

India’s intellectual output is massive. It produces the second-largest number of STEM graduates in the world, and its IT services industry is a global leader, valued at over $245 billion. India also boasts one of the world’s fastest-growing startup ecosystems, with over 100 unicorns (startups valued at over $1 billion). These companies are leaders in fields like AI, biotech, and e-commerce. India’s digital revolution is another point to note. India has implemented Aadhaar, the largest biometric ID system in the world, which supports a vast array of digital services. The Unified Payments Interface, another Indian innovation, processes over 8 billion transactions per month, transforming the way digital payments are handled globally. You want to talk about intellectual output? Where’s Pakistan on that map? India’s IITs, ISRO, and tech industry are recognized worldwide. Pakistan, on the other hand, is known for exporting terrorism, not innovation.

Turkey? Don’t even get me started. With an unstable currency and a politically fragile situation, Turkey’s nowhere close to matching India’s economic strength or stability. Its heavy reliance on construction and tourism makes it unstable—India's economy, on the other hand, has a broad industrial base and world-class services sector.

South Korea might make fancy gadgets with the help of US and Russia, but India has developed Uttam AESA radar, which is indigenous, built entirely by India’s own engineers, not some foreign import. We’ve built our own quadruplex fly-by-wire system for the LCA Tejas, Astra BVRAAM, and advanced avionics that Pakistan can only dream of. What’s Pakistan flying? Some second-hand F-16s and JF-17s, built with help from China and still behind the curve.
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We are already producing things which are answer to these. When it comes to PAF it's India which needs to catch up in many aspects not the other way around.
PAF is nowhere near India’s level in terms of air power, missile tech, or indigenous defense capabilities. It’s not India trying to catch up—it’s Pakistan that’s stuck decades behind, relying on Chinese handouts and obsolete tech.
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PAF is nowhere near India’s level in terms of air power, missile tech, or indigenous defense capabilities. It’s not India trying to catch up—it’s Pakistan that’s stuck decades behind, relying on Chinese handouts and obsolete tech.
Beta we are way ahead. You only have more Air Craft. But we have qualitative plus technological edge. We have way more BVR equipped fighter jets, AWACS, EW planes, now even Air Defense is being matched so please wake up. We have 10 AWACS for a country like Pakistan and you for whole India had six. Come out of your bubble.
In fact, India has moved much beyond the indo pak rivalry of the 90s. All that Pakistan can do is send a few cannon fodder terrorists to indian Kashmir to die.

We're now preparing to take our country to new heights. You can hold on to the per capita argument while India races forward leaving Pakistan behind. Bangladesh is soon going to go to dogs with a jamaat e islami govt. Mark my words.

I rest my case lol

I don’t even have any genetic or historical connection to Pakistan and the first line of defense you thought about was comparing your country to Pakistan. It affirms the widely held believe that you guys are obsessed with Pakistan. You see Pakistan everywhere. A classic example of paranoid obsession.
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