India's Glide bomb Gaurav ready for production

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You’re in no position to be talking about GDP per capita when Pakistan can barely keep the lights on without begging the IMF for a bailout every other year.

Comparing India to Bangladesh? Seriously? Bangladesh’s economy might have shown some temporary uptick in GDP per capita during COVID, but that’s where the story ends. It’s a textile-dependent economy, and you know what that means—low-wage labor. Bangladesh churns out cheap chaddis, while India builds satellites, pharmaceuticals, and IT systems that power Fortune 500 companies worldwide. India's GDP is nearly 10 times that of Bangladesh. We’ve got ISRO launching interplanetary missions while Bangladesh is still figuring out how to handle basic infrastructure and flooding.

India’s intellectual output is massive. It produces the second-largest number of STEM graduates in the world, and its IT services industry is a global leader, valued at over $245 billion. India also boasts one of the world’s fastest-growing startup ecosystems, with over 100 unicorns (startups valued at over $1 billion). These companies are leaders in fields like AI, biotech, and e-commerce. India’s digital revolution is another point to note. India has implemented Aadhaar, the largest biometric ID system in the world, which supports a vast array of digital services. The Unified Payments Interface, another Indian innovation, processes over 8 billion transactions per month, transforming the way digital payments are handled globally. You want to talk about intellectual output? Where’s Pakistan on that map? India’s IITs, ISRO, and tech industry are recognized worldwide. Pakistan, on the other hand, is known for exporting terrorism, not innovation.

Turkey? Don’t even get me started. With an unstable currency and a politically fragile situation, Turkey’s nowhere close to matching India’s economic strength or stability. Its heavy reliance on construction and tourism makes it unstable—India's economy, on the other hand, has a broad industrial base and world-class services sector.

South Korea might make fancy gadgets with the help of US and Russia, but India has developed Uttam AESA radar, which is indigenous, built entirely by India’s own engineers, not some foreign import. We’ve built our own quadruplex fly-by-wire system for the LCA Tejas, Astra BVRAAM, and advanced avionics that Pakistan can only dream of. What’s Pakistan flying? Some second-hand F-16s and JF-17s, built with help from China and still behind the curve.

I rest my case lol

I don’t even have any genetic or historical connection to Pakistan and the first line of defense you thought about was comparing your country to Pakistan. You even wrote a high school length of pointless rant to make your claim. It affirms the widely held believe that you guys are obsessed with Pakistan. You see Pakistan everywhere. A classic example of paranoid obsession.


Your Air Force is junk. Operation Swift Retort exposed the hopeless nature of your Air Force when you lost planes left and right to both enemy and friendly fire lol
but,but,but chinese chapati-ed 20+ of your Tigers meow meow....take thousands km of land.
No...Moody jeee said so....when arer your ARJUNKS tut-tuting into Beijing?😓 Bramouse....kgT mighty acne...
It took 6 months for ccp to reluctantly accept 5 dead soldiers and the number is actually high confirmed by even neutral sources.... and stop that nonsense ccp propaganda of 1000s of kms..... both countries are restricting each other at patrol points between finger 4 to 8 in NML..... previously we used to patrol till finger 8 now it's upto 4 and vice vice-versa same for China....
I rest my case lol

I don’t even have any genetic or historical connection to Pakistan and the first line of defense you thought about was comparing your country to Pakistan. You even wrote a high school length of pointless rant to make your claim. It affirms the widely held believe that you guys are obsessed with Pakistan. You see Pakistan everywhere. A classic example of paranoid obsession.


Your Air Force is junk. Operation Swift Retort exposed the hopeless nature of your Air Force when you lost planes left and right to both enemy and friendly fire lol
The fact is despite having 6:1 numerical superiority PAF package failed to put a scratch on outnumber Mirage 2000 or Su-30.
Only thing it managed to target was 35 year old rusty MiG-21.

Shows the hopeless nature of your air force.
On 27th Feb, PAF dropped to H-4 as per own admission but could release video of only one of them
This means other one failed.
ok folks wrap up the trolling/flaming. Ignore whom you have to. The other subject has existing threads you can take it to and has been discussed to death with little agreement.

Please bring the convo back to the header topic.
On 27th Feb, PAF dropped to H-4 as per own admission but could release video of only one of them
This means other one failed.

it means no one has the time to go through every video.

Also interesting that India never seems to release videos of any of it's "surgical strikes"....
The fact is despite having 6:1 numerical superiority PAF package failed to put a scratch on outnumber Mirage 2000 or Su-30.
Only thing it managed to target was 35 year old rusty MiG-21.

Shows the hopeless nature of your air force.

It's hard to put a scratch on IAF planes that are running away in the opposite direction

And PAF may have only shot down a rusty old Mig-21 BUT it was IAF who was flying the Mig and bought it into battle, so what does that say about the IAF?
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Good for you that you don't have a skin in the indo pak game. You will see in another 10 years where will India be and where Pakistan would be. Since you don't have a connection to Pakistan, you are going to appreciate it even more.

We only think about Pakistan when there is an infiltration from pak controlled Kashmir.

India is more concerned about few indian muslims than about pakistan.

Pakistan is going to be in this state for the time being and beyond.

India....india will write her own history in the meanwhile.


DDG-80 Back with the Islamaphobic comments.....
Lol. BANGLADESH. Its going down the drain. Its easy to manipulate the GDP, just fix the numbers. Bangladesh followed Pakistan of Musharaff era. It just inflated the GDP numbers with no real growth. All that is unraveling with time. Bangladesh is going to be basket case again. Their usable forex reserves are less than $14 billion dollars.

INDIA competing against Pakistan? India's forex reserves are $670 billion and budgets are over $900 billion(including states). Our money markets are over $4 trillion. Don't compare us with you.

As you write on a Pakistani forum....
We already have far superior Spice 2000 and Spice 1000

Ah the "imported" Isreali toy which failed to hit the target during IAF failed so called balakot attempt. As for Pakistan "indigenous" REK (range extension kits), they have been used against both India and Iran.
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