India's Nuclear Arsenal Surpasses Pakistan's After 15-20 Years: SIPRI

Does it matter? You don’t need that many to destroy other nation. Anyway India’s main enemy is China and not pakistan.
This! As I see it, nuclear warfare will go one of two ways

1. Single or very very limited strike (anywhere from 1 to 3 nuclear strikes per opponent) - world powers quickly intervene and contain the escalation and nuclear fall out.

2. Lob-everything-you-have conflict - throw all nuclear weapons you have at your opponent (MAD). Needless to say there won't be much left for us to fight over.

In either situation what difference does it make what is the yield? What India has (even if they are low yeild - assuming) will be enough to devastate pakistan (being a smaller land mass) and have some left over for China (incase they enter the war - in which case US may enter and then Russia and then the world is f%#$&d). What Pakistan has is enough to devastate India. It all comes down to delivery methods (who has better missiles), who has better ABM capabilities and who can limit the damage to their side (if it is a limited strike scenario). Ofcourse yield and first strike will play a role, but I suspect in face of the above scenarios they don't have as much role as long as there is second strike capabilities.

But then, I am a arm chair admiral, what do I know.
They said new type, not more powerful. Its a well known thing that Pakistan has more diverse types of warheads in a number of roles. India has only strategic yield warheads for deterrence role.

There's information on more powerful plenty of it. But I don't want to take this off-topic.
Pakistan years back began spiking their plutonium based nuclear weapons with tritium. Only a few grams of tritium can result in an increase of the explosive yield by 300% to 400%.
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I think he is right, Pak yield might be better than India's, This explains the edge.

India has multiple warheads ready to mount on large ballistic missiles. Their combined yield is substantial, not so much for Pakistan but aimed at China.
Pakistan needs to stop producing more nukes - what we have are more than enough. Instead we should focus on our Navy and 2nd strike capability.
More bs unsubstantiated news. These western sources only offer speculation. Knowing how much nuclear fuel a country offers the best estimate but that is difficult to know. Pakistan is and has been for decades significantly ahead of India in nuclear stockpile based on most sources we have.
Yes.. No one can believe on these western sources, specially when it comes to Asia.
Actually, India has resources to increase The number of nukes to minimum 2500. No Indian defence expert Actually believes that India has Only 160-170 nukes war heads only.
Beyond a certain small number, it is just metrics. We saw the effect of two of them during WW II.
A slightly bigger figure may be required to have the capability to deliver from land, sea or air. After that, it is only for celebration of who has more. Don’t know if a warhead designed for older platforms can be fitted onto newer platforms due to many factors including size etc.
For India, China is the bigger threat now and that caters for Paksiatn automatically.
So if one was to believe this report, then India now has two more nuclear warheads than Pakistan. Must be a proud moment for the OP and other Indians. They should be as much proud as Modi producing more Gobar than his Pakistani counterpart.
The BBC once did a detailed analyst on an India/ Pakistan nuclear scenario. All the experts participating were of one opinion. Both countries need less than a dozen bombs to annihilate each other. Pakistan just needs to target, Mumbai, Delhi, Banglore, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad etc to bring India on it's knees, similarly India just needs to target some half a dozen major Pakistani cities to decimate the country. However, Indian cities are very densely populated compared to Pakistan, so no guessing who will suffer more. Anyways these are just sabre rattling numbers. Think about the fallout and can either country risk that.

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