India's Nuclear Arsenal Surpasses Pakistan's After 15-20 Years: SIPRI

As you said, it's difficult to know, even people are not sure if india was having less nuclear bombs previously compared to Pakistan, everything was based on this site only that caught by other sources.As per understanding, india had capability to make more than 200 nuclear bombs previously.

No one can confirm that how many actual bombs made by india expect government officials... India mostly focus on plutonium based bombs since we have sufficient material for the bombs - more than 1000.
Pakistan is 20 measured nuclear explosions within its core urban Urban areas to put it out of viable existence as a country ..

so the OP self fellatio is limited to ruining his seat cover by giving himself self assuring statements of “tactical” vs “Strategic” warheads as if he was personally inspecting the yields on Pakistani stockpiles.

India has problems north as well.

However, I don’t think anyone has been ever more adamant in terms of quid pro quo plus than Gen Kidwai and what he alluded to wasn’t clear to those interested - it extendeds to number of warheads aimed as well.

For that matter, quid pro quo plus is ensuring that whatever proportional damage is caused to Pakistan can be (regardless of Pakistan not existing in the hours of a nuclear exchange) is guaranteed…not launched, not deployed but guaranteed equivalent RELATIVE damage

So if India has the equivalent of percentage damage to lets say Multan or Lahore being lost and then that relative percentage of Indian population will be given gamma dosage as well.

Hate the establishment for ruining a country’s true growth and potential but they along with some other thinkers in intelligencia(scientists,seasoned diplomats and engineers) put that into stone and lo and behold it is.
Pakistan is 20 measured nuclear explosions within its core urban Urban areas to put it out of viable existence as a country ..

so the OP self fellatio is limited to ruining his seat cover by giving himself self assuring statements of “tactical” vs “Strategic” warheads as if he was personally inspecting the yields on Pakistani stockpiles.

India has problems north as well.

However, I don’t think anyone has been ever more adamant in terms of quid pro quo plus than Gen Kidwai and what he alluded to wasn’t clear to those interested - it extendeds to number of warheads aimed as well.

For that matter, quid pro quo plus is ensuring that whatever proportional damage is caused to Pakistan can be (regardless of Pakistan not existing in the hours of a nuclear exchange) is guaranteed…not launched, not deployed but guaranteed equivalent RELATIVE damage

So if India has the equivalent of percentage damage to lets say Multan or Lahore being lost and then that relative percentage of Indian population will be given gamma dosage as well.

Hate the establishment for ruining a country’s true growth and potential but they along with some other thinkers in intelligencia(scientists,seasoned diplomats and engineers) put that into stone and lo and behold it is.

The northern states of India are definitely vulnerable. Southern states will have more time for air and missile defense because they are in a better position. Since Delhi and Mumbai are the main targets, these two important Indian cities will be at risk.

The same is true when I consider Pakistan's top cities; Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and so on are all at risk.

about China and India and how we have missiles to get to Beijing and eastern located cities, but I really think we should have stronger nuclear-powered SSBN submarines to patrol the Philippine Sea and South China Sea. That is still what we are missing right now.

Anyway, i don't believe a full war will be started between India - Pakistan or India - China, due to nuclear weapons.

But strongly believe, nuclear weapons are kind of guarantee between india-china-india that there will not be any full flesh war. There would be some conflict at maximum borders areas but will never get extended. And, most foolish act will be triggered the button by any one of them....
Pakistan is 20 measured nuclear explosions within its core urban Urban areas to put it out of viable existence as a country ..

so the OP self fellatio is limited to ruining his seat cover by giving himself self assuring statements of “tactical” vs “Strategic” warheads as if he was personally inspecting the yields on Pakistani stockpiles.

India has problems north as well.

However, I don’t think anyone has been ever more adamant in terms of quid pro quo plus than Gen Kidwai and what he alluded to wasn’t clear to those interested - it extendeds to number of warheads aimed as well.

For that matter, quid pro quo plus is ensuring that whatever proportional damage is caused to Pakistan can be (regardless of Pakistan not existing in the hours of a nuclear exchange) is guaranteed…not launched, not deployed but guaranteed equivalent RELATIVE damage

So if India has the equivalent of percentage damage to lets say Multan or Lahore being lost and then that relative percentage of Indian population will be given gamma dosage as well.

Hate the establishment for ruining a country’s true growth and potential but they along with some other thinkers in intelligencia(scientists,seasoned diplomats and engineers) put that into stone and lo and behold it is.

Pak will surrender after first nuclear warhead from india. There will be no further retaliation, 'relative gamma dosage' or whatever.
India can have double or triple the numbers than ours and we won't care.

Pakistan reviews it numbers solely on our threat perception factoring in ABM, and minimum quantity needed to annihilate India.

Gen Kidwai has expanded more already plenty of times so I won't repeat.

Please note that maintaining the missiles is another thing which can be a hassle starting from 5-10 years a missile is produced. Bigger might be better but more doesn't necessarily have to be better too.
India can have double or triple the numbers than ours and we won't care.

Pakistan reviews it numbers solely on our threat perception factoring in ABM, and minimum quantity needed to annihilate India.

Gen Kidwai has expanded more already plenty of times so I won't repeat.

Please note that maintaining the missiles is another thing which can be a hassle starting from 5-10 years a missile is produced. Bigger might be better but more doesn't necessarily have to be better too.

You won't annihilate anyone.

If a 'full fledged' war starts (I don't think it will happen in our life times but still)
a) Pak will test a nuclear weapon in Chagai to show that 'threshold' is approaching
b) Use tactical weapons on invading indian troops within Pak soil with no fallout on Indian soil. So technically nukes are used but not on India.

That;s the reason why Pak keeps shouting about 'tactial nukes' when India tested 3 tactical nukes in 1998 qnd Pak tested zero.

I won't be surprised if India decides to 'talk' at this stage.

As for yield, in 1998 the Thermonuclear test with partial fusion ignition and not complete, therefore not fully succesful. But even the partial success gave a yield more than 3 times the size of Hiroshima. Pak will not gamble that we hven't fixed the problem and got a yield 10 times hiroshima as basic.
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Looks like our yield and usage range is much broader than India's.

That is very difficult to fathom

Firstly Indian nuke was tested in 1974 not 99 Like Pakistan

Second Indian rocket technology and missle technology is far wider more advanced than Pakistan


Indian space capability
Indian submarine launched programmes
Indian bvr missle capability
Indian cruise missile capability
Factor resources and Indian massive software computing exports over 200 billions dollars a year

How the heck is Pakistan superior
Pakistan is 20 measured nuclear explosions within its core urban Urban areas to put it out of viable existence as a country ..

so the OP self fellatio is limited to ruining his seat cover by giving himself self assuring statements of “tactical” vs “Strategic” warheads as if he was personally inspecting the yields on Pakistani stockpiles.

India has problems north as well.

However, I don’t think anyone has been ever more adamant in terms of quid pro quo plus than Gen Kidwai and what he alluded to wasn’t clear to those interested - it extendeds to number of warheads aimed as well.

For that matter, quid pro quo plus is ensuring that whatever proportional damage is caused to Pakistan can be (regardless of Pakistan not existing in the hours of a nuclear exchange) is guaranteed…not launched, not deployed but guaranteed equivalent RELATIVE damage

So if India has the equivalent of percentage damage to lets say Multan or Lahore being lost and then that relative percentage of Indian population will be given gamma dosage as well.

Hate the establishment for ruining a country’s true growth and potential but they along with some other thinkers in intelligencia(scientists,seasoned diplomats and engineers) put that into stone and lo and behold it is.
Here is the basic difference:

200 million dead Pakistan = Pakistan is over.

1 billion dead Indians = half a billion Indians still there.

And I refuse to trust any Pakistani who tells me that Pakistan has capability to kill more than a billion people. That is not possible.
Pakistan reviews it numbers solely on our threat perception factoring in ABM, and minimum quantity needed to annihilate India.
Here is the fact. There is NOTHING Pakistan can do to anhilate India. That is simply not possible. There are far too many of them. And likely they will be the first to strike. If they struck you first, nothing of your capabilities will survive, obviously but lets say all capability survive by some miracle, it is still not enough to kill more than a billion of Indians.
The BBC once did a detailed analyst on an India/ Pakistan nuclear scenario. All the experts participating were of one opinion. Both countries need less than a dozen bombs to annihilate each other.
You trust BBC and their experts? Thats a first.

And no, a dozen bombs will not do anything to India. At maximum not even 100 million dead.
India has problems north as well.
India has only one nuclear problem and that is Pakistan. China India are mature enough to not even fight with bullets, let alone nuclear weapons. Remember, China never said Nuclear once in its statements and Indian government never said Nuclear once in respect to China. Compare this with Pakistan where anyone in foreign office can not finish speech or diplomatic statement without "India" and "Nuclear".

Indian nuclear weapons are only and only for fighting Pakistan. For China, its a deterrence at worst. Unlike Pakistan, China is not stupid enough to fight a nuclear war. Actually, if China wants to fight a nuclear war with India, it will make Pakistan fight it instead.
Also, very pertinent to this topic. These estimates of warheads are a misnomer. This is primarily an estimate of weapons grade plutonium and uranium. In case of India it is primarily plutonium. Now, folks must understand one thing, this estimate is going to go up fast and massively.


Because India has brought a breeder reactor online recently. That reactor alone (its a prototype reactor) can produce a massive amount of plutonium, much more than India's CANDU reactors could ever do.

So in coming 3-4 years India's warhead capabilities will be through the roof. Though I doubt that plutonium will be pushed into warheads. But if they want, they can. Its unguarded and completely Indian.
The northern states of India are definitely vulnerable. Southern states will have more time for air and missile defense because they are in a better position. Since Delhi and Mumbai are the main targets, these two important Indian cities will be at risk.

The same is true when I consider Pakistan's top cities; Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and so on are all at risk.

about China and India and how we have missiles to get to Beijing and eastern located cities, but I really think we should have stronger nuclear-powered SSBN submarines to patrol the Philippine Sea and South China Sea. That is still what we are missing right now.

Anyway, i don't believe a full war will be started between India - Pakistan or India - China, due to nuclear weapons.

But strongly believe, nuclear weapons are kind of guarantee between india-china-india that there will not be any full flesh war. There would be some conflict at maximum borders areas but will never get extended. And, most foolish act will be triggered the button by any one of them....
Once again - Quid pro quo plus is guaranteed regardless of the geography or distance or whatever comes in between.

And I wont go beyond that due to lack of presentable evidence.

However ,
The question no cult nationalist on either side will ask is not of whether Pakistani capabilities are still able to ensure a warhead can land anywhere in India they wish but whether they will fly.

Pakistan for years has perfected the art of compromising field practitioners in India through a combination of money and the world’s oldest profession and gets information on systems and capabilities primarily through HUMINT or cyber espionage(made much more difficult by India’s lead in cyber security practitioners and implementation)

India on the other hand has focused on compromising leadership - it has had breakthroughs in one to two cases for practitioners but not at the scale Pakistan manages. This is not due to cyber security practices which are laughable for the majority and embarrassing/depressing in many specific cases - but due to the fact that Pakistani counter intelligence has a much much more potent foe in the US espionage services who have compromised a lot and why Pakistani OPSEC is focused on tackling that and paranoia was ingrained from the 70s.

Now compromise of leadership does not always mean moles or double agents(although that is somewhat true in certain cases). Leadership be it of a nation or microsoft looks at very different KPIs and listen to different music than the rest of the org. They are also MUCH more scrutinized and are not a source for divulging operational secrets(nor are they usually concerned with them… Satya Nadella has no information on Azure Clouds cryptography keys nor processes).

So compromise can be ensuring impending financial ruin for the country unless certain measures are taken to add another logical layer of obfuscation and delay for twisting the keys and pressing the button.
You can compromise a leader by simply promising a financial lifeline in coordination with other nations having similar goals - say a IMF delay - in return for changing a key person within a critical org who may be a mole.. that way the leader could claim credit and get public credit or whatever interest they have and you get to compromise a practitioner.. or you could ensure in combination by knowledge and facilitation of that said leaders illicit personal gains that if “red lines” are crossed that leader will not provide their okay or delay as much as possible Pakistan’s launch so much so a counterforce from India is successful.

That is the actual threat to Pakistan’s nuclear program - not two additional warheads for chest thumping ignorants nor publicly declared ABM tests or deployments. That threat has prevailed greatly - and as you so rightly state the impact of it will probably not be ever known or tested but then that is the true victory in deterrence and protection India has achieved.

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