Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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And to think some senior members were arguing few days ago that Israel won’t respond because apparently the Iranian strikes were designed not to elicit any response from Israel.
Netanyahu is going to jail either way after this conflict is over, likely for corruption, so he's going to exercise the Samson option and will try to take the world down with him and his ultra extreme religious fanatical govt is there to back him in this rapture.
It’s better this Iranian side show ends and the world focused back on the genocide that is happening in Gaza.
Unfortunately world can see what's happening in Gaza but won't stop it. Israel continues to attack Gaza and not international media is allowed into northern and central Gaza and we can't see or know what's happening. Dozens if not hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza are being killed on a daily basis.
Apologies @Garcia Sea i got a little too involved here, it’s all @MLK fault, I was leaving but he asked me to stay. Anyways goodnight guys looking forward to good news tomorrow. Haha all love MLK bro Wasalaam.
People like you with self respect will always be needed.

Good night brother. Walekumsalam.
That's a good excuse for backing down. If I recall the supreme leader said there would be a response for the "tiniest" attack.
This is no attack. This is a face saving minimal nothing attack. An attack to provoke and finger Iran. They couldn’t just leave it - this is literally a firework display and laughable -
If reports are correct - Israel just scratched Iran
This was the lamest attack I have ever seen in my life.

Forget about the nature of attack, reality is that Israel has responded.

Now BIG question is, Iran will retaliate???
This is no attack. This is a face saving minimal nothing attack. An attack to provoke and finger Iran. They couldn’t just leave it - this is literally a firework display and laughable -
If reports are correct - Israel just scratched Iran
How was it a firework display? It was three drones. Your comment is antisemitic.
What moment do you think was the tipping point for the shift from balance to being firmly on Israel’s side?

After the 1967 war, when the Arabs turned to the Soviets for support. So that’s one possibility, but was it even earlier after the Suez Crisis of the 50s?

It was in the middle of the October War (known by the zionist historians as the Yom Kippur War) when we were spanking the ever living turd out of them and they went crawling & crying to Uncle Sam for help and he obliged, conduction 'Operation Nickle Grass' where they sent the land-thieving mongrels billions of $s worth of fighter jets, tanks & missiles and amunition. That was the turning point of complete dedication because God forbid, exactly like this scenario, how dare we Arabs attack and try to regain OUR OWN LANDS! Or have the RIGHT TO DEFEND OURSELVES as "they" say. That was the tipping point.

I was of the view, that US would be able to stop Israel from destroying itself. I underestimated the panic state of mind of Israeli govt, the foolishness they are displaying. Israeli state has seen its peak, its all going down the slippery slope now.

Many reports are saying, that a explosion was heard but cause of explosion in unknow. Israel perhaps till now is scared and is unwilling to accept the attack. If Cowardice has a name then its Israel.

What Israel has done (allegedly) :
- The scared Israelis are unwilling to accept the attack even hours after the attack. (if they really have done so)

- According to some reports, Scared Israelis have fired just one missile that reportedly has done ZERO damage. Israelis also fired it without warning. Compare it with Iran where Iran gave 3 hours prior warning and tells all loud & clear that we are beginning our attack.

- Israel has turned on self destruct mode. Israel relies on certainty, it relies on trade, travel, free access to all markets. Whereas Iran is already in sanctions, Iran is self sufficient in most things. The uncertainty and threat of missile attacks does not matter to Iran much but it literally put life to a stand still in Israel. People running down on bunkers, GPS jammings, trade halt and what not.

- Just imagine, because of this provocation if Iran now announces that it will fire a missile towards Israel on daily basis. Doesn't matter for Iran much, its already under heaviest sanctions. Israel just gave an excuse to Iran to make it a new normal to fire missiles at Israel every now & then.

- Israel has backstabbed & slapped on the face of United States. US is slowing & gradually understanding that we give huge military aid to Israel and we are spending tremendous amount of resources defending it and we asked it to stop being a foolish and still they did. Kind of move which will piss off even the remaining allies of Israel.

- Israel has given excuse to Iran, to literally press it under constant threat.

- Israel has also given a valid reason to Iran to develop & declare its nuclear weapon program.
I have a theory: CIA activated assets inside Iran and had them fire drones at an Iranian base.

Then US released news of drone strikes/missile attacks by Israel to box Israel from being able to respond with the strike they actually wanted to do.

Now if Israel does a much bigger strike it not only looks like they hit Iran twice. But that they escalated the 2nd time.

So the main options are Israel accepts this was the strike or comes out and denies it was them.
This is the lamest attack I have ever seen. This cannot have been the attack. A local gang could have done a bigger attack than this.
There are only two explanations.

1. They couldn't jew more money out of US. Thats why we got only 3 drones.
2. It has something to do with Iran saying it will retaliate any attack no matter the size of it.

I have no other explanation.
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