Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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So Iran was right about that. Drones weren't fired from Israel, otherwise we'd know. They really did use quad copters on the ground. Which they've done in the past. Netanyahu chose the weakest option for a response, lol.

I've seen demons before. I've even seen the devil himself and he's scary as ****! I've also seen cowards by the dozens, but I've never seen a **** coward demon. lmao.
Honestly looks like it wasn't Isreal, it's too lame. Maybe Iranian terrorist group/separatist group launched a quad? Wouldn't be the first time.
All backed by the zionist entity!
There are only two explanations.

1. They couldn't jew more money out of US. Thats why we got only 3 drones.
2. It has something to do with Iran saying it will retaliate any attack no matter the size of it.

I have no other explanation.

Well Bibi got what he wanted: green light for Rafah. I think it’s plausible US said we will let you storm Rafah, If you do a small strike on Iranian soil.

Or my other theory is US felt that this was a risk of WW3 and told CIA to conduct the strike and blame it on Israel to force Israel to back off.
Iran failed to do a single human or material damage.

Do you really think Iran intended to do damage and start a war? Atleast be honest with yourself. Pretty basic common sense that Iran avoided escalation, It was not a war that Iran wanted to destroy Israel. Iran only wanted to make a point that we can hit your bases if we want. It wanted to deliver a message that you are in range of even our cheapest drones. That means Iran can deplete most expensive Israelis AD with ease & convenience, while it can also damage the installations whichever it wants to.
1. When Iran does not attack Israel:
Iran is barking dog. Do something.

2. When Iran attacks Israel:
Iran is shifting attention away from Gaza. As if the world did care for Gaza before that.

It’s better this Iranian side show ends and the world focused back on the genocide that is happening in Gaza.
Respond to what? How can you proportionally respond to this? Fly a balloon over Israel that says “pew pew”?

Israel has done worse attacks inside when they blew up nuclear facilities.

Forget the nature of attack, Israel has responded, while Iranian was government was projecting since couple of days..."Any kind of retaliation"...

Or my other theory is US felt that this was a risk of WW3 and told CIA to conduct the strike and blame it on Israel to force Israel to back off.
This is a good theory. But too many Iranian officials said we will directly retaliate to even the tiniest Israeli attack.
Well Bibi got what he wanted: green light for Rafah. I think it’s plausible US said we will let you storm Rafah, If you do a small strike on Iranian soil.
I wouldn't believe this. They said they set a date for invasion of Rafah before strike on Iranian embassy. This is just the US trying to justify to the world a mass ethnic cleansing attempt in Rafah and to shield itself from legal repercussions. Which it will not do. It doesn't became any less a war crime because you try to spin it in this manner.

Only reason Rafah gets this much attention is because Palestinians are are all displaced and crowded into Rafah. And Israel will try to mass murder and ethnically cleanse them into Egypt. Any attempt to ethnically cleanse Palestinains of Gaza means worldwide war on the Jews. Using Iran as a excuse claiming you need to attack Rafah to prevent Iran war or any nonsense isn't gonna fly. Israel cannot attack Iran no matter what. It's out powered. It can attack defenseless Gaza and got greenlight since beginning.
I have a theory: CIA activated assets inside Iran and had them fire drones at an Iranian base.

Then US released news of drone strikes/missile attacks by Israel to box Israel from being able to respond with the strike they actually wanted to do.

Now if Israel does a much bigger strike it not only looks like they hit Iran twice. But that they escalated the 2nd time.

So the main options are Israel accepts this was the strike or comes out and denies it was them.

Quite possible. Or perhaps Israelis / CIA did this together. Israel also needed a way out, a face saving for its own population. Just do equivalent to nothing (pew pew as you said) and the propaganda machine will do the rest that Israel has striked back too lol.
Forget the nature of attack, Israel has responded, while Iranian was government was projecting since couple of days..."Any kind of retaliation"...

A retaliation to this attack may not be the big war Iranians want.

Many Iranians want bigger attacks and even war. It is Amazing.
You have to read the whole thing to get the concept. Netanyahu is a demon, right? He sends a few quadcopters when the whole world was waiting for some massive strike, hence a coward demon.
Israelis are cowards, but they are also psychopaths who believe they are Gods chosen people. They are like ISIS on roids. They wouldn't have launched such a lame attack.
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