Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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I agree. Especially if this was about as lame of a retaliation with 4 quadcopters after the barrage of drones & CMs and ballistic missiles fireworks show we witnessed the other day.

The message has been sent loud and clear and the demons showed they're true cowardly face with this absolutely pathetic show of demonic cowardice. Iran can hold its head way high and be totally content.

Things are different now and I bet the wife and the house (and the parrot too) that the demon zionists will hold off on their careless murderous sprees they've been running amuck with for the past 20 years. I bet you they'll be thinking twice and real hard before striking any Iranian interest after their skies were all lit up last Saturday (on a Sabbath mind you!) It's over.
Maybe they want us to drop our guards and do a real attack after passover?

Or they did a lame attack knowing that we would not retaliate to such a lame attack. Western media propaganda will blow this out of proportion and their public will eat it up as some sort of victory. Netanyahu gets to save face.
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is this qureshi guy for real ? relax abit and wait atleast some hours and let us see how it develops...

for now looks like an humiliation for israel and another victory for Iran,

If US officials and US military not confirmed this failed drone attack was launched by Israel, they could have denied involvement.

now looks abit bad for them to claim "it wasnt us" lo l

anyway all objects got shot down.

CNN Nick Robertson reporting from Jerusalem that airspace over western Iran has been reopened. Also reporting that local state media in Iran has announced that Iranian official has stated Iran will not take any retaliatory action to this drone attack.

Also CNN saying that this attack was NOTHING compared to the attack by Iran. Hey, finally some recognition from the zionist media.
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This was the lamest attack I have ever seen in my life.
Honestly? Yeah, it was pretty disappointing.

After all that chest thumping, and they only managed this? Even of the shots hit their targets, there's nothing to show for it (so far anyway).

Still, Iran promised to respond to any attack on its soil by Israel, let's see what happens now.
This might have been Israeli Mossad assets inside Iran going rogue and doing an attack.

I find it hard to believe this is what Israel decided on. This might be an attempt to get Iran to drop its guard and then a real strike to occur after Passover.

Israel needs Iranian defense to not be on high alert to have a chance of succeeding and the only way that happens is if Iran thinks you did your attack.
Maybe they want us to drop our guards and do a real attack after passover?

Or they did a lame attack knowing that we would not retaliate to such. lame attack. Western media propaganda will blow this out of proportion and their public will eat it up as some sort of victory. Netanyahu gets to save face.

Unless there is some truth to all the back-channel dialoguing? Maybe there is an understanding between all 3 parties that this is it and leave it at that? I'm guessing that even if there is no back-channel agreement, it's understood. I highly doubt the demon cowards want to take this any further. They'll be signing their death warrant for sure!
is this qureshi guy for real ? relax abit and wait atleast some hours and let us see how it develops...

for now looks like an humiliation for israel and another victory for Iran,

If US officials and US military not confirmed this failed drone attack was launched by Israel, they could have denied involvement.

now looks abit bad for them to claim "it wasnt us" lo l

anyway all objects got shot down.


See below what was your government posturing.... I am just asking a valid question based on below claims....

This might have been Israeli Mossad assets inside Iran going rogue and doing an attack.

I find it hard to believe this is what Israel decided on. This might be an attempt to get Iran to drop its guard and then a real strike to occur after Passover.

Israel needs Iranian defense to not be on high alert to have a chance of succeeding and the only way that happens is if Iran thinks you did your attack.


This was an inside sabotage.

A real attack may come later. Israel is not this miserable.
Still, Iran promised to respond to any attack on its soil by Israel, let's see what happens now.

Nothing will happen. Iran is boxed in. Israel has done worse drone attacks using Mossad assets inside Iran. HZ this week destroyed more assets (AESA radar) and killed/wounded soldiers than anything Iran has done. This “attack” by Israel is so limited it can’t even force an attack by Iran back at least not from Iranian soil.

Also the target is very strange, wether drone facility or Isfahan air base or a strike close to Natanz, either way they didn’t attack IRGC. Iran’s Artesh (Air Force branch) is not involved in this shadow war. They do not operate in shadow theaters and just act like a traditional military.

So a part of me thinks today we will hear Israel deny this was them or the actual main strike. Maybe they saw something worth taking out and decided to attack quickly. But baring a historic retreat by Israel, this attack does not smell like an Israeli attack.
Seems this attack has happened with mutual consent to give Israel face saving...

Doesn't make sense to help them save face after humiliating them.
Unless there is some truth to all the back-channel dialoguing? Maybe there is an understanding between all 3 parties that this is it and leave it at that? I'm guessing that even if there is no back-channel agreement, it's understood. I highly doubt the demon cowards want to take this any further. They'll be signing their death warrant for sure!
Now is the perfect time to give the final blow. I don't know what they are thinking, but maybe Iran believes Israel will collapse on its own very soon, or at least Netanyahus career is coming to an end.
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