Iranian Air Defence Systems | News and Discussions

I honestly doubt Syria , Bashar has become basically a puppet leader now he’s there with Irans backing but without any proper defenses he might be next on the hit list , iran has been in Syria and still hasn’t been able to put the proper air defenses yes we all know it’s because Israel strikes at them before they can get them online, honestly I think the Houthi and Hezbollah have been doing better at taking out aerial objects in the sky.

Silly comparison! Israel uses F-35s and F-16s to strike Syria, not some "ariel object" like drones.
Bashar has become basically a puppet leader now he’s there with Irans backing but without any proper defenses he might be next on the hit list ,

You kill Bashar, assuming the diplomatic blowback doesn’t result in Bibi and company being impeached by Israeli public let alone diplomatic community. Then his brother will take power and his brother (head of Republican guard) is a lot more vicious than Bashar. You take out the brother then you risk Iran backed candidate taking power. Congrats! now you just built an Iranian satellite country on your border.

So I doubt Israel wants Bashar gone. He is the lessor of two evils for Israel. Sometimes it’s better to keep the enemy you know rather than take a chance behind Door #2.
@Immortals Wasn't it the system you were talking about? I may be wrong but we all thought this system was abandoned and never produced
@Immortals Wasn't it the system you were talking about? I may be wrong but we all thought this system was abandoned and never produced

Yes, unfortunately the imaging only further reinforces the fact this is a slow developing project.

The satellite imaging shows the Zubin lacking any launchers. Which means it’s either still in R&D and crews are testing without “live ammo” or being used for it’s a 360 AESA radar as a skeleton system.

There is some goods news however, the lessons learned from Zubin was transferred to the naval variant Navab which Was installed in the air defense boat Zulfighar.

The land variant seems to maybe have been a little bit pricey given the amount of competition in the SHORAD space (Majid, Iranian Pantsir, Dey, Dey successor, Dezful (TOR-M1 copy), etc).

Great system. One of the first very modern Iranian “ideas” that deviated from its foreign inspiration (the South Africa system).

However, a luxury system, expensive, and short range for a country the size of Iran. I’m curious the unit cost for a Zubin and it’s per hour operating cost (something people forget to take in account) vs a medium range interchangeable system like Mehran which gives you much more operable capability.
Yes, unfortunately the imaging only further reinforces the fact this is a slow developing project.

The satellite imaging shows the Zubin lacking any launchers. Which means it’s either still in R&D and crews are testing without “live ammo” or being used for it’s a 360 AESA radar as a skeleton system.

There is some goods news however, the lessons learned from Zubin was transferred to the naval variant Navab which Was installed in the air defense boat Zulfighar.

The land variant seems to maybe have been a little bit pricey given the amount of competition in the SHORAD space (Majid, Iranian Pantsir, Dey, Dey successor, Dezful (TOR-M1 copy), etc).

Great system. One of the first very modern Iranian “ideas” that deviated from its foreign inspiration (the South Africa system).

However, a luxury system, expensive, and short range for a country the size of Iran. I’m curious the unit cost for a Zubin and it’s per hour operating cost (something people forget to take in account) vs a medium range interchangeable system like Mehran which gives you much more operable capability.
Also it is difficult to challenge Russia in the niche of SHORAD/VSHORAD radar/ciws systems. But Iran did it wisely, Iran is offering lightweight and very highly deployable systems like Majjid or Azarakash. Booth of them seem that they can be even deployed by Mi8/17´s sling.
Also it is difficult to challenge Russia in the niche of SHORAD/VSHORAD radar/ciws systems. But Iran did it wisely, Iran is offering lightweight and very highly deployable systems like Majjid or Azarakash. Booth of them seem that they can be even deployed by Mi8/17´s sling.

Russian SHORAD performance has sub par during Ukraine war so has its overall air defense performance.So I would say Russian AD prowress took a hit as Storm Shadows, Drones, long range AD missiles, and Helicopters/drone planes, have all made it significantly into Russian territory.

In the end, High Performance SHOHRADs like Zubin or TOR-M3 are luxury items that basically serve as a last of line of defense to protect an area/larger AD system/military target from PGMs/CMs/Drones that made it thru the defense shield. But with 15-20KM intercept range their utility vs cost is lower.

So for militaries like Iran with a limited defense budget, cheaper SHORAD solutions like Majid make more sense. If Iran’s military budget was 100B or 200B a year then could afford more “high tech” costly systems.

@tsunset this pro Iran account becomes less and less reliable by the day. He infers stretched conclusions (and sometimes straight lies) as fact.

Shame in the beginning he stuck to sources and less “analysis”.
I think everyone here, including you, has used sources that fall short on the reliability criteria. Thats the problem with reliance on twitter for news. However it's good to critically evaluate every bit of news people share here via twitter or social media and not treat them as factual.

@tsunset this pro Iran account becomes less and less reliable by the day. He infers stretched conclusions (and sometimes straight lies) as fact.

Shame in the beginning he stuck to sources and less “analysis”.
I talked about him in the old pdf, people were giving him credit for the sole reason he predicted yak 130 deliveries

Otherwise it is not reliable and he published fakes in the past, also less and less posts
Well if this attack by iran ever happens I think everyone has had 2 weeks of preparation so both sides should be well prepared, Israel and America are going to see if combined they can knock out as many incoming targets as possible and iran if it actually strikes a high value target will have to be prepared for an Israeli response most likely cruise missiles fired from their submarines and perhaps see if the f 35 can handle attacking Iranian targets unscathed. Right now I’m like everyone else this has been way to choreographed, unless iran is playing possum and about to strike like lioness.

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