Iranian Air Defence Systems | News and Discussions

I can't see it clearly on my phone, it seem old so probably xp or Vista
Don't knew why they don't consider Linux it's a lot better , more responsive and can be 10 time lighter
As a mattress of fact there are graphical distros that only take up to 25-30 mb of space

Bottom Right is Vista and bottom left is operator running either old school layout setting on Vista OS or it’s actually Windows 2000 tool bar. Wow.

I assume if Arman stays on closed off network with no external connection capabilities or SAT comm capabilities, then it shouldn’t be able to be EW from a backdoor in its OS….right?
I assume if Arman stays on closed off network with no external connection capabilities or SAT comm capabilities, then it shouldn’t be able to be EW from a backdoor in its OS….right?
they have to connect to our integrated air-defense system
its one clear difference with us and china. we just get an old legacy spyware and rely on it for our defense ,
china ban AMD, Intel and Microsoft products from their government system
🚫Iran has begun strengthening its air defenses, with massive movements of SAM systems detected across the country.
Hope you have them in saturating numbers, tough times ahead.
I honestly doubt Syria , Bashar has become basically a puppet leader now he’s there with Irans backing but without any proper defenses he might be next on the hit list , iran has been in Syria and still hasn’t been able to put the proper air defenses yes we all know it’s because Israel strikes at them before they can get them online, honestly I think the Houthi and Hezbollah have been doing better at taking out aerial objects in the sky.

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