Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

Edit for @Deino

I wouldn't trust this tweet and others says nothing has been said about the date and is posted by a random twitter account, so nothing official, it would also be surprising that an official gives an exact date of an unveiling
Edit for @Deino

I wouldn't trust this tweet and others says nothing has been said about the date and is posted by a random twitter account, so nothing official, it would also be surprising that an official gives an exact date of an unveiling

I agree with you. The funny part is only, if you question the credibility of such Tweets as a foreigner you will be instantly almost killed since you have no clue, have no right to doubt or even question … and now? Nothing so far …
I agree with you. The funny part is only, if you question the credibility of such Tweets as a foreigner you will be instantly almost killed since you have no clue, have no right to doubt or even question … and now? Nothing so far …
There is high probability that they will unveil Qaher-313 this year because they have been talking about unveiling Qaher in the near future since August 21, 2023

I guess....this might happen in the next couple of months in the period between now and August 2024....

They can't lie when they publicly say that they will unveil several versions of Qaher-313 in the near future.
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They can't lie when they publicly say that they will unveil several versions of Qaher-313 in the near future.

“Near future” in Iranian military talk could be 2028 or never.

Looking at previous airforce unveilings were merely low priority testbed prototypes.

Remember Simorgh? What happened to that?

Remember Yasin? What happened to that?

Both had another stage of R&D testing recently then likely disappeared into the abyss for another few years. That’s how you know Iran isn’t serious about a project. We saw the same thing with Zolfighar 3 tank for over a decade.

Reposting for @Zarathustra:

OK so it’s just gossip but if true I wonder who the customer is.

RUAF has been getting SU-35 and SU-57 deliveries.

If not Russia itself, the customer is Iran. There is no other countries actively purchasing SU-35. The only other candidate was India.
“Near future” in Iranian military talk could be 2028 or never.

Looking at previous airforce unveilings were merely low priority testbed prototypes.

Remember Simorgh? What happened to that?

Remember Yasin? What happened to that?

Both had another stage of R&D testing recently then likely disappeared into the abyss for another few years. That’s how you know Iran isn’t serious about a project. We saw the same thing with Zolfighar 3 tank for over a decade.
But you should take into account massive budget cuts for military projects in the period between 2012-2020 because of unprecedented sanctions imposed by Obama and Trump
Make of this what you will....

[Finally, forty Iranian pilots were selected for training with the Sukhoi 35 fighter.The first group will be sent to Russia and the rest will be trained inside with Yak 130.After completing the first batch of training in Russia, they train the rest of the pilots inside the country][TRANSLATION]
Make of this what you will....

[Finally, forty Iranian pilots were selected for training with the Sukhoi 35 fighter.The first group will be sent to Russia and the rest will be trained inside with Yak 130.After completing the first batch of training in Russia, they train the rest of the pilots inside the country][TRANSLATION]
Makes sense.
In commercial aviation, when you get a new aircraft type, the trainers are sent away for training first.
They then return to the company to train the regulars.
Commercially, training takes about 3 months. I don’t know how long military training lasts.
There is high probability that they will unveil Qaher-313 this year because they have been talking about unveiling Qaher in the near future since August 21, 2023

I guess....this might happen in the next couple of months in the period between now and August 2024....

They can't lie when they publicly say that they will unveil several versions of Qaher-313 in the near future.
Not giving accurate dates is problematic in at least two ways. First it belies a project management problem. Always under promise and over deliver.

Second there seems to be a hunger for going public first by military officials. Say something meaningful or be quiet.
Make of this what you will....

[Finally, forty Iranian pilots were selected for training with the Sukhoi 35 fighter.The first group will be sent to Russia and the rest will be trained inside with Yak 130.After completing the first batch of training in Russia, they train the rest of the pilots inside the country][TRANSLATION]

My god the amount of times I have heard there are Iranian pilots being trained in Russia. This crap reporting has been going on for years.

Now again we get this recycled bullshit that they have “finally” been selected as if this is the hunger games or American idol.

It took NATO less than 1 year to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 (a completely foreign based jet). Iran already has Russian jet experience in SU-22 & MIGs. Yes SU-35 is quite different, but not THAT different. So Iranian MIG and SU-22 and even F-14 pilots will pick it up much quicker than say Iran’s F-4 and F-5 pilots.

My point: this news is bullshit. Iranian pilots would have been trained long ago already.

Also why 40? Generally you train more pilots than the number of aircraft so unless Iran plans to operate only 24 SU-35….the number of pilots doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Pilots need breaks and go on vacations and have a schedule rotation. They don’t work 24/7. So you never have just 1:1 ratio. A 2:1 or even 3:1 would make a lot more sense for the long run. But I’m just thinking out loud here.

Not giving accurate dates is problematic in at least two ways. First it belies a project management problem. Always under promise and over deliver.

Second there seems to be a hunger for going public first by military officials. Say something meaningful or be quiet.

One of the few people on here who “gets it”.

Glad to see intelligent logical thinking individuals exist rather than just mindless fanboys and cheerleaders.

This problem in Iranian military likely is upper echelon problem rather than at the project level.

People who worked in western defense industry, would complain that the mid and top tier of these companies were filled with former military officers or MBAs who knew nothing about engineering or weapons design and would just bark out unintelligent ramblings to these engineers. They wonder why the hell these idiots have these jobs. Nepotism at its finest.

The end result is why you see the state of US defense industry in utter clusterfuck of delays and problems. Brilliant engineers who get bossed around by business school executives and former military officers who couldn’t tell a difference between a turbofan or a turbojet.

That’s the reality of companies. We saw it in Russian military when MiG was bought by Sukhoi because it fell into utter disgrace from quality product and engineer standpoint. From troop standpoint we saw it as well where top down chain of command was largely unqualified to make critical decision making during war time. Again a symptom of nepotism. Assad’s pre war SAA was also like this (coincidence that they were Soviet trained?), as was Saddam’s post PG War military structure. Current Arab oil monarchies are also like this with key so called royal family members holding very important military positions.

And let’s not forget Hollywood actor turned call of duty cosplayer…King Abdullah of Jordan.
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Make of this what you will....

[Finally, forty Iranian pilots were selected for training with the Sukhoi 35 fighter.The first group will be sent to Russia and the rest will be trained inside with Yak 130.After completing the first batch of training in Russia, they train the rest of the pilots inside the country][TRANSLATION]
Hmmm, I thought deliveries were ‘imminent’. If the pilots were just selected then we shouldn’t see inbound for quite a while.

Which begs the question: how and by which officials was this imminency reported?

Maybe there should be a Promised vs Fullfilled thread we can refer to…😀
Considering China sought a Chinook from Taiwan and was unsuccessful, and that China has good relations with Iran, has China ever sought to procure one of Iran’s Chinooks?

This is the original words of Khajeh Fard posted in original language. No where I can find he said it will be unveiled in March. Don't you think that "in coming months" is a bit different to in March?

There is nothing about transferred technology or acquired technology in his statements either. This Twit is posted by a nobody and you reposted the non sense in a military forum.

@Hack-Hook man do you have any problems with comprehending Persian language?

۳۰ مرداد ۱۴۰۲، ۸:۴۰

امیر خواجه‌فرد:​

نسخه بدون‌سرنشین هواپیمای «قاهر» به‌زودی رونمایی می‌شود​

نسخه بدون‌سرنشین هواپیمای «قاهر» به‌زودی رونمایی می‌شود

رئیس سازمان صنایع هوایی وزارت دفاع با اشاره به وضعیت جنگنده قاهر ۳۱۳، گفت: این پروژه در دو نسخه درحال ساخت است که یکی از آن‌ها هواپیمای بدون‌سرنشین است و در ماه‌های آینده رونمایی می‌شود.

به گزارش خبرگزاری مهر، امیر خواجه‌فرد رئیس سازمان صنایع هوایی در گفتگویی اظهار کرد: ما در این ۴۰ سال فرایند پیچیده‌ای را سپری کرده‌ایم و در این مدت هیچ پرنده‌ای در زمینه گلوگاهی فناوری زمین‌گیر نبوده است و تمام پرنده‌ها تعمیر و اورهال شده‌اند.

وی افزود: تقریباً بعد از جنگ حدود ۱۵ سال بنیاد دانشی محصولات را استخراج کردیم؛ زیرا برخی از این شرکت‌های بین‌المللی به ما سرویس نمی‌دادند و نمی‌دهند؛ از این‌رو برای ارتقا و ساماندهی این پرنده‌ها نیازمند استخراج فناوری آن‌ها بودیم و اکنون دانش استخراج شده و با کمک دانش و فناوری آنها درحال شکل‌گیری محصولات جدید با فناوری‌های جدید است.

رئیس سازمان صنایع هوایی نیروهای مسلح، گفت: در حوزه بالگردی بیش از ۱۵ تنوع بالگرد وجود دارد و این بالگردها همواره باید عملیاتی باشند. در همین کمیت نیز در حوزه هواپیما وجود دارد در نیروی هوایی کشورمان ۱۵ تنوع هواپیما وجود دارد که در زمان جنگ سه تنوع هواپیما داشتیم اما امروز ۹ تنوع به این جنگنده‌ها - از جمله جنگنده‌های شرقی و اروپایی - به ناوگان ما اضافه شده است.

وی تصریح کرد: در زمان جنگ بمب‌ها و موشک‌های ما نقطه‌زن نبودند، اما امروز تمام بمب‌ها و موشک‌های نصب‌شده روی جنگنده‌ها نقطه‌زن و لیزری هستند. وقتی در صنعت هوایی یک کار «های‌تک» انجام می‌شود یعنی این صنعت در همه حوزه‌ها فعال و صنعت دفاعی یک صنعت سرآمد و جوابگوی همه صنایع است.

رئیس سازمان صنایع هوایی نیروهای مسلح ادامه داد: هواپیمای ترابری سیمرغ حدود ۴ تا ۶ تن و ترابری است. قرار بود قبل انقلاب چنین هواپیمایی با چنین مقیاسی خریداری شود اما امروز به ساخت آن رسیده‌ایم. همچنین هواپیمای یاسین طی چند هفته آینده به پرواز در خواهد آمد. در جنگنده کوثر هم در حال ارتقا بمب‌ها، موشک‌ها و رادارها هستیم.
Its a pity really that the new Iranian fighter was not unveiled last week. Whether as a manned F-313 or an unmanned version of the same.

Regarding the SU-35 proper, in its present form it does not pass muster for the IRIAF.

At the very least it should have an AESA radar (from where?) that at least approximates that of Irans current F-14's and its AIM-54 missiles. I doubt it very much that Russia will supply R-37 to Iran. The only air to air missile that would be a rough analogue of this would be the (AESA?) Fakour-90B.

Nor do I think that updates of F-14 can last ad infinitum. Even if the USAF claims that the service life of the B-52 could be extended to 100 years.


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