Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

Maybe at the time they didn’t think they needed it or that they didn’t have an engine ready to make use of the reverse engineering.

I’m just going based on the allegation that $16 million was offered to a Taiwanese pilot to defect with a Chinook.

Something may have changed and the Chinook may be in the process of being reconsidered.
I had heard similar things about the captured RQ-170 and F-14's radar and also its unique technologies.

That foreign country that asked for them was shut in the face by the door.
Maybe at the time they didn’t think they needed it or that they didn’t have an engine ready to make use of the reverse engineering.

I’m just going based on the allegation that $16 million was offered to a Taiwanese pilot to defect with a Chinook.

Something may have changed and the Chinook may be in the process of being reconsidered.
Maybe, but imo Iran giving away a sample to China for sole exchange of money from it is a non win-win for Iran, China doesn't even let us buy modern J-10 fighters beside J-10A which is completely obsolete

A win-win would be Iran giving away some of them for study and reverse engineering in exchange of being able to purchase Chinese aircrafts (just for having a ticket to buy something), and even this would not be win-win as any country in the world can buy Chinese aircrafts without needing a ticket besides Iran, being the guinea pig for Z-53 would also mean having access to the product reversed immediately when exports are available

If their proposal was a good old sack of gems/gold/cash i can see why Iran shut off the door to such demands
Maybe at the time they didn’t think they needed it or that they didn’t have an engine ready to make use of the reverse engineering.

I’m just going based on the allegation that $16 million was offered to a Taiwanese pilot to defect with a Chinook.

Something may have changed and the Chinook may be in the process of being reconsidered.

It was likely more for a propaganda purposes to embrass Taiwan then reverse engineering purposes

The other possibility is secretly US has helped Taiwan turn its 8 chinooks into the variant used by US and NATO special forces. That maybe why China would want it. But on “paper” they are Chinook Super D variants made in the late 90’s. It’s possible the US has upgraded them to special forces variant since Taiwan only has 8 of these helicopters.
Maybe, but imo Iran giving away a sample to China for sole exchange of money from it is a non win-win for Iran, China doesn't even let us buy modern J-10 fighters beside J-10A which is completely obsolete

A win-win would be Iran giving away some of them for study and reverse engineering in exchange of being able to purchase Chinese aircrafts (just for having a ticket to buy something), and even this would not be win-win as any country in the world can buy Chinese aircrafts without needing a ticket besides Iran, being the guinea pig for Z-53 would also mean having access to the product reversed immediately when exports are available

If their proposal was a good old sack of gems/gold/cash i can see why Iran shut off the door to such demands
China has experienced a tremendous progress in aviation, its true. They have developed high tech and reliable engines based upon Russian platforms. WS- family of Turbofan engines for instance.

But they do not stand where that may make Iran ask for their fighter jets. The experience that we had from the 8 years war, tells us that western fighter jets were and are light years ahead in technology unfortunately.

My own ranking based on that experience would be

1- USA
2- Russia
3- France
4- Other European products from UK/Germany to Swediah platforms
5- China

That's a harsh reality. Which made Iran never consider Chinese fighter jets again, except for possibly tech transfer from China.

Reason is, there is no technological disadvantage on Iranian side, Iran maybe lack budget and industrial capacity of mass production but it doesn't lag behind China technologically. We can make what they have made with delay because of a couple of reasons.

About refusing to buy Chinese platforms, you just need to ask yourself, which Chinese fighter jet can give us something that F-14s of IRIAF lacks already that may persuade IRIAF leadership to spend their limited budget to get them? Radar range? A2A or A2G capability? Iran has upgraded radars of its F-14 fleet adding them ground attack capability. And unlike communist countries, Iran doesn't care about quantity that much. Cost-effective, yes, but cheap NO.

People keep posting about SU-35 and Chinese fighter jets, maybe even European ones. But they forget that Iran wants a jet that actually adds something to its existing capabilities. Importing from multiple sources will make an other century of maintenance nightmare for Iranians.

So no thanks, we don't want foreign assets that adds nothing but trouble.
China has experienced a tremendous progress in aviation, its true. They have developed high tech and reliable engines based upon Russian platforms. WS- family of Turbofan engines for instance.

But they do not stand where that may make Iran ask for their fighter jets. The experience that we had from the 8 years war, tells us that western fighter jets were and are light years ahead in technology unfortunately.

My own ranking based on that experience would be

1- USA
2- Russia
3- France
4- Other European products from UK/Germany to Swediah platforms
5- China

That's a harsh reality. Which made Iran never consider Chinese fighter jets again, except for possibly tech transfer from China.

Reason is, there is no technological disadvantage on Iranian side, Iran maybe lack budget and industrial capacity of mass production but it doesn't lag behind China technologically. We can make what they have made with delay because of a couple of reasons.

About refusing to buy Chinese platforms, you just need to ask yourself, which Chinese fighter jet can give us something that F-14s of IRIAF lacks already that may persuade IRIAF leadership to spend their limited budget to get them? Radar range? A2A or A2G capability? Iran has upgraded radars of its F-14 fleet adding them ground attack capability. And unlike communist countries, Iran doesn't care about quantity that much. Cost-effective, yes, but cheap NO.

People keep posting about SU-35 and Chinese fighter jets, maybe even European ones. But they forget that Iran wants a jet that actually adds something to its existing capabilities. Importing from multiple sources will make an other century of maintenance nightmare for Iranians.

So no thanks, we don't want foreign assets that adds nothing but trouble.
Don't compare China today with China in the 80s.

In my opinion, China now has a better military capability than Russia and is the second country in the world.
Don't compare China today with China in the 80s.

In my opinion, China now has a better military capability than Russia and is the second country in the world.
Quality wise, I don't think so. They had to study SU-35 of RuAF paying them in billions. Mostly because of it's high tech engine.

Chinese friends claimed that acquisition of Russian SU-35 had political reasons. I would consider it as a propaganda.

Russians have similar problem with budget. Otherwise, they have had Okhotnik and SU-57 for years now. Their R&D is light years ahead of China.
In my opinion, China now has a better military capability than Russia and is the second country in the world.

That recent report about corruption in its military and its missiles not having fuel… China has a long way to modernize. It certainly is on track spending 200B+ a year. I think by 2035, China will tech parity with the US in all fields.

But here’s the thing:

1) Chinese products haven’t been tested. Iranian weapons have. Russia weapons have. US weapons. No one knows how reliable Chinese weapons are in a sustained war against near peer adversaries.

2) China hasn’t been in a single military conflict since Korea. It’s entire troop and chain of command is untested. We saw what that looked like in Ukraine war when Russia went in. And China largely follows similar doctrine to Soviet warfare which is manpower vs quantitative edge. Iran has been in proxy war with Israel and US since 2003 and fought in numerous theaters.

3) China is slowly losing its most prized weapon: massive armed forces. Chinese population Estimated to lose 300M people in next 25 years and have a total population of sub 500M by 2100.

They have one of the worst birth rates in the world.

So yes Russian ineptitude was ASTOUNDING in Ukraine war, but in a few years they will have a fully hardened trained military force. Just like how Syrians SAA went from typical Arab paper Tiger military to a hardened military machine today capable of surviving anything.

I wouldn’t count Russia out completely or overhype China. Both have serious issues they need to resolve if they plan on ever really challenging the American Empire.
China has experienced a tremendous progress in aviation, its true. They have developed high tech and reliable engines based upon Russian platforms. WS- family of Turbofan engines for instance.

But they do not stand where that may make Iran ask for their fighter jets. The experience that we had from the 8 years war, tells us that western fighter jets were and are light years ahead in technology unfortunately.

My own ranking based on that experience would be

1- USA
2- Russia
3- France
4- Other European products from UK/Germany to Swediah platforms
5- China

That's a harsh reality. Which made Iran never consider Chinese fighter jets again, except for possibly tech transfer from China.

Reason is, there is no technological disadvantage on Iranian side, Iran maybe lack budget and industrial capacity of mass production but it doesn't lag behind China technologically. We can make what they have made with delay because of a couple of reasons.

About refusing to buy Chinese platforms, you just need to ask yourself, which Chinese fighter jet can give us something that F-14s of IRIAF lacks already that may persuade IRIAF leadership to spend their limited budget to get them? Radar range? A2A or A2G capability? Iran has upgraded radars of its F-14 fleet adding them ground attack capability. And unlike communist countries, Iran doesn't care about quantity that much. Cost-effective, yes, but cheap NO.

People keep posting about SU-35 and Chinese fighter jets, maybe even European ones. But they forget that Iran wants a jet that actually adds something to its existing capabilities. Importing from multiple sources will make an other century of maintenance nightmare for Iranians.

So no thanks, we don't want foreign assets that adds nothing but trouble.
Correct. China by it's very recent lack of conflict cannot produce systems that can compare with 'western' tech. Even their drones and perhaps missile systems in terms of reliability and combat effectiveness are inferior to Iranian ones.

Practice makes perfect.
WoowWowWoWowWoah check it out, fellas. Just saw these on another site and I remembered my good friend @Amirpatriot (maybe his new username is @AmirIGM ?) say that the IRIAF doesn't have the R-27 in any capacity. I might be wrong and he did not say that so I don't want to officially accuse him of treachery lol, being my bro and all but not only is this an R-27 / AA-10 ALAMO, but it's mounted on an F-14. Is this something new, or am I just late to the party? I know the pic seems from a few years ago at the least, but is this a new concept seen for the first time or nothing new, really?

I think it's unreal. Between the Pheonix and now the R-27 makes the IRAF Tomcat a lethal aerial machine.

The pics were bundled without any info but maybe someone knows if the IRIAF or IRGC was also making its own truck launched version of the R-27 in the bottom pic?




It was likely more for a propaganda purposes to embrass Taiwan then reverse engineering purposes

The other possibility is secretly US has helped Taiwan turn its 8 chinooks into the variant used by US and NATO special forces. That maybe why China would want it. But on “paper” they are Chinook Super D variants made in the late 90’s. It’s possible the US has upgraded them to special forces variant since Taiwan only has 8 of these helicopters.
but there is one reason you may want to consider ch-47 compared to more modern and powerful helicopters, actually there is two reason.
one its compact and more suitable for operating in limited areas .
two it carry internally more than what other helicopters can carry internally , for example let compare it with ch-53, both ch-47 and ch-53 have roughly the same cabin size but the wheel on ch-47 can tolerate more weight so it can carry more internally while if you hang the weight from below the helicopter the ch-53 can carry significantly more
WoowWowWoWowWoah check it out, fellas. Just saw these on another site and I remembered my good friend @Amirpatriot (maybe his new username is @AmirIGM ?) say that the IRIAF doesn't have the R-27 in any capacity. I might be wrong and he did not say that so I don't want to officially accuse him of treachery lol, being my bro and all but not only is this an R-27 / AA-10 ALAMO, but it's mounted on an F-14. Is this something new, or am I just late to the party? I know the pic seems from a few years ago at the least, but is this a new concept seen for the first time or nothing new, really?

I think it's unreal. Between the Pheonix and now the R-27 makes the IRAF Tomcat a lethal aerial machine.

The pics were bundled without any info but maybe someone knows if the IRIAF or IRGC was also making its own truck launched version of the R-27 in the bottom pic?

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The Iranian Air Force always hides its capabilities and does not release accurate information. It was written in Wikipedia that Iran has R27, but I had not seen that it is coordinated with Tomcats.
the budget is clearly known , there is nothing large about it
Get out of your head and your false certainty, a reasoned mind knows that Iran's budget is bigger than the one publicly announced. The IRIAF is actually very well funded and aircraft production is constant. Your only source for the Kowsar is the Wikipedia page which states that the Kowsar is built in number of 4

Ridiculous !
Get out of your head and your false certainty, a reasoned mind knows that Iran's budget is bigger than the one publicly announced. The IRIAF is actually very well funded and aircraft production is constant. Your only source for the Kowsar is the Wikipedia page which states that the Kowsar is built in number of 4

Ridiculous !
many of those kowsar in production line are f-5 waiting to be upgraded not new one . and please give us exact number of kowsar in service

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