Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

The Iranian Air Force always hides its capabilities and does not release accurate information. It was written in Wikipedia that Iran has R27, but I had not seen that it is coordinated with Tomcats.

Yep, same with the EAF. They always try and hide as much as they can until a photo makes its way online or someone sticks his nose where it don't belong haha and the cat's out of the bag.

Indeed, this is quite the integration because it seems we usually see more US weapons being integrated on Russian platforms than the other way around because of the latter's propensity to getting captured during wars. So, this is extraordinary IMO and only suggests what else is the IRIAF doing that no one else knows about? It's a good thing.

And the adapter pylon is also quite intriguing. I'm wondering if that's an Iranian creation or if it's the Chinese pylon adapter they came out with that supposedly works on any fighter jet out there (except stealth jets of course). @The SC knows a lot about that adapter pylon maybe he would recognize it.

I hope we see the Su-35s soon. It would make the Yak-130 trainer purchase make more sense. I always thought the same thing being that the Su-35 is a single-seat jet and no 2-seater/UM/trainer version available unless you purchase a couple of Su-30SM to use as trainers prior to moving newbie pilots to the Su-35. The Yak-130 would be a wiser training "sacrifice" than the expensive Su-30SM.
The Iranian Air Force always hides its capabilities and does not release accurate information. It was written in Wikipedia that Iran has R27, but I had not seen that it is coordinated with Tomcats.
There has been some knowledge lost but ive seen pictures of IRIAF tomcats with R-27s and R-73s in magazines. We’re talking early 2000s.

I don’t see why the AWG-9 cannot cue them just like it can do for the Hawk facsimile.
There has been some knowledge lost but ive seen pictures of IRIAF tomcats with R-27s and R-73s in magazines. We’re talking early 2000s.

I don’t see why the AWG-9 cannot cue them just like it can do for the Hawk facsimile.
Russian systems are different from American systems. The radar of the fighter should probably be changed so that it can launch Russian missiles.
This is probably the reason why 14 years ago, they made Fakoor 90 missile like Phoenix.
At that time, they said that a more advanced model of this missile with the name Maqsood is being built.
Russian systems are different from American systems. The radar of the fighter should probably be changed so that it can launch Russian missiles.
Not necessarily - it has more to do with how the system provides the output - knowing that source signal/code and making it work with the AWG-9. Keep in mind these are all very Analog systems so if you can tell the AWG-9 that it has a sparrow to guide when in essence its a R-27 it is doable. Whats important is ensuring the CW matched what the R-27 expects from its Russian radars or modifying the R-27 to look for the AWG-9s CW pulse.

Now, trying to do that with the next generation of systems like F-16 with R-27 gets pretty difficult because now you’re into actual coding versus early solid state elements
Still nothing on the Su-35 or even more the super-stealthy stealth fighter?
Ah. Just proves how stealthy it is.


Still nothing on the Su-35 or even more the super-stealthy stealth fighter?

Can't wait to see them in the IRIAF. Whether it happens or not remains to be seen of course. But if there's ever a perfect time for such an acquisition -- not only for Iran, but for Rusky also -- would be right now.

The other thing it should do is slowly introduce elements of the IRIAF into Syria. If it can work alongside Russian assets, it would send a loud & clear message to the demons to cut the crap out. It's the only language they understand. But it needs to be done slowly so the US doesn't panic and go full blown DEFCON.

How credible are the rumors of Iranian pilots in Russia supposedly training on the Su-35? Anyone know?

Either there’s been more delivered or they changed the paint job.
Well Iran basically never announced that there were any delivery and some random pictures took by the staff made it on the internet

It wouldn't be surprising more had been delivered

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