Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

it was only reported by student agency and quickly refuted by other sources

Dangit! Are you sure, bro? That sucks! This is the problem with this day and age we live in. Social media has introduced a plethora of minutia when it comes to news. Long lost are the days when we didn't even have the need to question the news, let alone doubt it.

But stranger things have happened, and they predicted sometime next week so it's a short time to see if there's any glimmer of truth to it.

Imagine if suddenly 3 Su-35s showed up in Tehran! WowWowWow! We'll all go insane around here. Time to dance naked in the streets and put flags on our Toyotas and honk the horns around the neighborhoods! 😁
Dangit! Are you sure, bro? That sucks! This is the problem with this day and age we live in. Social media has introduced a plethora of minutia when it comes to news. Long lost are the days when we didn't even have the need to question the news, let alone doubt it.

But stranger things have happened, and they predicted sometime next week so it's a short time to see if there's any glimmer of truth to it.

Imagine if suddenly 3 Su-35s showed up in Tehran! WowWowWow! We'll all go insane around here. Time to dance naked in the streets and put flags on our Toyotas and honk the horns around the neighborhoods! 😁
I don’t know even Haaretz is reporting it to they are saying that Iranian media is reporting it but at least Haaretz usually reports legitimate and factual news, again doesn’t mean news organizations are infallible
Interesting story making the news wires.. ... -pressure/

What I found odd about this was the quantity cited: 64 new jets. Yes, I know it's Iran. Yes, I know it's Russia. And yes, I know they both like to posture. But if reports are correct of Iran providing Russia multiple different types of drones/UAV's for use in Ukraine, this might just happen. Russia will need to make payment somehow to Iran, and those sanctions are going to be biting hard soon. There are already several, factory-fresh SU-35's that Egypt decided to pass on, so that's another factor in this deal's favor.

I rather doubt it'll be 64 though. With an estimated 34 airworthy Phantoms and 39 F-5E Tiger II's, that would be a nearly 1:1 replacement of those types. But it would be an oddball fleet..

18 F-14's
38 Mig-29A's
64 SU-35's (replacing F-4's and F-5E's)
50 indigenous F-5 type derivatives
18 Mirage F-1's
45 SU-24

Logistically, keeping the F-14's, Mig-29's and SU-24's flying must be an absolute bear. The SU-35 will be perhaps easier but not necessarily cheaper, and significant resources may have to be cut elsewhere to maintain them. Such as retiring half or more of the SU-24 fleet, and I would imagine the entire Mig-29 force (VERY early A models, by almost all accounts).

I don't think it'll come to pass, at least not in those numbers. But something is brewing between Iran and Russia, and something needs to give - these are ancient airframes). If it was me I'd buy up-rated multi role SU-30's and call it a day. I'd even say retire all the F-14's, but they've got a lot of $ tied up in that Fakhour 90 Phoenix knock off, and the F-14 is the only bird that can carry/fire it. Ultimately then, a high/low mixed fleet of multi-role Flankers and the newest Tiger II derivative, focusing on the lowest cost per flight hour. Finally, you'd have a silver bullet fleet of F-14's and their Fakhour-90's, flying them until the wings fall off...
The best bet for Iran if [big if] Iranian-Russian relations have gotten closer is joint funding and production of SU-75 (aka Checkmate).

Russia needs a foreign buyer (and financier). It’s unlikely any country will fund or buy Russian weapons that are remotely allied with US/NATO. So Arabs are out, India is out, China has its own 5th gen fighter jets.

If Russia is willing to give Iran some critical ToT, Iran can assist in financing and development.

Prototype could be ready in 1-2 years and fully operational before 2030.

Realistically speaking this is only way Iran gets its hands on a 5th gen fighter before 2035 (future Iranian 5th Gen likely a decade or more away.)
Russia needs a foreign buyer (and financier). It’s unlikely any country will fund or buy Russian weapons that are remotely allied with US/NATO. So Arabs are out, India is out, China has its own 5th gen fighter jets.
India is out, not because it is allied with the West or NATO, but because we had a bad experience with the SU-57. We sunk over 300 million dollars in the initial stage of the program, but the Russians were not very forthcoming with technology sharing, and we had to pull out.

Iran might want to avoid that experience and simply buy off the shelf, which India has not ruled out.
India is out, not because it is allied with the West or NATO, but because we had a bad experience with the SU-57. We sunk over 300 million dollars in the initial stage of the program, but the Russians were not very forthcoming with technology sharing, and we had to pull out.

Iran might want to avoid that experience and simply buy off the shelf, which India has not ruled out.
Moreover It will take years to have a flyable prototype and after it a long way for testing and LRIP production. Nowadays the only viable chance It is Su35. But at medium term Su75 should be more than a good choice. But the thread is real. Russia have been involved in scandals with India in old Pak-Fa programa, but also with Algeria with Mig29 and even with Peru with their Mig29 and Su25 too. So... Be careful with whom you want to deal.
Half way through the week and no sign of SU-35s. Still looking 👀

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