Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

Here is something very worthy.

The US is the single biggest technological superpower of the world. It leads and surpasses the whole world in almost every scientific and technological field by miles. It is because they have the best and brightest minds in the world. They also spend 100s of times more money on RnD in every field, including military field. The Russians did not invest best and brightest minds in such great numbers and did not spend 1/100th of the money on RnD.

In scientific and technological fields there is no substitute for research. More research will lead to more superior product. The Russians are capable, but they simply didn't do the same amount of research and didn't spend the same amount of money since the collapse of the Soviet Union. There is no shortcut in knowledge. To know the inferiority of SU-35 to F-16, I don't need to know every minute detail of the radar, or engine or avionics; most of us don't here either.

If you are looking for someone who can be a challenger of the US/EU, it's the Chinese, the Russians are living off their past glory.

This is the real stuff, what you are saying is the high school stuff.
So your logic that "F-16 trumps Su-35s" is basically founded on the idea "US is the biggest tech power in the world", anything beside that? Any facts or statistics on actual air combat potential? Sounds to me you are commenting on sumthing you have absolutely no clue about. Have you got any clue about the maneuverability of the Su-35 or the experimental terminator? F-16 would get owned. Anything other than the F-22 would get roasted.
Here is something very worthy.

The US is the single biggest technological superpower of the world. It leads and surpasses the whole world in almost every scientific and technological field by miles. It is because they have the best and brightest minds in the world. They also spend 100s of times more money on RnD in every field, including military field. The Russians did not invest best and brightest minds in such great numbers and did not spend 1/100th of the money on RnD.

In scientific and technological fields there is no substitute for research. More research will lead to more superior product. The Russians are capable, but they simply didn't do the same amount of research and didn't spend the same amount of money since the collapse of the Soviet Union. There is no shortcut in knowledge. To know the inferiority of SU-35 to F-16, I don't need to know every minute detail of the radar, or engine or avionics; most of us don't here either.

If you are looking for someone who can be a challenger of the US/EU, it's the Chinese, the Russians are living off their past glory.

This is the real stuff, what you are saying is the high school stuff.
The American empire is dying a fast death. The issue here is the Imperial hierarchy of the west hasnt accustomed or woken themselves up to this fact. In 10 years this wane in dominance and power will be visible to everyone. For the time being, the western elite has chosen not to act rationally and recognise the fact as it's difficult to accept that you are no longer the dominant force.

The Ukraine- Russia conflict has painted a clear picture on that. The west with all its so called technology cannot cope with the Russian military tech and its unforgiving military industrial manufacturing potential. The Western stockpiles are dwindling and as each day passes the Russians armed capability grows ever more stronger. As way things are, If a future conflict happens between Russia and the entire west in the next 5 years, Russia will overcome all of the western puny military and will conquer up to London. This outcome is already acknowledged by most military analyst except for those on copium ofcourse.

And I didnt even mention China and North Korea. The Americans have made too many enemies.

So wait a lil untill things become clear to people like you, who are only but a victim of shock and awe and has failed to see the turn of the tide.
The SU-35 coming in the next week or month has turned into a headache to me. I hope they solve this issue and tell the people it will never be imported to Iran. It will be end of story.

But since people are comparing F-16 to it, I might add some good points to the comparison.

Given that F-16 is a 4th generation aircraft and it is designed to replace F-4 phantoms, we can claim that it is an older platform compared to the SU-35. Moreover Ibris-E radar can detect F-16 from 400 KM away. Therefore I say, at least on the paper, F-16 will be detected and shot before even recognizing Sukhoi on its radar scope. Sukhoi is a much better dogfighter. Both these factors point to the possible winner.

However to have a solid proof for our winner, we can wait for European handout to Ukraine in this summer, in the shape of F-16s being sent to Ukraine. Russia will surely test the capabilities of SU-35 over Ukraine. Must be of quite fun to watch Russian and American knights fight over Ukrainian airspace.
Military knowledge to PDF Users

1-- While impressive at air shows, the Cobra maneuver of SU-35 also deprives an aircraft of speed and energy, which is not a good thing in a dogfight

2-- Iran will not get R-37 air to air Missile
just export variant 110 km R-77-1

F-16V armed with 160 km AIM-120C8 air to air Missile which can work with AWACS via data-link for network centric warfare

3-- the quality of airborne jammers and decoys
F-16V equippied with next gen EW Suite and AN-APG83 AESA Radar
also LEGION Pod for IRST

also Equipped with the NATO-standard Link 16 datalink, the F-16V probably has superior networking capability to the Su-35

So Iranian Air Force with SU-35 can not match with F-16V Block70 which is the 4,5 gen Fighter
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The SU-35 coming in the next week or month has turned into a headache to me. I hope they solve this issue and tell the people it will never be imported to Iran. It will be end of story.

But since people are comparing F-16 to it, I might add some good points to the comparison.

Given that F-16 is a 4th generation aircraft and it is designed to replace F-4 phantoms, we can claim that it is an older platform compared to the SU-35. Moreover Ibris-E radar can detect F-16 from 400 KM away. Therefore I say, at least on the paper, F-16 will be detected and shot before even recognizing Sukhoi on its radar scope. Sukhoi is a much better dogfighter. Both these factors point to the possible winner.

However to have a solid proof for our winner, we can wait for European handout to Ukraine in this summer, in the shape of F-16s being sent to Ukraine. Russia will surely test the capabilities of SU-35 over Ukraine. Must be of quite fun to watch Russian and American knights fight over Ukrainian airspace.
Ibris-E can't do that if F-16v use its radar to jam Su-35
Moreover Ibris-E radar can detect F-16 from 400 KM away

400 km detection range against big Planes like AWACS

SU-35 can not detect F-16V ( RCS of 1m2 ) from 400 km .... not even from 200 km
but Boeing E-7T AEWC can detect SU-35 from 350+ km to help F-16V in network centric warfare

Also F-16V Block70 has great EW suite to jam IBRIS-E Radar on SU-35

Even I am not talking about superior NATO technology Airborne stand off Jammer Aircraft which can jam SU-35 Radar from 400 km away from safe distance

and Iranian Air Force doesnt have these technologies
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Ibris-E can't do that if F-16v use its radar to jam Su-35
Why do you think that Sukhoi lacks countermeasure? It is 4.5 generation according to OSINT. Hence upgraded subsystems.

Plus, Sukhoi can do the same
Hey folks, tech specs notwithstanding and on which is better than the other on PAPER, the US vs Russia paper spec equivalence is always trumped by battlefield implementation. In this regard, the US equivalent aircraft win hands down. Another one of of my arguments on IRI not waste money on a conventional air force--SU xx whatever.
Hey folks, tech specs notwithstanding and on which is better than the other on PAPER, the US vs Russia paper spec equivalence is always trumped by battlefield implementation. In this regard, the US equivalent aircraft win hands down. Another one of of my arguments on IRI not waste money on a conventional air force--SU xx whatever.
They are meant to counter drones and incoming cruise missiles threat in case of foreign attack.

Iranian military doctrine doesn't count on fighter jets as an offensive weapon. And I am sure that you are aware of it
The Su-35S with its 400km detection range IRBIS-E radar combined with its leading wing edge AESA arrays and armed with the new R-77-1 and R-37M with the new Khibiny EW wingtip pods and its incredible range of 3,600 km (vs 2,700) has a huge edge over the brand-new F-16 block 70/72+ Viper, Copperhead, Cobra, Mamba whatever which needs 3 drop tanks to even reach that listed range. Even armed with AIM-120D, or even if they're deploying the new AIM-260 on the Vipers, it's a tossup against the R-37M.

And it's probably no contest in almost any close combat dogfight with the Su-35S' dual-engine, 2-dimensional canted differential TVC vs the Viper's single-engine, as nimble as it is would still have a super difficult time against the Su-35S in the hands of a capable pilot. I think we all know the Su-35's slow-speed maneuverability.

Even though the AN/APG-83 AESA radar's listed range is around 370 km, it's really close to the IRBIS-E's but still lesser by 30 km which is not huge and probably won't make that much of a difference. But being a fully AESA radar vs the IRBIS-E's passive electronically scanned array, the slight edge might go to the Viper in that case, but the IRBIS-E also works in conjunction and is greatly assisted by its AESA L-band wing arrays.
I would easily give the overall advantage to the Su-35S.

I'd even say it has an edge on the brand, spanking new F-15EX armed with the AIM-260 because of all the other factors I mentioned.

F-22? Nope. lol.
Russian Weapons never withstand their Paper Specs in the real battlefield.
I'm not saying Su-35 is bad but it will most probably not live upto its declared Paper Specs.
400km range means nothing if it can not engage F-16 from that range.
They are meant to counter drones and incoming cruise missiles threat in case of foreign attack.

Iranian military doctrine doesn't count on fighter jets as an offensive weapon. And I am sure that you are aware of it
'meant' = 'on paper'
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Why do you think that Sukhoi lacks countermeasure? It is 4.5 generation according to OSINT. Hence upgraded subsystems.

Plus, Sukhoi can do the same
they don't lack it , who said that i think such , but those counter measure don't make them detect f16 at that 400km range they help them f-16v don't detect them at 200+km
Israel doesn’t operate F-16. They operate a modified version of F-16D called F-16I
Israel have f-35 so that's mute . i was talking about technical aspect of it by the way its right Israel f-16 don't have the APG-83 but they come with APG-68(v9) which is the next best thing for f-16 with around 300km of range for large aircraft .
that aside don't forget Bahrain receiving F-16v and a certain backstabbing country who times and times proved its servitude to our enemies also ordered it and if I'm not wrong Turkey also is interested in upgrading its f-16 to f-16v standard
One thing about IBRIS-E that you must consider is that 400km range is only when the radar search a field of 10 degree by 10 degree , in real scenario when the radar is in search mode the range shrink to around 200km
V. Tikhomirov Research Institute of Instrumentation provides for the assured detection and acquisition of typical aerial targets at a range of up to 200 km (up to 170 km against ground background), and in a narrower field of view¬ – up to 350-400 km.

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