Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

The best bet for Iran if [big if] Iranian-Russian relations have gotten closer is joint funding and production of SU-75 (aka Checkmate).

Russia needs a foreign buyer (and financier). It’s unlikely any country will fund or buy Russian weapons that are remotely allied with US/NATO. So Arabs are out, India is out, China has its own 5th gen fighter jets.

If Russia is willing to give Iran some critical ToT, Iran can assist in financing and development.

Prototype could be ready in 1-2 years and fully operational before 2030.

Realistically speaking this is only way Iran gets its hands on a 5th gen fighter before 2035 (future Iranian 5th Gen likely a decade or more away.)
I said the same thing back on page 34 in a reply to @Flotilla .

That's a good point. Which brings us to the Checkmate. How fitting would that project be for a joint-venture with Iran? Mmmm..... this would be perfect but the friggin US has the world by the balls and it keeps squeezing the bastards harder and harder slowly and slowly.

Side-by-side with the Qaher-313 it's a match made in heaven!


Half way through the week and no sign of SU-35s. Still looking 👀

Waiting with bated breath! LFG!

Not sure if the full-fat versions of the Su-35 will turn up or not, but i hope they do, it is quite evident that Iran does need to recapitalise her airforce and the Su-35 while not as good as the latest F16s or anything newer, are the best that Iran can get. This will allow Iran to conduct operations over Iraq/Syria that work against Iranian interests, given the range the Su-35 can offer for combat operations.
Not sure if the full-fat versions of the Su-35 will turn up or not, but i hope they do, it is quite evident that Iran does need to recapitalise her airforce and the Su-35 while not as good as the latest F16s

The Su-35S with its 400km detection range IRBIS-E radar combined with its leading wing edge AESA arrays and armed with the new R-77-1 and R-37M with the new Khibiny EW wingtip pods and its incredible range of 3,600 km (vs 2,700) has a huge edge over the brand-new F-16 block 70/72+ Viper, Copperhead, Cobra, Mamba whatever which needs 3 drop tanks to even reach that listed range. Even armed with AIM-120D, or even if they're deploying the new AIM-260 on the Vipers, it's a tossup against the R-37M.

And it's probably no contest in almost any close combat dogfight with the Su-35S' dual-engine, 2-dimensional canted differential TVC vs the Viper's single-engine, as nimble as it is would still have a super difficult time against the Su-35S in the hands of a capable pilot. I think we all know the Su-35's slow-speed maneuverability.

Even though the AN/APG-83 AESA radar's listed range is around 370 km, it's really close to the IRBIS-E's but still lesser by 30 km which is not huge and probably won't make that much of a difference. But being a fully AESA radar vs the IRBIS-E's passive electronically scanned array, the slight edge might go to the Viper in that case, but the IRBIS-E also works in conjunction and is greatly assisted by its AESA L-band wing arrays.
I would easily give the overall advantage to the Su-35S.

I'd even say it has an edge on the brand, spanking new F-15EX armed with the AIM-260 because of all the other factors I mentioned.

F-22? Nope. lol.
Even though the AN/APG-83 AESA radar's listed range is around 370 km, it's really close to the IRBIS-E's but still lesser by 30 km which is not huge and probably won't make that much of a difference. But being a fully AESA radar vs the IRBIS-E's passive electronically scanned array, the slight edge might go to the Viper in that case, but the IRBIS-E also works in conjunction and is greatly assisted by its AESA L-band wing arrays.
I would easily give the overall advantage to the Su-35S.

24 SU-35s can not change anything in the region against Israel , S.Arabia and Turkiye

and IRBIS-E Radar can not detect F-16V ( RCS of 1m2 ) from 400 km
even F-22's AN/APG-77 AESA Radar detect F-16V ( RCS of 1m2 ) from 200 km away

but AWACS can detect SU-35 from 350+ km away

so , Iranian Air Force needs at least 200 SU-35s and AWACS also SOJ Stand off Jammer Aircraft to match with Israel , S.Arabia and Turkiye in the region
Iran has no intention of putting airforce against airforce.
It’s future is missiles & drones.

Anyway, israel is doing a great job of collapsing itself right now.
Saudis might have good equipment but their pilots are poor. As proven in Yemen time and time again.
Search terms in Youtube: شکوه جاودان میثم ابراهیمی @Shams313 @Mehdipersian

The Su-35S with its 400km detection range IRBIS-E radar combined with its leading wing edge AESA arrays and armed with the new R-77-1 and R-37M with the new Khibiny EW wingtip pods and its incredible range of 3,600 km (vs 2,700) has a huge edge over the brand-new F-16 block 70/72+ Viper, Copperhead, Cobra, Mamba whatever which needs 3 drop tanks to even reach that listed range. Even armed with AIM-120D, or even if they're deploying the new AIM-260 on the Vipers, it's a tossup against the R-37M.

And it's probably no contest in almost any close combat dogfight with the Su-35S' dual-engine, 2-dimensional canted differential TVC vs the Viper's single-engine, as nimble as it is would still have a super difficult time against the Su-35S in the hands of a capable pilot. I think we all know the Su-35's slow-speed maneuverability.

Even though the AN/APG-83 AESA radar's listed range is around 370 km, it's really close to the IRBIS-E's but still lesser by 30 km which is not huge and probably won't make that much of a difference. But being a fully AESA radar vs the IRBIS-E's passive electronically scanned array, the slight edge might go to the Viper in that case, but the IRBIS-E also works in conjunction and is greatly assisted by its AESA L-band wing arrays.
I would easily give the overall advantage to the Su-35S.

I'd even say it has an edge on the brand, spanking new F-15EX armed with the AIM-260 because of all the other factors I mentioned.

F-22? Nope. lol.


F-16 block 70s will run circles around the SU-35S. You are out of your mind.

F-16 block 70s will run circles around the SU-35S. You are out of your mind.

I brought factual stats comparing the two regarding the most important factors that would determine an aircraft's capability over another and listed them, clearly making the point while all you could say is.......

"F-16 block 70s will run circles around the SU-35S. You are out of your mind."

At least MMA brought something, even though it was ridiculous and of course involved Turkey which had nothing to do with what Iran getting the Su-35S, but your comment is even more disastrous, bro.

Come on, maaaan, bring something worthy of my valuable time instead of that high school stuff.
I brought factual stats comparing the two regarding the most important factors that would determine an aircraft's capability over another and listed them, clearly making the point while all you could say is.......

"F-16 block 70s will run circles around the SU-35S. You are out of your mind."

At least MMA brought something, even though it was ridiculous and of course involved Turkey which had nothing to do with what Iran getting the Su-35S, but your comment is even more disastrous, bro.

Come on, maaaan, bring something worthy of my valuable time instead of that high school stuff.

Here is something very worthy.

The US is the single biggest technological superpower of the world. It leads and surpasses the whole world in almost every scientific and technological field by miles. It is because they have the best and brightest minds in the world. They also spend 100s of times more money on RnD in every field, including military field. The Russians did not invest best and brightest minds in such great numbers and did not spend 1/100th of the money on RnD.

In scientific and technological fields there is no substitute for research. More research will lead to more superior product. The Russians are capable, but they simply didn't do the same amount of research and didn't spend the same amount of money since the collapse of the Soviet Union. There is no shortcut in knowledge. To know the inferiority of SU-35 to F-16, I don't need to know every minute detail of the radar, or engine or avionics; most of us don't here either.

If you are looking for someone who can be a challenger of the US/EU, it's the Chinese, the Russians are living off their past glory.

This is the real stuff, what you are saying is the high school stuff.
Here is something very worthy.

The US is the single biggest technological superpower of the world. It leads and surpasses the whole world in almost every scientific and technological field by miles. It is because they have the best and brightest minds in the world. They also spend 100s of times more money on RnD in every field, including military field. The Russians did not invest best and brightest minds in such great numbers and did not spend 1/100th of the money on RnD.

In scientific and technological fields there is no substitute for research. More research will lead to more superior product. The Russians are capable, but they simply didn't do the same amount of research and didn't spend the same amount of money since the collapse of the Soviet Union. There is no shortcut in knowledge. To know the inferiority of SU-35 to F-16, I don't need to know every minute detail of the radar, or engine or avionics; most of us don't here either.

If you are looking for someone who can be a challenger of the US/EU, it's the Chinese, the Russians are living off their past glory.

This is the real stuff, what you are saying is the high school stuff.

Oh, I see. So your point was simply that the US, as an industrial giant who spends more on R&D than the rest of the world combined means that its latest F-16 Viper will dance circles around the Su-35S. Bravo, well-done. I think every one is completely convinced now.👍
Oh, I see. So your point was simply that the US, as an industrial giant who spends more on R&D than the rest of the world combined means that its latest F-16 Viper will dance circles around the Su-35S. Bravo, well-done. I think every one is completely convinced now.👍

Yes. And that is the only real point. All the rest is fluff.

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