Iranian Chill Thread

An Iranian was also martyred in Israel's strikes in Beirut


Iran lost a lot of the goodwill it acquired from the Muslim world since October 7th. Haniyeh being killed in Iran is extremely embarrassing for Iran. It was our duty to protect him, and we are culpable for failing to do so, handing the enemy a major victory.

Unfortunately the problem goes all the way to Khamenei.
An Iranian was also martyred in Israel's strikes in Beirut


Iran lost a lot of the goodwill it acquired from the Muslim world since October 7th. Haniyeh being killed in Iran is extremely embarrassing for Iran. It was our duty to protect him, and we are culpable for failing to do so, handing the enemy a major victory.

Unfortunately the problem goes all the way to Khamenei.
I disagree with the Khamene'i statement. At his level these are details. The security forces, who protect him as well, are the key organization(s) responsible. We keep seeing misplaced discussion about 'retaliation' and Hajizadeh said this or that but nothing about the main culprit: security.
I disagree with the Khamene'i statement. At his level these are details. The security forces, who protect him as well, are the key organization(s) responsible. We keep seeing misplaced discussion about 'retaliation' and Hajizadeh said this or that but nothing about the main culprit: security.
I blame Khamenei for limitations on the nuclear programme and missile programme. Entering a war with a nuclear power is very difficult, and hinders our options severely.
I blame Khamenei for limitations on the nuclear programme and missile programme. Entering a war with a nuclear power is very difficult, and hinders our options severely.
This assumes there is a material limitation. I don't believe there is. Announcing a capacity publicly is calculated to not be in our favor. Our opponents know what is and what's not. These actions are occurring the enemy knows Iran's capacity.
This assumes there is a material limitation. I don't believe there is. Announcing a capacity publicly is calculated to not be in our favor. Our opponents know what is and what's not. These actions are occurring the enemy knows Iran's capacity.
the fatwa is very clear and even if that is somehow a deliberate 4D chess lie then the results don't show it because everyone knows exactly how much enriched uranium Iran has and what centrifuges and where etc ...
For what they're worth; prediction markets: Manifold and Polymarket:


An Iranian was also martyred in Israel's strikes in Beirut


Iran lost a lot of the goodwill it acquired from the Muslim world since October 7th. Haniyeh being killed in Iran is extremely embarrassing for Iran. It was our duty to protect him, and we are culpable for failing to do so, handing the enemy a major victory.

Unfortunately the problem goes all the way to Khamenei.
It's difficult to protect public figures. Even Trump got shot when he was delivering his speech in public. The situation with our scientists were similar, they were killed when they were out in public. The Soleimani assassination was also similar, although such an important figure should definitely have had more protection. This is different, if they are able to locate and take out Haniyeh with a precision strike. Who is really safe in Iran?
It's difficult to protect public figures. Even Trump got shot when he was delivering his speech in public. The situation with our scientists were similar, they were killed when they were out in public. The Soleimani assassination was also similar, although such an important figure should definitely have had more protection. This is different, if they are able to locate and take out Haniyeh with a precision strike. Who is really safe in Iran?

IRGC top leadership at least should stay in underground bases

that's what Bibi does every time there is a threat. it works.

IRGC top leadership at least should stay in underground bases

that's what Bibi does every time there is a threat. it works.
I support the Palestinians right to resistance, but we shouldn't go to war on their behalf. We don't have the capabilities or the stomach to go to war with a nuclear power, especially when it's being protected by the US. And our leadership cant live in bunkers forever. Maybe this can hopefully serve as a wake up call for Iranians. This might be an unpopular opinion, but this path we have taken has no good end. We don't benefit anything from this.
I support the Palestinians right to resistance, but we shouldn't go to war on their behalf. We don't have the capabilities or the stomach to go to war with a nuclear power, especially when it's being protected by the US. And our leadership cant live in bunkers forever. Maybe this can hopefully serve as a wake up call for Iranians. This might be an unpopular opinion, but this path we have taken has no good end. We don't benefit anything from this.
Israel is much weaker than you think. they have only a small number of power plants, desalination plants, above ground petro chemical and nuclear facilities

even if they have 500 anti ballistic missile interceptors (they have 250-300 Arrow), what happens after Iran fires 500 Shahab-3/Ghadr/Rezvan class missiles? then we have almost free reign to use Emad, Haj Qasem, Kheibar Shekan, Khorramshahr, Sejjil, etc to take out HVTs at will

that is even assuming we don't or can't use Fattah-1/2 to take out their ABM radars first

and this isn't a war for Palestine. it's a war for Iran's position as the head of the Axis of Resistance. An Iranian was martyred in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut. A guest of Iran was killed inside Iran. These are acts of war. We should not shy away from war, this will only invite further provocations.

What needs to change is our nuclear policy and internal management/security policies.

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