Iranian Chill Thread

Israel is much weaker than you think. they have only a small number of power plants, desalination plants, above ground petro chemical and nuclear facilities

even if they have 500 anti ballistic missile interceptors (they have 250-300 Arrow), what happens after Iran fires 500 Shahab-3/Ghadr/Rezvan class missiles? then we have almost free reign to use Emad, Haj Qasem, Kheibar Shekan, Khorramshahr, Sejjil, etc to take out HVTs at will

that is even assuming we don't or can't use Fattah-1/2 to take out their ABM radars first

and this isn't a war for Palestine. it's a war for Iran's position as the head of the Axis of Resistance. An Iranian was martyred in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut. A guest of Iran was killed inside Iran. These are acts of war. We should not shy away from war, this will only invite further provocations.

What needs to change is our nuclear policy and internal management/security policies.
I know Israel is not strong. But they have nukes and ways to deliver them, we do not. They also have the US and through them the NATO countries on their side.
I know Israel is not strong. But they have nukes and ways to deliver them, we do not. They also have the US and through them the NATO countries on their side.
It is illogical for Zionia to use nukes unless its existence is threatened in an obvious and immediate way. The reasons are obvious.

As for now, the noose of fire is slowly being tightened around its neck and slowly killing them thus putting them in a strategic no man’s land.

The self goals the IRI has recently inflicted on itself coupled with the recent assassinations and murdering of thousands of innocents will have ZERO effect on this. Zionia’s actions are the actions of the desperate and their final throes of death.
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It is illogical for Zionia to use nukes unless its existence is threatened in an obvious and immediate way. The reasons are obvious.

As for now, the noose of fire is slowly being tightened around its neck and slowly killing them thus putting them in a strategic no man’s land.

The self goals the URI has recently inflicted on itself coupled with the recent assassinations and murdering thousands of innocents will have ZERO effect on this. Zionia’s actions are the actions of the desperate and their throes of death.
Iran not developing nukes is a huge mistake.
Iran has nukes. You’re missing the bot so hidden nuances.
I hope you are right, but I doubt it. Iran needs at least 100 nukes with second strike capability. We know for a fact Iran does not have ballistic missile submarine but we did witness cruise missiles being launched from submarine in the past - however Iranian cruise missiles are not currently affective as the ballistic missiles because no ramjet or scramjet developed yet.
I hope you are right, but I doubt it. Iran needs at least 100 nukes with second strike capability. We know for a fact Iran does not have ballistic missile submarine but we did witness cruise missiles being launched from submarine in the past - however Iranian cruise missiles are not currently affective as the ballistic missiles because no ramjet or scramjet developed yet.
Don’t doubt. Study and you shall believe.
It is illogical for Zionia to use nukes unless its existence is threatened in an obvious and immediate way. The reasons are obvious.
You underestimate their evil and the west and international community's tendency to look the other way. If we achieve our goals, then a day will eventually come where they feel threatened enough to carry a nuclear strike against us.

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