Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Terrible move by HZ hitting an children’s soccer field. It was also a Druze community, and Druze were actual neutral sect in the Syria Civil War and many supported Assad.

Not that it would have mattered if they were Druze or Israelis. Targeting children is just sad.

Bad PR and giving Bibi a saving grace.

Doubt this will lead to a full war, I expect some heavy bombing by Israel and for HZ to swear revenge, but largely “take” whatever Israel dishes out.
It was a stray iron dome missile that struck the soccer field, even verified by members of the Druze community, however Israel is trying to save face and pin it on HZ, the Zionists are pathological liars, everyone knows
It was a stray iron dome missile that struck the soccer field, even verified by members of the Druze community, however Israel is trying to save face and pin it on HZ, the Zionists are pathological liars, everyone knows
don't knew the explosion was too big for Tamir missile.
It was a stray iron dome missile that struck the soccer field, even verified by members of the Druze community, however Israel is trying to save face and pin it on HZ, the Zionists are pathological liars, everyone knows
We cannot say if really it is a mistake from HZ or from Terrorist state of Israel. But it is good that HZ has been clear about that attack and will take measures to avoid more mistakes. There is a huge difference between HZ and a terrorist gang like IAF/IDF.
Mistake or not, it's irrelevant. Either side can escalate or diffuse as they require. In this case, Zionia could've just as easily said it was an errant munition and bear the brunt of the public outcry.

Either way Zionia pays dearly.
Mistake or not, it's irrelevant. Either side can escalate or diffuse as they require. In this case, Zionia could've just as easily said it was an errant munition and bear the brunt of the public outcry.

Either way Zionia pays dearly.
as far as i'm aware in war both side pay dearly
Israeli Channel 14 estimates 80% chance of full scale war between Hezbollah and Israel as a result of Israel's upcoming strikes in Lebanon.

Israel is giving a few days for Europeans to evacuate their civilians from Lebanon first.
"Anarchy" in Israel as Jewish militias storm courts and IDF base, supported by local IDF units

Israel is in "total chaos, torn apart", destroying itself from the inside


I said for a while that the radicalisation of the Israeli population was the gravest threat to Israel's internal cohesion/existence. I didn't expect to see new armed Jewish fascist militias loyal only to Ben Gvir and Bibi formed and storming IDF bases so quickly, with the support of local IDF. WIth IDF military police clashing with IDF terrorists. Knesset members mixing with the ultra-fascist militias and supporting them. Crazy.

Every senior Israeli politician is sounding the alarm. Israel is not falling into the abyss, it is in the abyss already. It is too late. The result of decades of dehumanisation and racial supremacy indoctrination.

Iran should be supporting these fascist far-right settlers as much as possible, to help them tear the Zionist project apart even further.
Zionia in a strategic bind? @jauk
Although not exactly the scenario I’ve imagined, it does fall into the lose lose predicament Zionia has tripped into.

I also believe that the US has some hand in this.

My current concern is securing the warheads.
Israel airstrikes in Beirut, claims assassination of Hezbollah Chief of Staff

Fuad Shukr is said to be Hezbollah's #2 man and Sayed Nasrallah's right hand man. The US had a $5m rewards for information leading to his arrest, accusing him of playing a central role in the 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing, which liquidated 241 US Marines.

There are disputing reports about whether Fuad Shakr was martyred or not. Israel claims he was, and most reports now claim he was. But Hezbollah has not yet released a statement to confirm the news.

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