Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

There’s plausible deniability. I believe that’s significant and must be factored in these discussions.

One way or another a significant security lapse which has again put Iran in a strategic bind.

At the end, it would be a costly choice for Iran.

Meanwhile the ring of fire will continue to tighten around Zionia.
"The statement further noted that Hanieyh and one of his bodyguards were assassinated in the early hours on Wednesday July 31, 2024 at their residence in Tehran"
I suspect Iran will do the sensible thing of not doing much. There is nothing much for Iran to gain. They will look at it as failure of a needless policy, make a lot of noise and then over time reduce support for groups that are involved in Israel. There are no material disputes here, only ideological ones.
Thats your world view not Irans. They see the struggle of the Palestinian as one to support otherwise they would not have poured in billions, taken thousands of deaths, taken on crippling sanctions for nothing.

If Iran did what the Saudis have not got involved and not care for the Palestinians they would rival any European country economically and industrial wise with the size of their population, especially significant educated young people add to their enormous gas and oil reserves. Iran would be the most powerful country in West Asia had it not been under sanctions and the current government policy to support Palestinians and others in the region.
no lo l because there was no "missile attack",

Iranian state TV is now talking about a assassin (likely gunfire)

while former justice minister and presidential candidate (pourmohammadi) blames it on "Traitors within the iranian government" (inside job)

some elements within iranian political scene are claiming the assassination was done by "Inside forces" to sabotage Pezeshkians first day of government, to humiliate him and sabotage his "Peace" approach.

alot of theories going around,

what ever happened , its clear by now it was a Assassination done by someone with access to his security team and residence.
According to presstv quoting official statement, someone shot one bodyguard then Haniyeh, 2 deaths, the perpetrator is a member of the bodyguard team
According to presstv quoting official statement, someone shot one bodyguard then Haniyeh, 2 deaths, the perpetrator is a member of the bodyguard team
I wouldn't dwell too much on these early reports. That said, it's highly likely it was a drone or a FPV.

Regardless, his position was well known and that would be my focus and NOT HOW he was martyred if I were handling things.
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Thats your world view not Irans. They see the struggle of the Palestinian as one to support otherwise they would not have poured in billions, taken thousands of deaths, taken on crippling sanctions for nothing.

If Iran did what the Saudis have not got involved and not care for the Palestinians they would rival any European country economically and industrial wise with the size of their population, especially significant educated young people add to their enormous gas and oil reserves. Iran would be the most powerful country in West Asia had it not been under sanctions and the current government policy to support Palestinians and others in the region.

Maybe you should let the Iranians speak for themselves. Without being directly involved pakistanis seem to be very interested in letting others lead the struggle everywhere else. Says a lot.
Maybe you should let the Iranians speak for themselves. Without being directly involved pakistanis seem to be very interested in letting others lead the struggle everywhere else. Says a lot.
Not sure what your talking about, tell me what I said is against reality. Your view is not reality.
There’s plausible deniability. I believe that’s significant and must be factored in these discussions.

One way or another a significant security lapse which has again put Iran in a strategic bind.

At the end, it would be a costly choice for Iran.

Meanwhile the ring of fire will continue to tighten around Zionia.

What 'tighten'? On Oct 2023 Hamas laucnhed attack 'by air, sea and ground' and 'liberated' occupied lands. Israel had said what they will do in that situation and they did...10s of 1000s dead, hamas leaders killed, hezbilla leaders killed, no end in sight to their revenge.

If you are calling this noose around israel's neck man you gotta be smoking something strong.
Not sure what your talking about, tell me what I said is against reality. Your view is not reality.
tell me, how come global sttuggle against genocide does not extend to China. I mean they run concentration camps, beat Islam out of the Uighirs, blew up mosques, redesigned them to remove islamic symbology etc.

The credentials of this global struggle are lacking when selectively applied.
tell me, how come global sttuggle against genocide does not extend to China. I mean they run concentration camps, beat Islam out of the Uighirs, blew up mosques, redesigned them to remove islamic symbology etc.

The credentials of this global struggle are lacking when selectively applied.
Stick to topic and stop deflecting. If you want to discuss other things open a new thread.
Stick to topic and stop deflecting. If you want to discuss other things open a new thread.

I'm not deflecting at all. If your argument is that Iran's involvement is purely ideological and therefore border not being shared is acceptable, then asking - 'ok how come only some situations are covered' , is a logical question.

My bigger point, it seems more political than idelogical. maybe better for iran to step away and consolidate its position instead of being dragged into more of a situation that's in a mess.
I'm not deflecting at all. If your argument is that Iran's involvement is purely ideological and therefore border not being shared is acceptable, then asking - 'ok how come only some situations are covered' , is a logical question.

My bigger point, it seems more political than idelogical. maybe better for iran to step away and consolidate its position instead of being dragged into more of a situation that's in a mess.
I dont have an argument maybe you fail to understand what I wrote. I stated exactly what the iranian government has been doing for years not some wishy washy stuff. And yes you are changing topic this is not about the plight of the Uighiers in China.
Maybe you should let the Iranians speak for themselves. Without being directly involved pakistanis seem to be very interested in letting others lead the struggle everywhere else. Says a lot.

Pakistanis unfortunately are cowards, perhaps the best way to describe them, just like road side spectators in Pakistan, they enjoy watching world challenges through the sidelines 🤦🏻‍♂️
I have to hand it to Bibi and Israel, they completely outdid the Axis of Resistance the last 24 hours.

To kill Hezbollah’s #3 in Beruit and the “Political” leader of Hamas BOTH within 24 hours and the latter happening in TEHRAN, is a global embarrassment for the Iranian government and its entire security services. It shows Israeli intelligence tho wounded is still extremely formidable and has infiltrated the highest levels of Iranian society and Hezbollah.

I could go on an endless rant about lack of deterrence and incompetence and why does General Salami Sandwhich still have a job, but it’s honestly just laughable at this point. It’s as if we are in some laughable Marvel timeline in the multi verse where Iran keeps making boneheaded moves like some 3 stooges skit.

@Persian Gulf @jauk @tsunset

It’s only a matter of time till this incompetence and lack of operational security leads to the death of an extremely high level official in the Axis (Nasrallah, Hajizadeh, maybe even Supreme Leader of Iran at this point nothing is far fetched)

One thing is clear tho, General Salami has nothing to fear.
Yes Iran makes mistakes, yes security is not great but in a frontal war, they will be geniuses and the resistance will be very surprising. Their excessive patience has its limits and we will see it. The people who panic and here make me smile. And the traitors in Iran will be revealed by force of circumstances. The US will regret it a lot too. To be continued...

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