Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Yes, I've seen videos of him with Hezbollah in 2006, but I had no idea that he and Imad were actually in Gaza, it's insanely daring and brave.
How would he enter Gaza? It is blockaded and locked like a prison for decades, If someone can confirm about Soleimani in Gaza if its true or not
I remember Khamenei said there's not a damn thing America can do to us

within 48 hours America killed Soleimani and Muhandis

how about we stop the bravado and arrogance and bragging when Iranian generals are still being killed by Israel with impunity and Iran doesn't dare respond?
What a load of crap!
@tsunset you can laugh you don't have any answer to that. you don't even care about it.
for you its a laughing matter, for children of the martyr who won't have any father when they are growing up its not .
If you and the likes of Persian Gulf were in charge there would never have been any resistance to the Zionist project and Iran would have surrendered to Saddam 5 minutes after he crossed the border!
If you and the likes of Persian Gulf were in charge there would never have been any resistance to the Zionist project and Iran would have surrendered to Saddam 5 minutes after he crossed the border!

Well said.
And if they stop working because of an error/malfunction, how you will deal with them? The whole ship will be defenseless against Somali pirates unless a missile is launched which is ridiculously overkill like launching an AIM-120 to catch an Ababil-3

Show a modern ship that doesn't use any manned gun and that is fully automatic driven
show me a modern one that use fixed manned weapon
Even your image supports that:

that is burn mark from helicopter fuel that get burned .
and as i said the damage is more consistent with 30kg warhead not 200kg warhead . you think what happened to that ship if a mk-82 hit it ,noor has the same amount of explosive . that crane is nit even 30cm thick can you explain how it could prevent 200kg of military grade explosives ?
a side note 165kg high explossive warhead is air launched missile that iran didn't receive
I remember Khamenei said there's not a damn thing America can do to us

within 48 hours America killed Soleimani and Muhandis

how about we stop the bravado and arrogance and bragging when Iranian generals are still being killed by Israel with impunity and Iran doesn't dare respond?
Your problem is that you don't understand the geopolitics. Dude Khamenei is the strongest leader that Iran has ever seen.

We don't only consider his bravery as a factor but also in terms of his wisdom.

When you try to understand strength of someone, you will have to study his enemies. USA has built its empire on blood of innocent humans and they have made the strongest empire of human kind history in terms of sphere of control. They have green back, payment systems and military force that somehow affect every corner of the world.

Khamenei's main and real enemy is of this calibre and this class of a force.

The reason why you don't understand what he means by 'USA cannot do anything wrong' is something to do with ideology. He is a Shia leader hence what you heard. For people like him death in shape of Shehadet is exactly the same real victory.

Victory of blood over swords. They claim of being nation of Hossain (A.S).

That's why you lag.
If you and the likes of Persian Gulf were in charge there would never have been any resistance to the Zionist project and Iran would have surrendered to Saddam 5 minutes after he crossed the border!
strange lies to hide your own weakness and inability to engage in discussions without resorting to ad hominems but whatever helps you sleep at night
Dude Khamenei is the strongest leader that Iran has ever seen.

It’s when you make statements like this you destroy your credibility being so biased.

Khamenai cannot even stop a war in Israel, Shah Cyrus gave permission for the Jews to go back to Israel after being wandering slaves akin to gypsies traveling with no place to call home. Let that sink in before you blatantly disrespect our founding Shahs!

Khamenai watches as Jews bomb his generals and officers for a decade. Khamenai doesn’t hold a candle to Shah Darius, Cyrus, Khosrow, or Xerxes, who fielded economic and military might few mortal men ever possessed.

Remember this was the age of warfare based on skill of swordsman, archers, and Calvary. Not today’s joke that can be dominated by whoever has the shiniest monopoly on toys (aircraft) or fake money (fiat) being printed out of thin air.

Back then your empire was made of flesh and banks filled with real gold. You had to manage your economic affairs and couldn’t press a button and print $5 Trillion dollars of Monopoly money or owe your countrymen and foreigners $20Trillion+ in fake money.

Building and maintaining an empire in antiquity was many magnitudes more difficult than today’s joke.

So no, Khamenai isn’t the strongest leader Iran has ever had. He doesn’t even make the top 5.

When he became leader: $1 USD = 70 rial
Today: $1 USD = ~580,000 rial

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