J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

Just showed how big of an imbecile you are, perhaps not too far to be called an idiot... Read my post again, previous poster said that J31 prototype is flying yet, i posted with this link as answer and asked there seems to be one shown in 2014.
There is no bragging here simple facts and information shared.. get down from your high horse,
You're more imbecile and idiot than @Deino who think I know nothing about early prototypes of J-31, I'm talking about after 2018-2019 not before that I know first flight of J-31 in 2012 and second prototype of improved J-31 flies somewhere near the 2017-2018 time frame, after that we didn't seen that 2 prototypes of J-31 since 2019, we only seen 2 prototypes of J35 but no prototypes of J-31 recently, you're one of the most gullible poster in this forum

is this video verifiable ?

Secondly, Pakistan Air Chief Marshal Zahir Ahmed Babar said, “The groundwork has already been laid for the acquisition of the J-31 Stealth Fighter aircraft, which is all set to become part of the PAF fleet shortly.”

Groundwork does align with what i said, selection of test pilots and logistical plan of acquistion..

Lets see if end of 2026 timeline holds..

The issue people find with J31/J35 is for some reason Chinese Air force is not showing any interest, this is why alot of people are saying the plane will not be ready for induction/export by end of 2026. The naval version J35 is being built but the progress is slow, the reason could be China has recently inducted carriers so may take a while for all the training etc and then induction of J35s. As @MastanKhan says the amount of years it takes for training, tactics etc is not taken in to account by many people. Regarding the prototype flying, j31 has been flying since over a decade so I understand your point but PDF members are talking about the latest prototype which would be ready for induction as end of 2026 is 2.9 years away.
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j31 has been flying since over a decade so I understand your point.
Where are the J-31 prototypes right now, we haven't seen them since 2019, we just seen 2 prototypes of J35 in recent years
Where are the J-31 prototypes right now, we haven't seen them since 2019, we just seen 2 prototypes of J35 in recent years

I was making a point that yes a few prototypes flew but then the progress slowed down and discontinued, its possible the old prototype can still fly but its nowhere ready, for J31/J35 air version to be ready for induction by end of 2026, we should have the latest final prototype flying, then it would be believable about it being ready within 2.9 years.
Just showed how big of an imbecile you are, perhaps not too far to be called an idiot... Read my post again, previous poster said that J31 prototype is flying yet, i posted with this link as answer and asked there seems to be one shown in 2014.
There is no bragging here simple facts and information shared.. get down from your high horse,

No, a very clear NO!

If you had known as you now pretend that it is more of a counter-argument against your claims, then you would not have posted it at all or you would not have added the simply stupid question about it!

It is exactly this style: vague and deliberately unclear formulations, so that especially inexperienced or purely desire-driven members can read from it that your fake news is correct.

It is simply pathetic ... first spreading lies, then after the fraud has been uncovered, deny everything and then clumsily go into the counterattack and insult.
The issue people find with J31/J35 is for some reason Chinese Air force is not showing any interest, this is why alot of people are saying the plane will not be ready for induction/export by end of 2026. The naval version J35 is being built but the progress is slow, the reason could be China has recently inducted carriers so may take a while for all the training etc and then induction of J35s. As @MastanKhan says the amount of years it takes for training, tactics etc is not taken in to account by many people. Regarding the prototype flying, j31 has been flying since over a decade so I understand your point but PDF members are talking about the latest prototype which would be ready for induction as end of 2026 is 2.9 years away.
Regarding the J-35, I disagree. The aircraft of the Chinese Navy is currently a key focus of China's military aircraft development. The J-35 was only approved in 2018 and has been developing rapidly. Some people in our country look down on the j35 purely for fan behavior, because there are two large aircraft companies in China. The j20 comes from CAC and the j35 comes from SAC, and these two companies are seen as competitive on the internet. The Chinese Navy is different from the past. The traditional coastal aviation has gradually been transferred to the Chinese Air Force, while the Navy has shifted its focus of all aviation forces to the development of aircraft carriers. And our navy's aviation power is carefully selected from the air force. Naval aircraft is also one of the most important aircraft developments in China at present.Whether the J-35 is adopted by the Air Force is not the focus, as it is one of the most important aircraft development projects in China's aviation industry
Let's end this debate when its going to come.

The arguments are being repeated and no side is willing to accept other's point of view. So perhaps there's just one way to finalizing it. Whoever wants to guess the arrival date or number of airframes then do it with similar table below. So we can take screenshot and move on. By time, people will know who was right all along.

From the previous conversation, I can see Zarvan's estimates. Let's put it on record:

Zarvan's estimates:

2025 (june) 2032
(1.5 yrs from jan 2024)
J-10C50 ?100 ?
J-31s10 ? 90 ?
KAANs0 10 ?

@Zarvan feel free to make the corrections if I put it wrong. If I got your estimates correctly then will just take screenshot of this.

Just give him till end of of 2026, it's 2.9 years away for the J35 induction, even if its 1 plane, regarding Kaan before 2032 would be good, 7.9 years away.
This would be fair.

China needs to start working extra hard 😆, build a new J35 air version, test all the prototypes, and pass all tests and export a few to Pakistan within 2.9 years (Unless a surprise is on the way). We all would be over the moon but we should understand the reasons why people find it unreal, so far no news regarding any air version of J35.
Just give him till end of of 2026, it's 2.9 years away for the J35 induction, even if its 1 plane, regarding Kaan before 2032 would be good, 7.9 years away.
This would be fair.

China needs to start working extra hard 😆, build a new J35 air version, test all the prototypes, and pass all tests and export a few to Pakistan within 2.9 years (Unless a surprise is on the way). We all would be over the moon but we should understand the reasons why people find it unreal, so far no news regarding any air version of J35.

Well, close to 3 years might be possible but as you explained, SCA needs to build a J-31 prototype, test and certify it and this needs time and money.

Be our fan-boys openly claimed not „until late 2026“ but „within 1.5 years“ and that‘s still plain ridiculous.

Anyway, I don‘t expect even the J-35 to be „in service“ then. Maybe the first ones will be ready in a dedicated test & trials unit like the first J-20 have been operated within the 176th Air Brigade at Dingxin, but an operational frontline unit in PLAN NA service is IMO still unlikely.
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This is my guess: China has always adopted a two legged approach in the subsequent development of the FC31, based on the basic consistency of aircraft appearance and structure. The first route, which has developed into the J35, is something we all see. This is a national key military aircraft of China, which involves multiple large-scale supporting projects. Highly confidential next-generation electronic devices and weapons. Another route is also happening simultaneously, customizing the internal system of the aircraft according to customer needs, so you can't see any difference in appearance。It is possible that the second route is developing faster than the j35, as j35 is still in development
Last time i heard, SAC was still looking for financial partner for J-31 to be fully developed as it got beaten by J-20 in competition for PLAAF. I guess we must hold our horses till PAF reach some financial arrangement for J-31. It is evident from online sources that currently the entire focus is on the development of J-35 for PLAAF as funding has been made available for it. J-31 will be different. I guess PAF will get it hands on J-31 not before 2027-28 that even that if things are to get sorted out by 2025.
Last time i heard, SAC was still looking for financial partner for J-31 to be fully developed as it got beaten by J-20 in competition for PLAAF. I guess we must hold our horses till PAF reach some financial arrangement for J-31. It is evident from online sources that currently the entire focus is on the development of J-35 for PLAAF as funding has been made available for it. J-31 will be different. I guess PAF will get it hands on J-31 not before 2027-28 that even that if things are to get sorted out by 2025.
The loser in the competition between SAC and CAC is not the FC31, but another type of three wing aircraft. The emergence of the Fc31 is the next generation aircraft that was developed by the best scientific research talents of the company after the failure of SAC competition. Ultimately defeated all competitors and developed the Navy's J-35
Last time i heard, SAC was still looking for financial partner for J-31 to be fully developed as it got beaten by J-20 in competition for PLAAF. I guess we must hold our horses till PAF reach some financial arrangement for J-31. It is evident from online sources that currently the entire focus is on the development of J-35 for PLAAF as funding has been made available for it. J-31 will be different. I guess PAF will get it hands on J-31 not before 2027-28 that even that if things are to get sorted out by 2025.
No FC31 is/was not the beaten design or competitor of 5th gen Fighter Jet competition, SAC presented 3 plane array design similar to SU30MKI but had a stealth fuselage, hence rejected by PLAAF, FC31 come after that competition

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