J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

The development of Chinese fighter jets belongs to benign competition. Although both are state-owned companies, SAC and CAC belong to China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC), which determines that they are both competitive and cooperative. The selection of the J-35 by the Navy represents that it has become a national key project, and all subsystem development units in the country will provide strong support, including CAC, which will fully assist SAC in manufacturing the J-35. This is the advantage of China's industrial manufacturing. I never thought that the J-35 would have a lower status than the J-20, at least they have the same level of weapon equipment and electronic systems.As for the other route, I am interested in when Pakistan will contact AVIC, and to what extent the J31 and J35 are interchangeable internally. I think the appearance and structure of the aircraft, including the engine, are likely to be consistent.
The development of Chinese fighter jets belongs to benign competition. Although both are state-owned companies, SAC and CAC belong to China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC), which determines that they are both competitive and cooperative. The selection of the J-35 by the Navy represents that it has become a national key project, and all subsystem development units in the country will provide strong support, including CAC, which will fully assist SAC in manufacturing the J-35. This is the advantage of China's industrial manufacturing. I never thought that the J-35 would have a lower status than the J-20, at least they have the same level of weapon equipment and electronic systems.As for the other route, I am interested in when Pakistan will contact AVIC, and to what extent the J31 and J35 are interchangeable internally. I think the appearance and structure of the aircraft, including the engine, are likely to be consistent.
When you mean contact are you referring to a brief on the aircraft?
When you mean contact are you referring to a brief on the aircraft?
What I mean is that Pakistan may have been in contact with AVIC for a long time, discussing the choice of the next generation fighter jet. The cooperation may have developed for some time, and finally it will be announced by your military leader,This is just my personal guess
What I mean is that Pakistan may have been in contact with AVIC for a long time, discussing the choice of the next generation fighter jet. The cooperation may have developed for some time, and finally it will be announced by your military leader,This is just my personal guess
Correct - Pakistan has a permanent presence at AVIC especially Chengdu due to JF-17 and now J-10. They have been aware of AVIC 5th gen since 2006 onwards and following along including the designs which the public is not privy to and were not selected.

That doesn’t mean they know everything but I am highlighting a close relationship(that has ups and downs) which may go beyond what insider leaks and otherwise can know.
Based on my observation, the development of FC31 has always emphasized one word: modular design, which I have seen in various public reports on FC31 in China. Modular design is a design concept that integrates different weapons and sensors onto the same platform. There is a domestic analysis claiming that "the development of the FC31 represents the continuous iteration and leap of China's aviation industry technology, whether in the development and design stage or in the production and manufacturing stage. The first iteration was the J-20, a huge leap from the third generation to the fourth generation, the second iteration was the Y20 aircraft and its development models, and the third iteration was the modern production and material application of the FC31 aircraft." According to my personal speculation, the J-35 prototypes we have seen so far may be the same type of aircraft, but different systems are being tested.This can explain why you can't see the so-called j31 prototype。Note: It is customary in China to refer to the fifth generation aircraft as the fourth generation aircraft
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As for why there may be differences in information systems between Pakistan's J-31 and China's J-35, I believe that the most confidential core technology of the fifth generation fighter jet is not stealth, not engines, but the artificial intelligence information capability that every country attaches great importance to, and each aircraft is a node in system operations. A country's military system is usually a closed network, and no country can truly leak this. Pakistan is the same, and its sources may be more complex.Pakistan and China may link information systems to each other when necessary, and are usually independent and closed
Well, close to 3 years might be possible but as you explained, SCA needs to build a J-31 prototype, test and certify it and this needs time and money.

Be our fan-boys openly claimed not „until late 2026“ but „within 1.5 years“ and that‘s still plain ridiculous.

Anyway, I don‘t expect even the J-35 to be „in service“ then. Maybe the first ones will be ready in a dedicated test & trials unit like the first J-20 have been operated within the 176th Air Brigade at Dingxin, but an operational frontline unit in PLAN NA service is IMO still unlikely.

1) 2026 end is 2 years 8 months away. (simple Math)
2) the end of 2026 is what has been shared through unofficial channels not a fanboy claim. it might hold true or it might not...


1) 2026 end is 2 years 8 months away. (simple Math)
2) the end of 2026 is what has been shared through unofficial channels not a fanboy claim. it might hold true or it might not...

Reading is not your topic!?? I said this may be technically doable IF SAC would build a J-31 and speed up development, which by all we know from credible Chinese sources and not some Pakistani fan-boys is not happening. SAC is purely focused on the J-35 and again, there is no J-31 yet!

And the reference to this stupid 1.5 years was aimed against the other clown 🤡 you surely know!
Reading is not your topic!?? I said this may be technically doable IF SAC would build a J-31 and speed up development, which by all we know from credible Chinese sources and not some Pakistani fan-boys is not happening. SAC is purely focused on the J-35 and again, there is no J-31 yet!

And the reference to this stupid 1.5 years was aimed against the other clown 🤡 you surely know!
What’s the cross involvement/cooperation of teams in AVIC?
Between CAC and SAC?
@guangdongt any thoughts?
I have a feeling that J31 may be coming to Pakistan sooner than later. This is purely based on a single statement by some PAF chief couple of years ago, I can't remember exactly, however his statement was along the lines of 'Pakistan will keep first shoot capability by air', now with Rafale & Meteor combo, the only way Pakistan can have first shoot capability is using 5th generation aircraft.
What’s the cross involvement/cooperation of teams in AVIC?
Between CAC and SAC?
@guangdongt any thoughts?
I have the latest news here for reference
Shenyang, April 1st (Xinhua) - On April 1st, the establishment conference of the rapid development pilot test platform for aviation industry aircraft body (hereinafter referred to as the "pilot test platform") was held in Shenyang.
On April 1st, the establishment conference of the rapid development and testing certification platform for aircraft bodies in the aviation industry was held in Shenyang. Illustrations provided by Aviation Industry Shenyang
Aviation Industry Group is a leading enterprise in China's aviation industry. In recent years, the company has achieved remarkable results in reform, innovation, and business development, making outstanding contributions to the construction of an aviation power. Liaoning is an important manufacturing base for China's aviation industry, and the development of the aviation industry cannot be achieved without the strong support of aviation industry groups. It is reported that the first pilot platform of Aviation Industry Group has settled in Liaoning and been put into operation. It is not only a major supplementary platform for China's aircraft development, but also the latest masterpiece of deepening strategic cooperation between Aviation Industry Group and Liaoning.
According to Zhou Xinmin, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Aviation Industry Group, the pilot platform is not only a key link in accelerating the research and development of new aviation equipment and products, but also an important support for promoting the industrialization of aviation technology achievements and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the aviation manufacturing industry.
Zhou Xinmin pointed out that the pilot platform should adhere to benchmarking, coordination between the central and local governments, cooperation between factories and institutions, and sharing of achievements, fully play the role of "incubator", "accelerator", and "vanguard", and continuously provide aviation new quality productivity for national security. One is to focus on the integration of design and manufacturing, with the academician team as the core, and focus on the rapid trial production of new machine bodies and the incubation and verification of new technologies. The second is to gather intelligence, always facing national strategic needs and industry common needs, maintaining an open and collaborative innovative thinking, and attracting excellent talents and advanced technologies from both inside and outside the industry to enter the platform to form a agglomeration effect. The third is to gather momentum, quickly find the incision, leverage the platform's "fast drying, fast testing, and fast iteration" characteristics, continuously accumulate operational experience, user reputation, and partner trust, and form a demonstration effect as soon as possible.
Zhou Xinmin stated that Aviation Industry Group will further strengthen practical cooperation with Liaoning and work together to build an internationally advanced level of pilot testing and certification base.
On April 1st, the establishment conference of the rapid development and testing certification platform for aircraft bodies in the aviation industry was held in Shenyang. The picture shows the signing ceremony on-site. Illustrations provided by Aviation Industry Shenyang
At the meeting, Shenyang Institute of Aviation Industry and Shenyang Aircraft Corporation signed a cooperation agreement with Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, Xi'an Aircraft Corporation, Manufacturing Institute, Planning Institute, and General Machine Tool Research InstituteScreenshot_20240403_200635_Baidu Translate.jpg. (End)
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The transparency of China's military is actually increasing, but the key is not in pictures, videos, or propaganda, but in the boring industry news above. This news says that the rapid development and testing platform for aircraft airframes, organized by China's avic company, CAC, SAC, and other aircraft companies, has settled in the Shenyang area. Shenyang is the location of SAC and emphasizes it as a major supplementary platform for aircraft development. I personally speculate that with the efforts of aircraft companies all over the country, if Pakistan is the customer of J31, then the development speed of J31 will not be very slow because the J35 prototype has already provided a lot of testing experience

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