J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

I don't think Pakistan's use of the Chinese platform is simply a downgrade. Let's take a look at the hud used by Pakistan on j10c, which is our latest installation on j10c
PAF won't show all their cards, who knows if they have PL15? But I know that the difference between the j10ce and j10c, which are known to the public, lies in their different data links. Pakistan is the link 17. China is its own confidential data link, and evaluating the ability of an aircraft should be placed in system operations. It should be combined with early warning aircraft and other weapons to form a three-dimensional attack system, not just a simple upgrade or downgrade. I think the biggest difference in China's sale of Pakistani weapons is in the overall combat system.
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That is such a badass fighter. What a mean-looking beast especially with that dark color. That is a lethal behemoth congrats to Pakistan for this aquisition man, what a boost to an already potent air force. Now you just need to increase the numbers as the funds become available.

I thought the PAF already has the PL-15 with the JF-17? I'm surprised to hear "who knows" as it seems like people on this board made it appear that it was a given. Do we know what the hold up is? I know it's relatively new and only recently had IOC with the PLAAF, so maybe that's the reason?

As far as your point on it being part of a larger network, couldn't agree more but I think that's not much of an issue with the PAF, being that it's already very well set up with AWACS/AEW&C and SIGINT as well. What would be good to learn about is how the PAF is integrating the entire network to combine the J-10C with its extensive fleet of F-16s AND Mirages. Seems like a familiar challenge to incorporate western & eastern brands into a single & common functioning network.
That is such a badass fighter. What a mean-looking beast especially with that dark color. That is a lethal behemoth congrats to Pakistan for this aquisition man, what a boost to an already potent air force. Now you just need to increase the numbers as the funds become available.

I thought the PAF already has the PL-15 with the JF-17? I'm surprised to hear "who knows" as it seems like people on this board made it appear that it was a given. Do we know what the hold up is? I know it's relatively new and only recently had IOC with the PLAAF, so maybe that's the reason?

As far as your point on it being part of a larger network, couldn't agree more but I think that's not much of an issue with the PAF, being that it's already very well set up with AWACS/AEW&C and SIGINT as well. What would be good to learn about is how the PAF is integrating the entire network to combine the J-10C with its extensive fleet of F-16s AND Mirages. Seems like a familiar challenge to incorporate western & eastern brands into a single & common functioning network.
You're right, I think the Pakistani military is very wise in choosing weapons, understanding their own advantages, and maximizing the combination of Eastern and Western weapons. The weapon that suits oneself is the best weapon, and the relationship between China and Pakistan is also mutually beneficial

At my age---dreams are dry but coming true to reality---. It is you young kids---that have wet-dreams---.
Give me the valid or reasonable reasons that China can share their top secret stuff with its closest allies like Pakistan ? You're are living in fantasy world sir lol
If Pakistan wants to share its strategic system with China, it will at least mean that: strategic bombers (future H20), active tactical bombers H6D, aircraft carriers, J-20 055 large destroyers, various core intelligence and early warning aircraft, China's tactical strategic missile system, and a series of core equipment will be shared with Pakistan. China's overall combat system is a network, with each weapon being one of its nodes. The data chain links them to each other. Pakistan's biggest strategic opponent is India. I can't imagine Pakistan overdrawing the entire national economy to gain this ability
That is the stupid thing for China to do. If they want to commit suicide! remember Pakistan was part of SEATO and they still maintain a close tie American military. There were American military observers stationed in Pakistan to watch over F16 etc. You don't share anything sensitive ever
That is the stupid thing for China to do. If they want to commit suicide! remember Pakistan was part of SEATO and they still maintain a close tie American military. There were American military observers stationed in Pakistan to watch over F16 etc. You don't share anything sensitive ever
I think Pakistan and China both know this. Pakistan is a country where both China and the West have military equipment, and the combination of China and the West is Pakistan's advantage. Giving up this advantage may not be wise. The same goes for China. Its advantage lies in the formation of its own complete system of weapon systems and equipment, and taking them all out is equivalent to being completely naked. So I say that China and Pakistan are essentially mutually beneficial. There is both a certain degree of cooperation and each with its own characteristics.China is not the United States. Based on reality and history, China will not choose to support its allies with strict specifications of American equipment like the United States controls Japan and South Korea. China has no such intention or energy to do such things. Personally, I hope that Pakistan's domestic military industry can develop. Being able to communicate with each other, learn from each other's strengths, and enhance oneself is what China is most interested in.
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Most things are. Secondly main difference between J-35 and J-31 is of landing gear and one can operate from AC and one cannot. All other things are same. So why on earth we would want J-35 when we have no need of AC.

No, main difference is, the one (J-35) exists while the other (J-31) is still a project. :whistle:
China does not and will not sell it's best weapons to Pakistan .
Simple for fear of the Pakistani army selling out to USA
The j20 J35 type 55 destroyers is china attempt to checkmate USA and quad.

Just like USA always sells downgraded equipment to overseas clients china is the same

Yes they will back you always as India is big rival they have vested interest hence you see massive Chinese investment to Pakistan in its military infrastructure..

But this claim.that j31 or J35 is coming soon is bridge to early.

Yes in ten years time defo

But not next three or four years simply the only have three or four working prototypes and that is carrier based fighters..

I'm sure you had the same excitement in 2010 when j10 first came out in world media
It took 15 years to get the first squadron into Pak air power..
I think this will be the same tbh
With all are the most learned members on this PDF can’t even speculate with proof
1 what’s the original range of PL15 Chinese
2 what’s the range Pakistani version is having with
3 No one cares to even speculate what will happen in terms of IAF bring down J10cs with their Meteor range before PAF bring down Rafale
4 so what will be the credibility of Chinese J10c
With export PL15 though they are trying to pitch J10c for other countries too with PL15
5 So I can’t speculate on this form like their too much inside info members 😀 what’s the real range and is it real PL15E or the original Chinese version with a tag of E version
But I’m pretty much sure with one & the only thing before PAF credibility it’s Chinese airforce too will be in dilemma against USAF or even Taiwan airforce
Until then guys hold your horses and watch out next short skirmishes with IAF & we will see the outcome too by the way Rafale credibility will be too on stake
Thank you
With all are the most learned members on this PDF can’t even speculate with proof
1 what’s the original range of PL15 Chinese
2 what’s the range Pakistani version is having with
3 No one cares to even speculate what will happen in terms of IAF bring down J10cs with their Meteor range before PAF bring down Rafale
4 so what will be the credibility of Chinese J10c
With export PL15 though they are trying to pitch J10c for other countries too with PL15
5 So I can’t speculate on this form like their too much inside info members 😀 what’s the real range and is it real PL15E or the original Chinese version with a tag of E version
But I’m pretty much sure with one & the only thing before PAF credibility it’s Chinese airforce too will be in dilemma against USAF or even Taiwan airforce
Until then guys hold your horses and watch out next short skirmishes with IAF & we will see the outcome too by the way Rafale credibility will be too on stake
Thank you

Wrong thread?
To be very frank I don't think this announcement holds any substance or weight to it.

It's the ACM with several allegations against him just wanting good PR and this is how he thinks will get him it (which is worrying because anyone with half a brain knows this just raises more questions and makes no sense)
To be very frank I don't think this announcement holds any substance or weight to it.

It's the ACM with several allegations against him just wanting good PR and this is how he thinks will get him it (which is worrying because anyone with half a brain knows this just raises more questions and makes no sense)

Finally someone who dares to say what is actually more than obvious: all the pompous but always vague announcements - "soon we will have, soon there is" ... and even more so the resulting claims "in 1.5 years we will have" ... "it will be of 5.5th generation if not 6th" - are nothing more than domestically motivated boasts for their own masses who are blinded by national pride but uninterested in facts: you could actually politely call it "good PR" or simply propaganda , from which everyone "anyone with half a brain knows this just raises more questions and makes no sense".

Thanks for this post!

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