J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

There is no dressing this up
The Chinese j20 threat is here albeit in small no's only as yet in Tibet and ladakh etc
The possibility of Pakistan getting 20/30 j31 by 2030or 2032 is really possibility

India will need to address this growing threat
By message to both Pak fan boys and indeed Indians is this
The Indian leadership military are surely acknowledging this threat and will have discussed the most suitable short term answer to three threat

I say short term.because Amca will be Indian.answer the the Chinese stealth jets eventually post 2035/2040. The shear size of Indian gdp and military expenditure means Amca will.artive sooner until 2035 will be

The short term answer ,now will be the following

Rafale F5 with drones
Su57i small batch ie 40 planes only
F35 listening

I don't see india doing nothing
Something very capable will.be acquired short term
Whatever - do not act like a cry women -

I have asked fully professional way - provide the specifications details that proves - it's better than Russian.
Well everyone on this thread knows know who is worried and insecure like a "teen girl".
Whatever - do not act like a cry women -

I have asked fully professional way - provide the specifications details that proves - it's better than Russian.
The problem with Chinese engines historically(last ten years) has not been design but metallurgical.

But they have surpassed Russia in some design aspect thanks to plain and simple stealing designs via various means.
The problem with Chinese engines historically(last ten years) has not been design but metallurgical.

But they have surpassed Russia in some design aspect thanks to plain and simple stealing designs via various means.
This statement of yours is full of prejudice.

China's turbofan engine technology does have a lot of technology from other countries.

China has learned a lot about engines through the imitation of Russia engines. This is what China and Russia agree in the contract, it is a paid transaction, not theft.

China's learning of United States turbofan engine technology is through civilian turbofan engines. This is also the content of the contract, which is a paid transaction, not a steal.

The WS10 series engine has technology from AL-31F and CFM56, which China has improved and upgraded by combining these two engine technologies with other technologies it has.
This statement of yours is full of prejudice.

China's turbofan engine technology does have a lot of technology from other countries.

China has learned a lot about engines through the imitation of Russia engines. This is what China and Russia agree in the contract, it is a paid transaction, not theft.

China's learning of United States turbofan engine technology is through civilian turbofan engines. This is also the content of the contract, which is a paid transaction, not a steal.

The WS10 series engine has technology from AL-31F and CFM56, which China has improved and upgraded by combining these two engine technologies with other technologies it has.
There is no prejudice - China has actively spied on US and European programs and others to various degrees of success.

And imitation without permission is essentially stealing - whether or not all other countries have done it is also part of it.

Ethically what China has done may be wrong but nothing that other nations have not done in the great race of power.

After all, if Texas Instruments sets up a factory in China and in a year another Chinese factory is making copies of their chips - the what is it besides stealing? A sweet word called “imitationl?
There is no prejudice - China has actively spied on US and European programs and others to various degrees of success.

And imitation without permission is essentially stealing - whether or not all other countries have done it is also part of it.

Ethically what China has done may be wrong but nothing that other nations have not done in the great race of power.

After all, if Texas Instruments sets up a factory in China and in a year another Chinese factory is making copies of their chips - the what is it besides stealing? A sweet word called “imitationl?
Whenever the west sees China's development, they call us copying them, a sore loser mentality. China already the world leader in most of the key technologies.

China world leader in 37 out of 44 critical technologies


Pakistan trains pilots on Chinese J-31 stealth fighters to counter India's Rafale jets​

According to the Pakistani TV network BOL News on July 30, 2024, as well as Raad on August 1, 2024, Pakistan has begun training its fighter pilots on the Chinese Shenyang FC-31, also known as the J-31, a fifth-generation stealth multirole fighter developed by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC). This development is part of a broader initiative by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to modernize its fleet and improve its operational readiness, particularly in the context of its ongoing rivalry with India.


The Pakistan Air Force (PAF)'s focus on acquiring advanced military technology comes in response to India's progress in developing its own air capabilities. To address this, Pakistan has already integrated several Chinese-origin platforms, including J-10C fighter jets, advanced radar systems, and missile technologies, into its air force. The induction of the Chinese J-31 stealth aircraft represents a continuation of this trend, aimed at maintaining a balance of power in the region.

The rivalry between the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) and the Indian Air Force (IAF) is rooted in their historical conflicts and ongoing strategic competition. Both nations have prioritized modernizing their air fleets, with Pakistan introducing the JF-17 Block III, developed in collaboration with China, while India has invested in aircraft such as the locally-made Tejas and the French-made Rafale. The competition extends beyond technology to strategic positioning, with each air force aiming to maintain an edge through international collaborations and enhancing combat readiness. The rivalry has been marked by significant events like the aerial engagements in 2019, which highlighted the ongoing tension and the importance each country places on air superiority in the region.

The J-31, also known as the FC-31 Gyrfalcon or J-35, is a fifth-generation stealth multirole fighter developed by bot SAC and AVIC. The aircraft is designed to enhance air combat capabilities with its advanced stealth features, situational awareness, and munitions loadout. Comparisons have been drawn between the J-31 and the U.S. F-35, as both aircraft offer similar technological advancements. The acquisition of the J-31 is expected to be a key component of Pakistan's strategy to ensure its air force remains competitive in the region.

The development of the J-31 by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) has been closely monitored by defense analysts. The aircraft first gained attention in 2011 when images of a model labeled as the F-60 surfaced online, leading to speculation about its capabilities and market intentions. Initially, the J-31 was developed as an export-oriented fighter without direct funding from the People's Liberation Army (PLA). The prototype's first public appearance occurred in 2012, generating further interest in the aircraft.

The J-31 was officially unveiled at the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in November 2014, where SAC disclosed that the project had been self-funded. The aircraft's design, which includes forward-swept intake ramps, diverterless supersonic inlet (DSI) bumps, and oblique vertical stabilizers, is intended to make it competitive in the global market.

Over the course of its development, the J-31 has undergone several design revisions and testing phases. While initially positioned for export, the aircraft has also attracted interest from the PLA, particularly the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The PLAN is considering a carrier-based variant of the J-31, often referred to as the J-35, which conducted its maiden flight on October 29, 2021. This naval version includes modifications such as a catapult launch bar and folding wings designed for carrier operations.

The development of the J-31 has been subject to controversy, particularly concerning reports in 2009 that Chinese hackers had accessed sensitive information from the U.S. Joint Strike Fighter program. There has been speculation that this data may have influenced the J-31's design. However, some Russian aviation experts have characterized the J-31 as an indigenous design, distinct from existing Western aircraft.

The J-31 is expected to achieve a maximum speed of Mach 1.8 at high altitude, with a service ceiling of 16,000 meters. Its combat radius is reported to be around 1,200 kilometers, extendable to 1,900 kilometers with aerial refueling. The aircraft is designed to carry up to 8,000 kilograms of munitions on both internal and external hardpoints, but while the Rafale (in service with India) is a reliable and battle-tested platform, the FC-31 represents China's push into the next generation of stealth fighters, though it still has to prove its capabilities in real-world operations.

The Rafale, a 4.5-generation fighter developed by France, is known for its multirole capabilities, with extensive combat deployment across various global conflicts. It combines advanced avionics with a wide range of armaments, making it adaptable to different missions. The FC-31 Gyrfalcon, a Chinese fifth-generation stealth fighter, aims to offer advanced stealth features and modern avionics, with an emphasis on air-to-air and air-to-ground operations. While the Rafale has a well-documented service record, the FC-31, still in development, represents China's push to compete in the stealth fighter category but lacks operational experience.
These J-31s, if we acquire them are a good counter to Rafale.

We need to improve our economy so we can afford such equipment.

China should help Pakistan help itself, so we can build our country. Economy needs serious evaluating in Pakistan to be improved.

China needs to buy Pakistani products.
There is no prejudice - China has actively spied on US and European programs and others to various degrees of success.

And imitation without permission is essentially stealing - whether or not all other countries have done it is also part of it.

Ethically what China has done may be wrong but nothing that other nations have not done in the great race of power.

After all, if Texas Instruments sets up a factory in China and in a year another Chinese factory is making copies of their chips - the what is it besides stealing? A sweet word called “imitationl?
In international competition, especially in the field of military science and technology, espionage is something that every country is doing, and the so-called morality does not exist.

Just as countries around the world want to steal China's hypersonic ballistic gliding technology. In the field of military defense, there is no such thing as patent protection, let alone morality.

China has paid a huge price for using special methods to acquire United States fighter stealth technology. But that doesn't stop China from calling these behind-the-scenes people heroes.


But. China's turbofan engine technology is indeed obtained through commercial contracts. Not obtained by special means.

When I say your bias, I mean this.........
These J-31s, if we acquire them are a good counter to Rafale.

We need to improve our economy so we can afford such equipment.

China should help Pakistan help itself, so we can build our country. Economy needs serious evaluating in Pakistan to be improved.

China needs to buy Pakistani products.
Well I didn't wanna to add anything but.

International relationship works based on give and take and mutual interests.

From Pakistan - china has limitations to get it, so china does support Pakistan for their national interests but with at the specific level.

China is having more interests towards middle East, Africa, south china sea, and cold war - between West, Russia and china.

China and Russia are being closed because russia needs business and money, china needs Russian technologies and natural oil and gas etc.

China will always support Pakistan - depends on their national interests.
China and Russia are being closed because russia needs business and money, china needs Russian technologies and natural oil and gas....
It's the other way around, Russia doesn't have much technology China needs now, but China has lots of technology that Russia really needs.
It's the other way around, Russia doesn't have much technology China needs now, but China has lots of technology that Russia really needs.
Ohh God - your 80 percent miliy technology are copied from Russia and some others - and claims - they don't have technology?

Russia does not need technology from china but dollars.
China should help Pakistan help itself, so we can build our country. Economy needs serious evaluating in Pakistan to be improved.

China needs to buy Pakistani products.
In China's international diplomacy, China's assistance to Pakistan is the most powerful of all China's diplomatic activities.

China has proposed the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This is a plan that is very beneficial to both China and Pakistan. China has the ability and willingness to reduce China's logistics costs and help Pakistan's economy revitalize through this plan.

However, there are some politicians in Pakistan who are not taking China's help seriously. They remain adamant that Pakistan should abandon China and become dependent on United States. As a result, progress on CPEC has been very slow.

At present, the China-Europe Express, the Central Asian Railway, and the Trans-Asian Railway are all developing rapidly. Pakistan, which has the closest ties to China, has not yet taken action.


I would love to discuss this topic with my friends in Pakistan, but there is no suitable thread. ---------- we're not going to talk about it here, if you're interested, you can reopen a new thread, and I'll talk about it there.
Thanks - do you have idea about AL-41F1 specifications?

The details about the Russian supercruise program.

Can you provide the details of Chinese engine?

Also just read it about WS 13 engine which developed for jf17 by china a 10 years ago.. yet - why PAF preffer Russian engine for jf17- any idea?

I am feeling unnecessary - being a bad guy... China is doing well.. I appreciate that.. but when start claiming better or something than minds says - where is the evidence or specifications details for the comparison

I think the biggest problem is, there are simply none or at best to few information available "to prove" what you asked for. As such - at least to my understanding - in the public there are no official data given on specifications and so on.
In essence, a clear absence of a "proof"!

However there is plenty of information available on different scientific achievements relevant for engine technology and - at least for me - we have numbers of aircraft in service which speak for themselves:

We have now almost 250+ J-20 in active service, most likely close to 300 built. Since mid-2019 none of them (new-built ones) uses a Russian engine anymore and even if again we have no "hard data" on performance and more so on reliability, maintenance, time between overhaul and so on, the fact that the PLAAF seems to be satisfied stands against how many operational Su-57 with AL-41F engines?

And if you go one step further ... the WS-15 is in test, allegedly even in LRIP ... and where is the izd.20 aka AL-51F? Actually based on what I know it is built in smaller numbers, used in only one prototype and everything else is "announcements and we plan to ..." for the future.

Hope this helps a bit.
Oh so you know a few other words than La la land.... maybe I know a few more that I can slap On you but then I will bring myself down to your level . Before calling others names, try to grow your own brain and not be a side kick for others. 👋 .

Still no explanation, still no reasonable debate but again only name-calling & insults?
Ohh God - your 80 percent miliy technology are copied from Russia and some others - and claims - they don't have technology?
Are you talking about yourself? you can claim all Chinese weapons have some origin being traced back 200 years somewhere else in the world.

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