J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

That's not how it works!

Let me say another way: (Example) - IAF will start shooting all Chinese and PAF - 4++ fighters if it inducts 60, SU 75 checkmate fighters.

Let the platform mature and prove its capabilities rather than start claiming anything.

poor indians

no wonder they always get shot down
always been Dec 2026, same statement as Jan of 2024 :)

But who then claimed "within at least 1.5 years" - aka "by late December 2025" - in early 2024? Sorry in case I confused this with you!
Whenever the west sees China's development, they call us copying them, a sore loser mentality. China already the world leader in most of the key technologies.

China world leader in 37 out of 44 critical technologies

The west will call it what is in their interests and China will do what is in theirs.

Feel good articles are irrelevant to what was done to get to that world leader position - but that doesn’t mean everything was stolen.

Pakistan trains pilots on Chinese J-31 stealth fighters to counter India's Rafale jets​

According to the Pakistani TV network BOL News on July 30, 2024, as well as Raad on August 1, 2024, Pakistan has begun training its fighter pilots on the Chinese Shenyang FC-31, also known as the J-31, a fifth-generation stealth multirole fighter developed by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC). This development is part of a broader initiative by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to modernize its fleet and improve its operational readiness, particularly in the context of its ongoing rivalry with India.


The Pakistan Air Force (PAF)'s focus on acquiring advanced military technology comes in response to India's progress in developing its own air capabilities. To address this, Pakistan has already integrated several Chinese-origin platforms, including J-10C fighter jets, advanced radar systems, and missile technologies, into its air force. The induction of the Chinese J-31 stealth aircraft represents a continuation of this trend, aimed at maintaining a balance of power in the region.

The rivalry between the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) and the Indian Air Force (IAF) is rooted in their historical conflicts and ongoing strategic competition. Both nations have prioritized modernizing their air fleets, with Pakistan introducing the JF-17 Block III, developed in collaboration with China, while India has invested in aircraft such as the locally-made Tejas and the French-made Rafale. The competition extends beyond technology to strategic positioning, with each air force aiming to maintain an edge through international collaborations and enhancing combat readiness. The rivalry has been marked by significant events like the aerial engagements in 2019, which highlighted the ongoing tension and the importance each country places on air superiority in the region.

The J-31, also known as the FC-31 Gyrfalcon or J-35, is a fifth-generation stealth multirole fighter developed by bot SAC and AVIC. The aircraft is designed to enhance air combat capabilities with its advanced stealth features, situational awareness, and munitions loadout. Comparisons have been drawn between the J-31 and the U.S. F-35, as both aircraft offer similar technological advancements. The acquisition of the J-31 is expected to be a key component of Pakistan's strategy to ensure its air force remains competitive in the region.

The development of the J-31 by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) has been closely monitored by defense analysts. The aircraft first gained attention in 2011 when images of a model labeled as the F-60 surfaced online, leading to speculation about its capabilities and market intentions. Initially, the J-31 was developed as an export-oriented fighter without direct funding from the People's Liberation Army (PLA). The prototype's first public appearance occurred in 2012, generating further interest in the aircraft.

The J-31 was officially unveiled at the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in November 2014, where SAC disclosed that the project had been self-funded. The aircraft's design, which includes forward-swept intake ramps, diverterless supersonic inlet (DSI) bumps, and oblique vertical stabilizers, is intended to make it competitive in the global market.

Over the course of its development, the J-31 has undergone several design revisions and testing phases. While initially positioned for export, the aircraft has also attracted interest from the PLA, particularly the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The PLAN is considering a carrier-based variant of the J-31, often referred to as the J-35, which conducted its maiden flight on October 29, 2021. This naval version includes modifications such as a catapult launch bar and folding wings designed for carrier operations.

The development of the J-31 has been subject to controversy, particularly concerning reports in 2009 that Chinese hackers had accessed sensitive information from the U.S. Joint Strike Fighter program. There has been speculation that this data may have influenced the J-31's design. However, some Russian aviation experts have characterized the J-31 as an indigenous design, distinct from existing Western aircraft.

The J-31 is expected to achieve a maximum speed of Mach 1.8 at high altitude, with a service ceiling of 16,000 meters. Its combat radius is reported to be around 1,200 kilometers, extendable to 1,900 kilometers with aerial refueling. The aircraft is designed to carry up to 8,000 kilograms of munitions on both internal and external hardpoints, but while the Rafale (in service with India) is a reliable and battle-tested platform, the FC-31 represents China's push into the next generation of stealth fighters, though it still has to prove its capabilities in real-world operations.

The Rafale, a 4.5-generation fighter developed by France, is known for its multirole capabilities, with extensive combat deployment across various global conflicts. It combines advanced avionics with a wide range of armaments, making it adaptable to different missions. The FC-31 Gyrfalcon, a Chinese fifth-generation stealth fighter, aims to offer advanced stealth features and modern avionics, with an emphasis on air-to-air and air-to-ground operations. While the Rafale has a well-documented service record, the FC-31, still in development, represents China's push to compete in the stealth fighter category but lacks operational experience.
What are they training on. Laptops, iron bird test rigs, makeshift Full Mission Simulators and a prototype aircraft ?

This forum is democratic to allow nonsense, but there should be a limit
What are they training on. Laptops, iron bird test rigs, makeshift Full Mission Simulators and a prototype aircraft ?

This forum is democratic to allow nonsense, but there should be a limit
Just out of interest, what did the Rapptor pilots trained on or the current breed of F-35 jocks getting passed out on.
I believe there's no Trainer version of the J-10 either and Thunder Bravo came on the scene several squadrons later.
Just my curiosity.
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oh u are in for a surprise, Dec 2026
Can you please give me the answer of my question?

Did you hear from official source like some PAF high ranking officers who involved in the project or ministry of defense of Pakistan? ( I'm not talking about unreliable source like private pakistani news channels/X (former Twitter)/ Facebook/youtube/Instagram sources) they're unreliable and junk sources

Or did you hear from Chinese officials like PLAAF spokesman/Chinese ministry of Defense or SAC?

We few moderators/think tank and professionals have a direct or indirect relations to PAF personals they did not give the hints that J31 will come that early

Please dude give us the source of information that J31 will come that early ( in Dec 2026)

If you will not give authentic source of information that J31 will come in Dec 2026 we consider your this claim as a conspiracy theory with no evidence

Give the authentic source of your information so we can believe that J31 will come in late 2026, if you @CombatCorner and @Zarvan will not able to give the authentic source we consider this claim as conspiracy theory

Thanks in advance
In China's international diplomacy, China's assistance to Pakistan is the most powerful of all China's diplomatic activities.

China has proposed the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This is a plan that is very beneficial to both China and Pakistan. China has the ability and willingness to reduce China's logistics costs and help Pakistan's economy revitalize through this plan.

However, there are some politicians in Pakistan who are not taking China's help seriously. They remain adamant that Pakistan should abandon China and become dependent on United States. As a result, progress on CPEC has been very slow.

At present, the China-Europe Express, the Central Asian Railway, and the Trans-Asian Railway are all developing rapidly. Pakistan, which has the closest ties to China, has not yet taken action.


I would love to discuss this topic with my friends in Pakistan, but there is no suitable thread. ---------- we're not going to talk about it here, if you're interested, you can reopen a new thread, and I'll talk about it there.
True, our politicians in Pakistan are incompetent and should make initiatives with China more seriously.
I am not a fanboy or cheerleaders for anyone.

I didn't get the logic of your claim - Russian are working from the engines over 70 years.

You just hardly put an engine into the aircrafts and yet it will take time to get take mature about performance, maintenance or other stuffs.

But claiming better than Russian..Claim should back by technically not verbally
Only your supporters can back you on this claim. Thanks

You want technically comparison? Just check WS-15 parameter vs those of AL-41.
It’s time to merge what is technically the same topic on induction.
@Deino @CombatCorner
Suggest you agree to disagree and let time be the judge now

We had J-10Cs appear and PL-15s when timeframes were not sure while the supposed “coming tomorrow” Block-72s, AH-1z and C-130js never showed up.

Time is the ultimate judge of claims
Exactly, we all have our contacts, sources , ideas etc. Sometimes they are spot on and other times they may not be right.
Concord had been flying for over a quarter of century without a mishap and then one crash caused it's retirement. Who knew.
It's a bad idea just shooting in the dark but then acting like some Hitler is also uncalled for. Tomorrow is another day.
Can you please give me the answer of my question?

Did you hear from official source like some PAF high ranking officers who involved in the project or ministry of defense of Pakistan? ( I'm not talking about unreliable source like private pakistani news channels/X (former Twitter)/ Facebook/youtube/Instagram sources) they're unreliable and junk sources

Or did you hear from Chinese officials like PLAAF spokesman/Chinese ministry of Defense or SAC?

We few moderators/think tank and professionals have a direct or indirect relations to PAF personals they did not give the hints that J31 will come that early

Please dude give us the source of information that J31 will come that early ( in Dec 2026)

If you will not give authentic source of information that J31 will come in Dec 2026 we consider your this claim as a conspiracy theory with no evidence

Give the authentic source of your information so we can believe that J31 will come in late 2026, if you @CombatCorner and @Zarvan will not able to give the authentic source we consider this claim as conspiracy theory

Thanks in advance
Do you remember -“Block-72 landing in Pakistan next month!”?

There are amateur hour youtube clickbait “anal-ysts” who are trying to make money by going around regurgitating or making up claims.

BOL news is not some extremely professional news service - after all it has roots with Axact and their fake degrees and thesis writing/cheating services . So I suppose I will think twice on their reporting.

People post here from different levels of connections which can range from being in a R&D industry, to connections at various levels to third or fourth party hearsay.

Within all of that it’s experience and industry knowledge or trends to understand and apply.

The F-16 Block-72 cannot suddenly land in Pakistan without checks and balances in the US and DSCA notifications - meanwhile sweden has less tight rules and can be secretive on who has done deals.

The Chinese -Pakistani relationship is a little different that it does “loop” international arms laws and due to Pakistan’s close alliance and with western systems it gets exposure to Chinese innovations that other countries even if they are customers of Chinese equipment do not.

One of things developed at Lockheed which I saw as more powerful than any aircraft or radar was their ability to full digitally recreate an entire aircraft, fly it in full environment parameters and test systems. That is what allowed NGAD to fly in record time because the aircraft was pretty much living as a digital twin for years before it was built.

It is possible that China has taken note - and has a J-31 flying.

But flying one aircraft versus setting up a production line to get 25-30 out the door every year is a completely different ball game
Exactly, we all have our contacts, sources , ideas etc. Sometimes they are spot on and other times they may not be right.
Concord had been flying for over a quarter of century without a mishap and then one crash caused it's retirement. Who knew.
It's a bad idea just shooting in the dark but then acting like some Hitler is also uncalled for. Tomorrow is another day.
So you and @maverick @Zarvan having just baseless assumptions of induction of J-31 in late 2026, THIS IS CALLED THE CONSPIRACY THEORY WITH NO SOLID EVIDENCE
So you and @maverick @Zarvan having just baseless assumptions of induction of J-31 in late 2026, THIS IS CALLED THE CONSPIRACY THEORY WITH NO SOLID EVIDENCE
Seems what @Oscar is trying to teach you or point out hasn't exactly connected with you .
If you expect everything written and presented to you on a Shenyang headed letter then I'm afraid you are wasting time here.
If I tell you that perhaps a decade earlier, PAF tested an aircraft with some tiles or coatings and flew it up and down the border for perhaps 30 minutes without any reaction from the other side, you being you would most likely ask for pictures, videos, locations, type of aircraft etc.
Well dude, you will never get your answer or wishes fulfilled on the Internet.
Learn to live and go with the flow .

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