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Made in KSA

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The first factory of its kind in the Middle East, a composite material factory for the production of aircraft structures in Saudi Arabia

SAMI launches manufacturing facility to produce composite components​

Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) has announced the launch of its composite manufacturing facility, SAMI Composites.








The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The United Kingdom is open to Saudi participation in the pioneering fighter jet project

A senior British defense source told the Financial Times: “We see Saudi Arabia
As a key partner in the fighter program, we are working to ensure a solid progression as soon as possible."

- It is expected that the Saudi participation will include a significant contribution to engineering expertise

- The program is expected to cost in excess of $91 billion.

But Riyadh's request created discussions in the alliance, as Japan opposed its membership while the United Kingdom and Italy were open to the idea.

Tokyo worries that having a fourth member in the alliance could push back the already tight deadline. The countries aim to develop the aircraft in roughly half the time it took to build the Eurofighter Typhoon, using advanced manufacturing methods and digital tools.

Claysen said talks about Riyadh's bid were taking place at a government level, and BAE was focused on delivering the program on time, although it "supports the UK government in its talks".

In response to a question whether there was a risk that the 2035 date might be postponed in light of Saudi Arabia's request, Claysen said: "Not at all."

British defense officials had previously told the Financial Times that the kingdom was seen as a "key partner" in the GCAP fighter programme. Saudi Arabia could also bring in funds and engineering expertise for the project.

The Japanese Ministry of Defense said in a statement to the "Financial Times" that the door is open for the participation of another country in the "GCAP fighter program."

But on condition that there is no delay in the development schedule. She also said that Japan will make efforts to strengthen defense ties with Saudi Arabia, the country's largest oil supplier. The ministry declined to comment on whether Tokyo would support or oppose the Saudi intervention.

Britain's Ministry of Defense said it was "committed to delivering this world-leading combat aircraft alongside our partners by 2035".

He added that although securing export orders was a major part of the programme, the question of how and if other countries would join became more difficult given the amount of work that had already been done.

"You start to look more at the hierarchy or other mechanisms, where people can have at least observer status, all the way to being a full partner," he said.

Japan's Defense Ministry said the United Kingdom and Italy have stressed the export potential of the GCAP program. They are discussing a review of the country's arms export policy.

Sweden, which launched a joint study with the UK in 2019 to collaborate on a joint program to develop combat aviation, is no longer participating, although Claesen said that does not mean the "door is hermetically closed" to Saab, the country's main defense contractor.


This is an important point. The article says, "Because Saudi Arabia has bought so many defense, IT and artificial intelligence companies, you'd be wrong (feel pain) if you thought Saudi Arabia didn't have the technology.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The Saudi giant is coming...the story of Saudi military industries from A to Z

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Saudi-made artillery and tank ammunition.. and some MK air bombs..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Saudi Arabia is in talks with South Korea to purchase the Cheonggung-2 defense system


Saudi and South Korean government officials announced on Monday that they are in the final stages of talks to conclude major defense deals.

Kim Tae-hyo, deputy director of the National Security Office, at a press conference in Riyadh, emphasized the growing importance of the defense industry in the relationship between the two countries, especially discussions on air defense systems and firepower weapons.

Details of these potential defense deals currently remain confidential. A presidential official revealed that it is in the contract drafting stage, stressing that the size and value of the agreements are large.

He also pointed out that security threats near the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contribute to not disclosing the details of these deals. Disclosing information about weapons systems and their value could affect the ability of other countries to evaluate the quantity of units purchased by Saudi Arabia.

Cheongung-II system

One of the main defense systems being considered is the Cheongong-2 missile defense system, which is designed to intercept air strikes.

“Cheongong-2” is a medium-range surface-to-air defense system (SAM), called the Korean equivalent of the American-made “Patriot” missile defense system, which the UAE has concluded an agreement with Korea to purchase.

It was developed based on the “9M96” missile technology used in the Russian-made “S-350E” and “S-400” missile systems.

One battery consists of four to six 8-cell transport launchers (TELs), a 3D radar, and a passive electronically scanned array (PESA), and can detect targets at a range of 100 km and intercept targets up to an altitude of 15 km at a range of 40 km.

The missiles have anti-electronic warfare capabilities to continue operating, despite the jamming.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Localization of defense industries in Saudi Arabia from within the shielding factory in Riyadh

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Saudi Arabia buying new missile technology from China: Report​


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Raytheon: Saudi Prowess in Supplying Defense Industries Globally​


Tom Laliberty, President of Land Warfare and Air Defense at Raytheon (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Tom Laliberty, President of Land Warfare and Air Defense at Raytheon, unveiled that the company was collaborating with the Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces to explore the potential of introducing new capabilities within the Kingdom, as part of its plans to act as a reliable partner for the Air Defense Forces, as well as its continuous initiatives to modernize and sustain the Patriot air and missile defense system.

These capabilities could include the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) and the Fixed Site-Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System (FS-LIDS).

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Laliberty said that Raytheon was looking forward to integrating these capabilities with the existing Patriot systems.

He pointed to long-range concepts available in the Patriot system, medium-range systems with the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS), in addition to short-range systems for countering unmanned aircraft such as the Fixed Site-Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System (LIDS).

“We seek to provide integration through all of these,” he underlined, adding that his company was working with the Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces on these types of concepts.

- A trusted partner

As part of its plans in Saudi Arabia, Raytheon’s priorities revolve around continuing to serve as a reliable partner for the Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces, and to modernize and maintain the Patriot air and missile defense system, Laliberty remarked.

He stressed his company’s ongoing participation in Saudi Arabia’s plans to localize the military industries sector, referring to the announcement of the manufacture of major parts of the enhanced guidance missiles for the advanced Patriot system, during the works of the World Defense Show in Riyadh last year.

- Localization of the military industry

Regarding the factors that help Saudi Arabia to localize the industry, Laliberty emphasized the importance of Vision 2030, which he said opened the way for a long-term plan that focuses on a wide range of industrial sectors.

“The Kingdom put in place an infrastructure to achieve this vision. For example, the General Authority for Military Industries is one of the agencies that we work closely with to provide opportunities for localization,” he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

Laliberty noted that Raytheon places great importance on resources, as well as companies that possess technical capabilities within their existing operations or wish to invest in capital and knowledge transfer to develop competences in the country.

“There is no doubt that leadership, commitment and desire will ultimately lead to the success of this work,” he stated.

- The Jeddah Factory and the Patriot System

According to Laliberty, the dedicated factory in Jeddah for the local production of Prime Power Units (PPUs) used to power Raytheon’s AN/TPY-2 missile defense radar, which was inaugurated in cooperation with the Zahid Industries, would be a global supplier for Raytheon, not only for Saudi Arabia, stressing that the country has extensive capabilities to become part of the supply chain for defense industries.

“Our experience so far with Zahid Industries in the manufacture of main power units is very positive, as they will work on manufacturing a product that will not only be used in Saudi Arabia, but in our global supply chain,” he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

- Threats to the region

In light of the regional threats observed over the past years, , Raytheon’s senior executive pointed to the “opponent’s use of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, as well as a large number of drones or unmanned systems”, adding that Saudi Arabia possesses the THAAD system, which provides the outer layer of defense for long-range ballistic missiles, in addition to the Patriot missile system, which is a combination of air and missile defense capabilities to counter tactical ballistic missiles, all types of hostile aircraft, cruise missiles, and large drones.

He added that Raytheon has the advanced national surface-to-air missile system (NASAMS), which is characterized by its ability to confront cruise missiles, aircraft and large drones, in addition to the Fixed Site-Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System (LIDS).

“The ability of commanders on the battlefield to detect threats as quickly as possible gives them the greatest amount of time to identify the threats and the means to counter them,” the president of Land Warfare and Air Defense at Raytheon told Asharq Al-Awsat.

- Artificial Intelligence

Asked about artificial intelligence, Laliberty replied that it was an industry that had been around for decades. He explained that some Raytheon products have AI algorithms, and are often designed for a specific purpose.

“I think this is where the future lies, where you use AI as a true decision-making assistant to better help commanders organize battles,” he remarked.

- Riyadh’s World Defense Show

Laliberty confirmed that Raytheon would participate in the World Defense Show next year, through the new brand RTX, which was recently announced through its three subsidiaries, Raytheon, Collins Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney.

“We are looking forward to participating in the exhibition, as we had a wide turnout last year,” he stated.

Regarding coordination between the GCC countries in defense systems, Laliberty said that it was great to see the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council having a dialogue about the systems and capabilities that they need.

He added, however, that it was in the Gulf Sates’ interests not to focus on interoperability, the concept of exchanging systems when needed, which can only happen if countries had the same systems.

He concluded by saying: “There is no doubt that we see strong cooperation between the Gulf countries today, and I believe that there is an urgent need for that.”









The most important points mentioned by Tom Laliberte, head of ground warfare and air defense at Raytheon:

- Work closely with the Saudi Air Defense to continuously develop capabilities..

- Systems will be added to the Saudi Network most likely (NASAMS) and (FS-LIDS)..

- The Saudis are a global supplier of power units for THAAD systems, and work to localize more continues..

- Saudi Arabia manufactures key parts for Patriot missiles and work to localize more continues..

- Saudi Arabia already possesses the THAAD system!!!!!!!!!!!


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The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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South Korea offers Saudi Arabia its participation in developing a fifth or sixth generation fighter



KF-21 Boramai aircraft

South Korean military officials visited Saudi Arabia to discuss and propose joint development of a fifth- or sixth-generation multi-role fighter, according to a report published by the defense magazine Milmag.

In 2023, Saudi Arabia announced its desire to participate in a sixth-generation multi-role fighter development program, known as GCAP (Global Combat Fighter Program), in cooperation with Great Britain, Italy, and Japan.

In order to gain an advantage in developing and exporting new-generation fighter aircraft, South Korea is proposing to countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, especially the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, to cooperate in developing the KF-21 and its successor.

According to the source, the proposed development includes a fifth-generation KF-21 Block 3 fighter and a sixth-generation fighter based on the KF-21.


The KF-21 Block 3 fighter is an upgraded version of the KF-21 Boramai, as it will have a radar cross-section similar to that of the F-35A fighter, and the ability to control unmanned aircraft.

The KF-21 Block 3 development program is expected to begin after tests in the South Korean Air Force after 2026.

Despite the cost of developing the KF-21 Block 3, or sixth generation, fighter, South Korea presented the concept for this initiative while identifying demand from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

According to the magazine, developing the KF-21 Block 3 or a sixth-generation fighter would be very expensive, and South Korea presented the concept of this initiative, and specified its demands from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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“Shalawa Bird,” a locally developed drone with 800 km range, will be displayed for the first time to visitors to the World Defense Exhibition, which begins next Sunday..


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Minesweeper MV-4


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Missiles for warplanes and missiles for military vehicles made in #Saudi Arabia will be displayed to visitors at the World Defense Exhibition 2024, which begins next Sunday.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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#Fourth_Bulletin documents preparations for the World Defense Exhibition...modern military pieces made in #Saudi Arabia, and the Director of Strategic Communication at the Ministry of Defense reveals some of what awaits visitors next Sunday..


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