Myanmar Fires on Bangladeshi Ships Towards Saint Martin

You talk that MAF has 200 or more of high performance well maintained 4th generation aircraft but the reality is that they have just 60.
Even with half their Mig-29s and all of their JF-17s,they can take on then BD Air Force. Did you check their Air Defence systems? How many BD Mig-29s and J-7s would be shot down and how many taken out by dogfights? You don't have the luxury to fight them in an aggressive war. The BD can only fight in a defensive war,protecting vital parts of the country.
Even with half their Mig-29s and all of their JF-17s,they can take on then BD Air Force. Did you check their Air Defence systems? How many BD Mig-29s and J-7s would be shot down and how many taken out by dogfights? You don't have the luxury to fight them in an aggressive war. The BD can only fight in a defensive war,protecting vital parts of the country.

Dude, are you aware that it may take MAF a week or more to neutralise the BAF?

BAF may be small and relatively less advanced but they would still be a factor at the start of any war.

They cannot start bombing if they are not safe from BAF. Those modernised Mig-29s that BAF has are better than anything they have bar the 8 SU-30s as the JF-17s may not even be airworthy after the grounding back at end of 2022.

Who cares about Myanmar air defence systems as BAF will be purely on the defensive and not attacking Myanmar. lol
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BAF may be small and relatively less advanced but they would still be a factor at the start of any war.
Of course they would still be a factor. I'm counting on it. But have you checked the number and models of the MyAF again? Their AD systems?

Dude, are you aware that it may take MAF a week or more to neutralise the BAF?
Why do you say that?
Who cares about Myanmar air defence systems as BAF will be purely on the defensive and not attacking Myanmar.
Ah so you are actually talking about the BAF to be purely on the defensive. That's a different thing then.
J-10CE but not JF-17 for two reasons:

1. China cannot be trusted on Myanmar.
2. Performance is lacking.

Would be better if BAF was equipped with 2 squadrons of European fighters like Eurofighter.

BD needs a mix of western, Chinese and Turkish arms.

Burma has about 100 planes, now not all of them are great but unless you can confront them, even the lesser planes can cause damage

So Euro fighters and J10s would do that, but you would need to start discussions, complete the deal and get training and a timeline for delivery

Then you would need sufficient numbers and the right weapons package to do the job and adequate funds allocated for purchase, training and upkeep

It's crazy this wasn't done years ago
Is it really worth spending billions of dollars on integrating new 4th generation European planes when they will inevitably prove to be a sinkhole for money and no longer be completely superior 10-15 years down the line? At this point BAF may as well fill out the ranks with less expensive JF17s and J10s and wait on the TFX

You talk that MAF has 200 or more of high performance well maintained 4th generation aircraft but the reality is that they have just 60.

Around half of them would be non-operational at any one time due to poor maintenance and storage - there was a report recently that their JF-17s were not in a flyable condition. I have no idea whether the serious issues have been fixed yet.

I also do not have much hope about anything more than 30-50% operational rates for their Mig-29s and Su-30s.

Any war between BD and Myanmar is not going to last more than 1-2 weeks and MAF would need some time to get rid of BAF that still has 8 recently modernised Mig-29s and 40 F-7s that would still need to be taken care of.

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The JF17s are fine, these are ridiculous propaganda and it would be dangerous to underestimate the platform

Pakistan required the plane to be capable of carrying a range of weapons for all scenarios, so if we had any issues with other planes the JF17s were supposed to be able to take the weight of defence, combined with a decent air to air missile then it's effective enough, especially in numbers
The JF17s are fine, these are ridiculous propaganda and it would be dangerous to underestimate the platform

Pakistan required the plane to be capable of carrying a range of weapons for all scenarios, so if we had any issues with other planes the JF17s were supposed to be able to take the weight of defence, combined with a decent air to air missile then it's effective enough, especially in numbers
The problem lies within whether or not Bangladesh would be allowed to use the JF17's as they see fit. Politics could potentially impede on shipments of maintenance materials. I also am not sure how keen on sharing technology/ manufacturing knowledge China and Pakistan would be, which is something important for Bangladesh to focus on
The problem lies within whether or not Bangladesh would be allowed to use the JF17's as they see fit. Politics could potentially impede on shipments of maintenance materials. I also am not sure how keen on sharing technology/ manufacturing knowledge China and Pakistan would be, which is something important for Bangladesh to focus on

Again I'm not sure Bangla would go down this route for various reasons.

But you could go down the China route like Myanmar did or the Pakistan route like Nigeria did

If you go down the Pakistan route, it's Pakistan that guarantees support and parts and weapons

At the moment, Pakistans own Block 3 requirements are fulfilled, although their are talks ongoing with Azerbaijan and Iraq , those are still ongoing so we have the ability to provide a good number of block 3s quickly with no strings attached

Armed with the Sd10 at a minimum and possibly export version of PL15, Pakistan has a variety of ground attack weapons integrated
And is working with Turkey on further air to air etc weapons going forward and a possible future collaboration on the JF17

Considering Bangla is also close to Turkey, it might be something Bangladesh could consider jumping in on

So a J10 or Euro fighter spear tip and JF17 shaft might be a smart idea
Really? What's your population today? 170 plus millions? What was 1967 when I was born? 65 67 millions?


Do you, in general, talk about the unity of Muslims?

No we don't
Yet , in your case it lasted 23 years? No?

Exactly, that's why we learned the lesson. And Bangladesh is a secular Republic today.

For how many years you are talking about the purchase of the airplanes? 15 years? And what has happened? Am I getting it wrong?

Lol, the plan was undertaken in 2019.

Do the majority of the people from Indian Subcontinent are talking how Arabs or Turks or other Muslims are bad ,

No majority don't.

unless or traitors when it comes to Palestine yet, you guy conveniently forgot that you do absolutely nothing even for yourself?

Who told you that?

Since you guys call for the unity of Muslims and doing not much then who is supposed to come and fight for you?

Lol, I told you we don't need you to fight for us. BD's defence budget is roughly 20 bigger than that of your country. I think we will manage ourselves.

Of course if you are threatened, i would come there, I see it as am obligation plus I am experienced.

Don't come, no need.

These are pretty logical conclusions if you disagree then go tomorrow and buy a plan, anyway as I can see , economically you are doing OK Elhamdullilah

Yeah, and the economy will only grow bigger and bigger. And we will continue to move forward no matter how much haters hate it. And our procurement strategy can only be determined by us, not by outsiders.
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No we don't

Exactly, that's why we learned the lesson. And Bangladesh is a secular Republic today.

Lol, the plan was undertaken in 2019.

No majority don't.

Who told you that?

Lol, I told you we don't need you to fight for us. BD's defence budget is roughly 20 bigger than that of your country. I think we will manage ourselves.

Don't come, no need.

Yeah, and the economy will get only bigger and bigger. And we will continue to move forward no matter how much haters hate it.
Any graph you show is OK but from 65 to 172 in 56 years? . You spent 20 x more but there are 100x more of you? No?
Airplanes since 2019? And the economy is bigger and bigger, logical conclusion is that you like money so much that OBVIOUSLY you don't want to spend it. What else it could be then?
Majority what? They are not spitting on the Arabs and Turks? No?
There us even charlatan here who while on the benefits call on the extention of white people? Doesn't he? So he thinks I should be very happy about that? Almost all do that.
Who told me about Rohingiya, are you OK in head. 1 million people were expelled and God knows how many killed, what did you do? Tell me what? Just quietly accept it , that's all.
You are right, why should I cam , there are 170 million of you, us ? Less then 2 million.
As of unity if the Muslims, u like that from you also , I am completely against the unity of the Muslims.
It us for very practical reason, let's say I am a fan of Aliyev. The man retook his territory, avenged his people, made his country strong and fucked France. Yes , because Israel helped him he sells oil yo them but what he can do? Sacrifice his country because, some Pakistani in London is waiting for the racial war?
Bangladesh is unfortunately a weak country, that is something we all must accept. Successive govt have allowed corrupt businessmen and politicians to launder money abroad to buy properties leaving the foreign exchange situation precarious. However the Azerbaijan /Armenia conflict recently has shown cheap drones can help gain air superiority. BD should prioritize purchasing more TB2s or Wing loong drones. These can easily easily infiltrate enemy airspace and training is also cheap
Any graph you show is OK but from 65 to 172 in 56 years?

From 1960 to 2022 the population of Turkey increased from 27.47 million to 84.98 million people.

Turns out Turkey had even larger population boom in the same period.

There us even charlatan here who while on the benefits call on the extention of white people? Doesn't he? So he thinks I should be very happy about that? Almost all do that.

I couldn't care. There are white neo nazies who would like to wipe us out. Doesn't mean I am screaming at every white person I meet because of it.
Bangladesh is unfortunately a weak country, that is something we all must accept. Successive govt have allowed corrupt businessmen and politicians to launder money abroad to buy properties leaving the foreign exchange situation precarious. However the Azerbaijan /Armenia conflict recently has shown cheap drones can help gain air superiority. BD should prioritize purchasing more TB2s or Wing loong drones. These can easily easily infiltrate enemy airspace and training is also cheap
Armenia is a tiny landlocked country with Turkiye as an ally of Azerbaijan sitting next door.... Myanmar is a huge country with dense forests where drone operation will be difficult and not to mention just like Azerbaijan case here we have mammoth China sitting next door as Burma ally who can easily out purchase you by providing drones to Burma.... so don't think that situation will be same like Armenia Azerbaijan war in case of Myanmar and Bangladesh.....
Armenia is a tiny landlocked country with Turkiye as an ally of Azerbaijan sitting next door.... Myanmar is a huge country with dense forests where drone operation will be difficult and not to mention just like Azerbaijan case here we have mammoth China sitting next door as Burma ally who can easily out purchase you by providing drones to Burma.... so don't think that situation will be same like Armenia Azerbaijan war in case of Myanmar and Bangladesh.....
lol not surprised to see a bunch of RSS tr***h responding to my comments. Myanmar is in a civil war. As for China, they sell us weapons as well. They will most likely be neutral or mediate the conflict.
lol not surprised to see a bunch of RSS tr***h responding to my comments. Myanmar is in a civil war. As for China, they sell us weapons as well. They will most likely be neutral or mediate the conflict.
Situation is still very much under control..... media makes a hype if some small border towns fails in the hands of rebels.... this firing on your ship incident alone shows that Situation is still under control.....
Now coming to your drone dream if you think you can defeat a huge landmass like Burma with dense forest then you are deluding yourself....Burma too can bring so many dangerous drones from China in numbers and yes if you think China will give you more importance than Burma then you are in your la la la dreamland..... you should be afraid of MAF taking out your ports, industrial hubs and civil military bases in the very first hours of war.....

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