“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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A huge chunk of the global South is Muslim.

These word games are embarrassing doc, no global grouping of nations has absolute agreement or lack of conflict....durrrr captain obvious 🤡

Look at brics, yet it still exists as a concept and group

Therefore according to you the global South is meaningless as an idea🤔

Btw, it's the global South that mounted the strongest legal defence of Gaza... South Africa, south America.... That takes bravery and conviction, though obviously you cannot stomach this

Bro, we (Hindu India) are the de facto leader of the global south.

Do you consider China as the global south?

Even if you do (I do), we are still the unanimous leader of choice. Because we threaten no one. Help everyone. And are getting bigger, richer, stronger. Not to mention the most populous.

So no. Muslims are not going to be a serious bloc of the global south. Because Muslims are not going to be a bloc. Ever.

Let's not even insult our intelligence and try and argue that.

Yes, the global south is a powerful movement. And the engine of that is India. This was seen clearly during the pandemic. And the Ukraine conflict.

We are part of each and every pact there is that counts. And an integral part.

Be it with the west. Or with Russia. Or even with China.

My point is simple. The global south is no OIC or Islamic body. In actual fact, it is the developing world, much of which has a problem with radical Islam.

Including most importantly the Muslim part of that developing world. Lol

Cheers, Doc
Bro, I would rather be a 99% Hindu blood stock than forsake my ancestry and God and Prophet for that of an Arab invader.
How is having 99% Hindu stock not a clearcut example of forsaking your ancestry? Senile cope. Ancestry isn't about doing shitty roleplay by mimicking rituals you have no attachment to. You're as delusional as the Dalits who think abstaining from beef somehow gets them into the Vedic Aryan club which their ancestors had been denied entry to for hundreds of years by vile bigoted Sanatani scum.
. Hope that explains how Parsis look at you and Iranis.
Ok, and I'm explaining that the rest of the world, based on science and objective facts, sees you as an insecure and confused person, likely because of your mixed ancestry.
Bro, we (Hindu India) are the de facto leader of the global south.
Yet another example of how confused this mixed ancestry mutt is. Rants to Iranians about how they're not practicing their original culture, khud as a Parsi he's pushing some vile alien regressive barbaric slave cult with cow fetishist characteristics. Who the **** does this freak think he is, waxing eloquent all day long on this place about his tainted blood?
As an atheist, I have more connection with my ancestors than any ***** or mixed ***** like @vsdoc. Why should I have attachment to Tanatan? My ancestors weren't Brahmin. Tanatan was imposed on them and once it was replaced with another religion, Tanatanis cruelly tried to genocide our people and expel them from their homeland. That's the history of Tanatan in South Asia. And now that people are waking up to it, you have literal mutt ***** coming out to tell you that you're a RACE TRAITOR LMFAOOOOOOO. What a joke PDF has become letting these freaks regularly come here to promote their nonsense
Bro, we (Hindu India) are the de facto leader of the global south.

Doc, you again purport high ideals in theory, on cyberspace in a forum.

India is a self appointed leader because that's what you circulate in your WhatsApp group, it's a self appointed category and designation, it's literally not in the spirit and essence of the global South to designate a hierarchy of leaders 🤣

Highest caste in the global South. 🤣

In reality.... Substantively

The legal action for Gaza, came from a mobilisation of global South nations, they did not bring in religion, the point of the global South in spirit, in spirit ....is to find common cause against exploitation from the global North, not bring in religious difference, now whatever wedge you want to bring between Muslims and non Muslims I know for sure, that you emotionally and psychologically cannot compute non Muslim countries batting for Gaza in international courts

So you literally have proved my point that current day India and by extension Hindu India is increasingly being understood as collaborating with the global North.
India, the high caste brahmins of the global South valiantly stared down..... The Maldives 🤣
As an atheist, I have more connection with my ancestors than any ***** or mixed ***** like @vsdoc. Why should I have attachment to Tanatan? My ancestors weren't Brahmin. Tanatan was imposed on them and once it was replaced with another religion, Tanatanis cruelly tried to genocide our people and expel them from their homeland. That's the history of Tanatan in South Asia. And now that people are waking up to it, you have literal mutt ***** coming out to tell you that you're a RACE TRAITOR LMFAOOOOOOO. What a joke PDF has become letting these freaks regularly come here to promote their nonsense

Buddhism originated in India we are told, where are they in India?

World population of Christians is 2.2 billion ... of this, 2/3 currently reside in the Global South. And rising. Expected to hit 71% of world Christianity in the Global South by the year 2050.

So 1.5 billion Christians in the Global South.

World population of Muslims is 1.6 billion. Assume ALL of them live in the Global South.

Ok till here?

World population of Hindus (of whom 94% live in India) is a bit more than 1 billion. Assume ALL of them live in the Global South.


World population of Buddhists is 0.5 billion. Of whom more than 50% live in China. Assume ALL of them live in the Global South.


Other faiths (Sikhs, Bahais, Jains, Zoroastrians, etc.) is 0.05 billion. Ok? Let's put all of them in the Global South as well.

The biggest grouping of atheists, other faiths, etc. I am not counting (because they are unlikely to get aggro over faith + they would mostly be in the West).

So ...

1.6 billion Muslims


3 billion Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists.

Hope that clarifies your non data backed nonsense about the Muslim bloc being one of prominence ... EVEN in the Global South.

Cheers, Doc

World population of Christians is 2.2 billion ... of this, 2/3 currently reside in the Global South. And rising. Expected to hit 71% of world Christianity in the Global South by the year 2050.

So 1.5 billion Christians in the Global South.

World population of Muslims is 1.6 billion. Assume ALL of them live in the Global South.

Ok till here?

World population of Hindus (of whom 94% live in India) is a bit more than 1 billion. Assume ALL of them live in the Global South.


World population of Buddhists is 0.5 billion. Of whom more than 50% live in China. Assume ALL of them live in the Global South.


Other faiths (Sikhs, Bahais, Jains, Zoroastrians, etc.) is 0.05 billion. Ok? Let's put all of them in the Global South as well.

The biggest grouping of atheists, other faiths, etc. I am not counting (because they are unlikely to get aggro over faith + they would mostly be in the West).

So ...

1.6 billion Muslims


3 billion Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists.

Hope that clarifies your non data backed nonsense about the Muslim bloc being one of prominence ... EVEN in the Global South.

Cheers, Doc

Sure, talk about being the brahmins of the global South....then string together some high level factoids and imply it means something 🤣

Cartoon like.
In the real world....

@vsdoc ..... You do not understand the global South, or do not wish to if it's not to your liking

Or I am missing Indias leadership here 🤣
Sure, talk about being the brahmins of the global South....then string together some high level factoids and imply it means something 🤣

Cartoon like.

Bhai you were gushing about how big Islam was in the Global South.

I just proved that EVEN if all Muslims were one tight bloc (which they surely are not nor will ever be), they would still only account for a third (at best) of the Global South.

At 1.5 billion and quickly rising , the Christians would cancel you out.

Then that leaves the trump card of you know who. The ones who REALLY love you.

Cheers, Doc
In the real world....

@vsdoc ..... You do not understand the global South, or do not wish to if it's not to your liking

Or I am missing Indias leadership here 🤣

So ONLY 25% of the Global South is activated enough about Gaza to go through some legal route we both know what's going to come of.

41% is doing absolutely NOTHING.

34% are saying let the UN handle it (again, we know what that really means).

So? Self goal? LOL
Bhai you were gushing about how big Islam was in the Global South.

I just proved that EVEN if all Muslims were one tight bloc (which they surely are not nor will ever be), they would still only account for a third (at best) of the Global South.

At 1.5 billion and quickly rising , the Christians would cancel you out.

Then that leaves the trump card of you know who. The ones who REALLY love you.

Cheers, Doc

I never said that the global South is Muslim, I do not mean to say that, I am stating a basic fact that Muslims are by nation a big part of the global South so you cannot carve out a non Muslim global South

That's against the very essence of how a global South is to function

It's a laughable view to bring in civilisational grand perspectives into the global South, as in actually laughable.

As if the south African or Venezuelan Christian considers himself as part of the same bloc of any European Christians 🤣

The Latin American has affinity with the gazan for other reasons, you genuinely seem morally detached from a clear emerging reality
So ONLY 25% of the Global South is activated enough about Gaza to go through some legal route we both know what's going to come of.

41% is doing absolutely NOTHING.

34% are saying let the UN handle it (again, we know what that really means).

So? Self goal? LOL

The brahmins of the global South are sitting in judgement on the efforts of lower castes of the global South, there you go.... The poison has been identified

Carry on, mock away, loudly please😇
I never said that the global South is Muslim, I do not mean to say that, I am stating a basic fact that Muslims are by nation a big part of the global South so you cannot carve out a non Muslim global South

That's against the very essence of how a global South is to function

It's a laughable view to bring in civilisational grand perspectives into the global South, as in actually laughable.

As if the south African or Venezuelan Christian considers himself as part of the same bloc of any European Christians 🤣

The Latin American has affinity with the gazan for other reasons, you genuinely seem morally detached from a clear emerging reality

You do realise you not only scored a self goal, you are now trying to drill the ball through the net?

Of course Venezuela and South Africa are not part of the Global North.

Of course they are Christian. NOT Muslim.

Of course Indonesia is Muslim. As is Bangladesh. 400 million Muslims accounted for there in the Global South.

All of them put together are simply 25% of the Global South.

75% literally do not care.

And this 25% is not all cause support for Muslims. Its ONLY because of the gory Gaza visuals.

The flip side my learned misguided friend is that Muslims are 33% of the Global South.

Yet with two big Christian countries leading the legal campaign, you have only 25% of the Global South.

That means a large chunk of the Muslim Global South simply do not care?

No? Kyun sahi bola na?

Cheers, Doc
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