“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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His treatise on the stages of percentage Muslim population in a country and degrees of aggressive Islamisation was spot on.

Quoted widely to this day.

As I said, a seer. Ahead of his time.

Though a lot of what he said in the west, we in India already knew over centuries.

I have not read this
I read a book called unhitched, a critique on him, great read

Never trust a pompous white liberal who insists on calling you comrade, you guys in India know this too

He also shit talked Edward said, after he died, they were once comrades, or "comrades"
I'm sure people like you said the same to the Jews.

And then Israel happened.

Cheers, Doc

I don't even know Israel. It is an entirely Arab matter.

Israel will always live in fear though. Outnumbered and too small. Israeli existence is always in danger.

Do you believe in replacement theory? Is it true what the white angry men say? Are we going to replace the white folks? Isn't that already a lost fight? 🤔 What plan does the white angry tribe have against invader migrants and Muslims?
Why so angry? I am surprised you aren't pleading the closure of this topic. I guess you have different standards for Hindutvatis.
This word breeding... It's not a regular way to describe things
I don't even know Israel. It is an entirely Arab matter.

Israel will always live in fear though. Outnumbered and too small.

And yet they will destroy half of the Muslim world if pushed.

So so will you.
And yet they will destroy half of the Muslim world if pushed.

So so will you.

What can Israel do? A tiny strip of land that gets all its support from white angry men. Let Israel pick a fight with a country that actually has weapons. You will see what happens to Israel. Israel only knows how to kill babies, kids and innocent people in Gaza. That is your beloved Israel.

You won't get Kashmir. Get that thought out of your skull. We don't live in fear. We have all the necessary equipment and tools to deal with you.

Now answer the question. Are Muslims and migrants replacing white angry folks?
Nobody claimed this. It is a straw man.

He's claiming that his 8 flames on foreign soil are better than the one in Yazd, and for someone who values soil so much then he couldn't more mistaken. Zoroastrians in Iran are mightier than the Parsis, so his hubris is comical.
He's claiming that his 8 flames on foreign soil are better than the one in Yazd, and for someone who values soil so much then he couldn't more mistaken. Zoroastrians in Iran are mightier than the Parsis, so his hubris is comical.
This forum can make you feel like you are part of a tragic comedy, at times.
And yet they will destroy half of the Muslim world if pushed.

So so will you.
On a different note, this is the kind of outburst I want to see from you doc. You don't disappoint at all being a self-proclaimed peaceful Indian Parsi. I want everyone here to see what kind of a peace-loving Parsi you are. Keep going. I know how to touch your sensitive nerves. 🙂
He's claiming that his 8 flames on foreign soil are better than the one in Yazd, and for someone who values soil so much then he couldn't more mistaken. Zoroastrians in Iran are mightier than the Parsis, so his hubris is comical.

The Persian joker has returned.
The Persian joker has returned.

When did you transform into a violent Parsi? Is this a recent development or were you always a closet angry Parsi? I am just curious and I hope you don't get offended by this innocent question.
On a different note, this is the kind of outburst I want to see from you doc. You don't disappoint at all being a self-proclaimed peaceful Indian Parsi. I want everyone here to see what kind of a peace-loving Parsi you are. Keep going. I know how to touch your sensitive nerves. 🙂

I dont know when you joined PDF.

Or what my alias was at the time.

But Ive never been a peaceful Parsi.

Ive never ever pretended to like Muslims.

Ask any old timer of PDF.

The only Muslims in my real world who are close to me are the ones who are not religious remotely.

You should read some of my old posts on Islam and Arabs and Muslims in general from 2009 to 2012 when Jana conspired to get me banned permanently.

Cheers, Doc
I dont know when you joined PDF.

Or what my alias was at the time.

But Ive never been a peaceful Parsi.

Ive never ever pretended to like Muslims.

Ask any old timer of PDF.

The only Muslims in my real world who are close to me are the ones who are not religious remotely.

Cheers, Doc

Nice. Keep going man. 💪 Any other confessions you want to throw out? It is good to know what kind of a Parsi we have in our midst.
This entire thread is so out of touch with reality, its a microcism of certain peoples lives which seem to have obsession with either race or religion or both.
I dont know when you joined PDF.

Or what my alias was at the time.

But Ive never been a peaceful Parsi.

Ive never ever pretended to like Muslims.

Ask any old timer of PDF.

The only Muslims in my real world who are close to me are the ones who are not religious remotely.

You should read some of my old posts on Islam and Arabs and Muslims in general from 2009 to 2012 when Jana conspired to get me banned permanently.

Cheers, Doc

You have disappointed me very very badly. Just like the white angry men in the UK. You desire a lot, but you are weak in execution if I may add.

You don't even answer the questions. Tell me something about the replacement theory. I am all ears.
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